Whoo hoo! This is my first time writing a journal. Please forgive all off the miss typings. Logged on for the first time last night, and I found out that Gaia towns has a night time setting. The screen is dark and I could catch fireflys, and find some new flowers. Today after aimlessly wandering about in GaiaTowns (guess what my favorite game is) I saw somebody. His/her name is Timothy23, I think. I didn't write it down. Hey I wonder if there is anyway to check to see if that is who I saw. Anyway we had fun catching bugs and now I'm writing in my journal. Why does someone in Quiet Housing need to play their heavy metal loudly at 12 pm? Somehow that doesn't make sense unless a paper is being written. I have Hydrology class today at 1:30 in LH2. Got to remember to bring my book, its really embarasing when one forgets. Who knows, I may post again later today but I doubt it. HiHi to my pal Belkajovi and to Timothy23 (?), love all you Gaia-ers heart