These grate my nerves. So much. List will grow on through the years/days.
1: Do you have a boyfriend?
2: Are you single?
3: So when are you getting married?
4: Are you married?
5: Do you have cancer?
6: Are you pregnant?
7: Why are you so quiet?
8: How come you're so shy?
9: How was school?
10: What's your name?
11: Is that an anime?
12: How do you watch anime with subtitles? Isn't that hard?
13: Can I be your friend?
14: Hey where are you from?
15: Are you happy?
16: Why are you so negative? Can't you be positive?
17: Are you sleeping?
18: Can you repeat that?
19: You need to listen.
20: Think positive things!
21: Don't watch that-- it brings so much negative thinking.
22: You need to see/face the consequences.
23: So here's the scoop.
24: Think happy thoughts!
25: You can't talk to me that way.
26: You don't have the right to disagree.
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Reiko's Storybook Log
Everything that has happened and everything that has been received shall be put here...
I also have a story going! So this is where I will put my story~
(Art by an anonymous benefactor emotion_bigheart )