Character Name: Haelvyll Aleanath
Race: Drow
Alignment: Aeria
░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓ Haelvyll • Aleanath ▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░

§ The Basics §
The Amazing Me can also be referred to as:
► Haelvyll
I've been around for say...:
► 246
I won't bother checking, but I'm pretty sure I'm:
► male
I belong to:
► Aeria
I am a(n):
► Tainted Drow elf
On the Inside:
► proud and noble, but never afraid to get into a fight, centuries as a warrior in the never ending Drow clan wars has hardened him both mentally and physically, he is quick to mistrust and slow to accept friends, paranoid but has an almost obsessive need to follow orders that are issued to him. the taint makes him more aggressive and confrontational.
♣ For ♣ Your ♣ Information ♣
An Arsenal On Its Own:
► A two headed flail (seen in character picture)
I have my special talents:
► earth and fire.
Oh please do go on:
► not a particularly adept mage, he uses the elements to buff himself.
breath of the earth, taking the essence of earth into himself increasing his resilience and physical strength tenfold, a mighty blow can knock him out of it as it requires constant concentration.
meteor strike, leaps high into the air and takes the earth into his body to increase his weight dramatically before crashing into the earth like a ballistic missile.
spirit of flame, takes the spirit of fire into himself immolation his body and weapon.
raging soul, the essence of fire fuels his power increasing his strength and speed dramatically, at the cost of rapid loss of energy and eventually life.
Some things are just... Better:
Of course, some things are just the Worst:
You know... it's my tale to tell
the Drow are an under ground race of dark skinned silver haired elves that live in a strict clan based society, the common folk where well used to living in one clans land one weak and another's the next. and despite the heavy warfare few clans where ever wiped out entirely, as well new clans where few and far between, most where sub-sects of the much larger and more powerful clans. war was a way of life and none of the Drow thought anything of it. men in this culture where the lesser gender, all positions of power where held by women and noble males had little to look forwards to other than becoming an ambassador. and peasant males where no better than slaves.
warriors like Haelvyll where slightly better off being grunt warriors in the never ending battles he was the youngest son of a distant cousin of his clans leader not enough to mean anything really Drow lived for centuries and bread like humans families tended to be large, so he was a noble only in name.
Anything else?
► {The Other section. Scars? Deformities? That stuff goes here}
Where do you stand?
► Neutral
I swear I hear them speaking to me:
► Zephyr_infinty

§ The Basics §
The Amazing Me can also be referred to as:
► Haelvyll
I've been around for say...:
► 246
I won't bother checking, but I'm pretty sure I'm:
► male
I belong to:
► Aeria
I am a(n):
► Tainted Drow elf
On the Inside:
► proud and noble, but never afraid to get into a fight, centuries as a warrior in the never ending Drow clan wars has hardened him both mentally and physically, he is quick to mistrust and slow to accept friends, paranoid but has an almost obsessive need to follow orders that are issued to him. the taint makes him more aggressive and confrontational.
♣ For ♣ Your ♣ Information ♣
An Arsenal On Its Own:
► A two headed flail (seen in character picture)
I have my special talents:
► earth and fire.
Oh please do go on:
► not a particularly adept mage, he uses the elements to buff himself.
breath of the earth, taking the essence of earth into himself increasing his resilience and physical strength tenfold, a mighty blow can knock him out of it as it requires constant concentration.
meteor strike, leaps high into the air and takes the earth into his body to increase his weight dramatically before crashing into the earth like a ballistic missile.
spirit of flame, takes the spirit of fire into himself immolation his body and weapon.
raging soul, the essence of fire fuels his power increasing his strength and speed dramatically, at the cost of rapid loss of energy and eventually life.
Some things are just... Better:
- ♥ {Likes, just fill this area, or add/delete extra hearts. At least three please}
Of course, some things are just the Worst:
- × {Dislikes. Do the same thing as the likes only... what your character doesn't like!}
You know... it's my tale to tell
the Drow are an under ground race of dark skinned silver haired elves that live in a strict clan based society, the common folk where well used to living in one clans land one weak and another's the next. and despite the heavy warfare few clans where ever wiped out entirely, as well new clans where few and far between, most where sub-sects of the much larger and more powerful clans. war was a way of life and none of the Drow thought anything of it. men in this culture where the lesser gender, all positions of power where held by women and noble males had little to look forwards to other than becoming an ambassador. and peasant males where no better than slaves.
warriors like Haelvyll where slightly better off being grunt warriors in the never ending battles he was the youngest son of a distant cousin of his clans leader not enough to mean anything really Drow lived for centuries and bread like humans families tended to be large, so he was a noble only in name.
Anything else?
► {The Other section. Scars? Deformities? That stuff goes here}
Where do you stand?
► Neutral
I swear I hear them speaking to me:
► Zephyr_infinty