Inside My Head
The Land of Imagination"Let me show you a world you've never seen before. Let me take you on this amazing adventure"
These were the very words you heard before she pulled you in. She gently held your hand and closed your eyes. Placing two fingers in the middle of your forehead, she closes her eyes as a small light shines and expand...we are no longer on Earth. When you open your eyes all you see is a single door standing in front of you. A familiar voice resounds inside your head.
"Go ahead open it. Not everyone gets this opportunity you know. If you turn your back I will return you to where you came from and you'll forget you ever met me. But if you choose to open the door you'll openly be welcomed to a world of wonders. A world that only exist in my mind. So go ahead, fulfill your curiosity, I know you want to. Reach out your hand, turn the knob, and open your eyes. Just see what lays inside." Once the door is opened, you step into a train cart from the 1930's. The train suddenly starts up and speeds down the track. You are forcefully lunged forward onto the floor. "Here we go again" says a distant voice. A sweet laugh fills the air, the click of boots following after it. A hand reaches down and pulls you back up on your feet. Before you stands a beautiful warrior in black, white, and bronze, with a little touch of red. She has dark hazel eyes and flowing, wavy pink hair; her bangs swept to the side. "My name is Iris and I'll be your guide today. You know me as the girl who bought you here. This is one of my many forms. Come look out the window, and see the world that I live in." She turns you to the side and points towards one of the many windows that line the train.
Outside there is the vast blue sky and puffy white clouds. When you look out far and wide there are thousands of floating cities all around us. Each one has its own unique feature; vast green lands, beautiful scenery, sanctuaries for mystical creature, castles, mansions, cities, towns, villages, futuristic, scientific, even the fluffy and cute, and the gloomy and evil. Creatures of all kinds, technology of all kind where whizzing and playing around. It was really a land of imagination. "This world is a collection of thoughts and this train itself runs on these thoughts. Whatever is up here in my head will take form in this world. Not just mines but yours and everyone's too. Each piece of land came from every person that ever step foot in here. Yours is beginning to form right now as we speak. You have complete control over it so let your mind be free and make it something to remember."
She opened the window wide leaning over it. She looks back at you and smile. "There will be other mes coming along for the ride to guide you and show you their own world. We are all different with our own looks and personality. We even have our own identity and name. Have fun for the rest of the ride." she put her feet of the ledge of the window and jumped out. Making a 180 turn as she is free falling she yells back up at you. "The train will take you were you want to go, just don't stop thinking!!!" She salutes to you as she's now out of sight and you are on the ride of your life. Enjoy wink