“Okay baby, I need you to be brave for me and go in here. You can’t make any noise, and don’t come out until someone comes for you.”
Olivia peered inside, noticing strange drawings and words covering the inside of the window seat. “Mama I’m scared.” She whispered as she was lowered inside.
“I know honey, but you have to be brave. I love you so so much.” She planted a kiss on her daughters head, smiling sadly as she replaced the top of the seat, leaving Olivia to clutch her Pikachu in the pitch black.
After a few torturous moments, Olivia thought she heard her father’s muffled voice and then her mothers scream, swiftly followed with the sound of someone falling to the floor.
It was the night of Olivia’s 7th birthday.
And the night her parents were killed.
-10 Years Later-

It didn’t take her long to pull on her uniform which her Aunt had already laid out for her – black skirt, black jumper, white shirt and a stripy tie – and then outline her eyes in think black liner. Olivia grabbed her already packed bag and made her way downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing an apple and kissing her Aunt and Uncle goodbye before she left.
Her black 1967 Ford Mustang pulled up in the school parking lot just in time, although this being on time thing wasn’t going to be a regular occurrence. As she made her way to the main office, Olivia stole glances at the people she passed and it quickly became obvious she was one of a kind, with her thick black eyeliner, facial piercings and biker boots – things didn’t bode well. After a quick induction and meeting with the principal Olivia was left to her own devices to find her first class, Literature. Obviously she was a little bit late, and when she entered the classroom all eyes turned to her.
“Oh! You must be our new student! How exciting! I’m Mrs Stockdale, what’s your name dear?” The teacher was maybe in her forties, and clearly LOVED her job.
“Erm, Olivia Wright.”
“Oh how wonderful! You’ve joined us at such an exciting time Olivia, do take a seat over there.” She motioned to an empty desk near the back. “I’m just about to pair you all up to write a book report together, along with a presentation to the class. It’s just going to be wonderful. Now, as I’ve explained, you will choose a 19th century book between you from the list provided to present. Now, partners!”
When she called out Olivia’s partner, she looked around the room, hoping they would come to her because she obviously had no idea who they were.