-------------------------------------------prologue -------------------------------------
"this is not happening , it cant be happening , why ? " she looks in to the red eyes of the young man with wild black hair .
"hahaha haha" evil wicked laughter .
"stop it Dargor your not evil, you never were, come back to us we need you " .
"hahaha ... "grins evilly "do you really think a still give a darn thing about you and your companions . then your death wrong . you can all die and rot with the worms for all a care " . he turns his back to them . "you had your chance to convince me the light side was as they said honourable. but your strong Nordic friend and your elf friend over there tell me other wise ".
"Dargor .... you betrayed darkness ones to safe the light remember pleas snap out of it ".
dargor touches his heart thinking back off the times he had become a hero . he had defeated the dark king to safe the lands and its people from a cruel faith worst then death. but then he remembers how the light had treated him. even as he served the forces of evil he had been honourable . he had disagreed with many things his evil king had planned . still that king was his king and he never had know anything ells but the darkness .until that one day when all hope had seam to be lost for the good people . and there captured warriors that wear about to die in a horrible cruel death . something had move in dargor somting had snapped in him , he couldn't take it any more. he couldn't take the hate all the cruel things that had happened, that he had seen . he had ones seen the kindness of the people. his life ones was spared by one of there greatest warriors . back then he did not understand why the warrior had not killed him and had even let him go . until that moment all chanced and then he did understand why that warrior had spared his life . so he had drawn his sword against his king to safe the very same warrior that had shown him kindness that had shown him good .
but then the memory fainted and he remembered another memory a resent one . about the light betraying him . they never wanted dargor to be around they distrusted him . he did not blame them he knew he had to win there trust show them that he had honour and good in him . but then there was that day they had wanted to kill him . dargor had defeated the knights that had wanted to kill him . and told the council of the white phoenix this . but they did not believe him they believed the knights that dargor attacked them that he still was dark and evil .
the wicked smile disappears from his face . "i..... was a different person back then. but not any more. i betrayed darkness for the light, but it betrayed me in return. " he draws his red blade sword with a black hilt in the form of a dragon . "a im what a im elvirani , i cruel vile vicious demon . is it not your words princess amiliana princess of the elf's of the waterfalls aren't that your words ? "
amiliana looks frightened "i did not know lord dargor ....."
"i don't need your apologies and leave or a will kill you all " dargor interrupted amiliana .
"that's all good and all but your coming with us even if a have to deliver you broken and beaten at the council of the white phoenix . and a will do as a was commanded " grimnir the nordic warrior lifted his helm of his head and draws his own broad sword .
"hahaha haha "dargor laughed evil wicked amused "your funeral nordic warrior".
with that grimnir went in to attack swinging his sword down to dargor who blocked it with his own sword the force on the blades made the blade's sing in agony . sparks of heat even sparked of the swords wile they clashed together over and over . until dargor slides over the dirty sand backwards to a stop .
"you forget one thing mighty hero " dargor grins evil.' the sword is not my only weapon . " his free hand a blueish light appears "magic is also one of my gifts "he then sent blue lightnings bolts towards grimnir .
"no dargor don't your a hero as well stop this " elvirani shouted worried that her friend grimnir would end up in a pile of ash .
dargor wicked laughter was still heard within elvirani's shouting or begging towards dargor to stop .
