1 | Daniel Claud Hues
2 | Jayla Annabella Marian
1 | Daniel Claud Hues
2 | Jayla Annabella Marian
X X X|||S A R A H N A L I AX X XF E M A M I NX X X|||
X X X|||S A R A H N A L I AX X XF E M A M I NX X X|||
♘X X X X
| Location • Near Endium, in the woods |
| With • Eiri & Amberleigh |
| (O)ut(O)f(C)hocolate • Writers block. XP |
♘X X X X
| Location • Near Endium, in the woods |
| With • Eiri & Amberleigh |
| (O)ut(O)f(C)hocolate • Writers block. XP |
♘X X X X

Without wanting to leave it behind, Sarahnalia bent over and picked up her long sword. Reversing the grip in her hand so it face behind her, Sarahnalia was able to return the sword into it's sheathe.
| Alanthial Form | ☁ | Alanthial General |
Suicide Salvation
They call me Daniel Claud Hughes
But for right now, I'm The Lieutenant
I think I look good in uniform Daniel
I may be old, but I ain't dead yet. 27
I have to hide my love life to get this job, don't tell. Heterosexual, but don't expect him to be interested
I can just hear the fanfare now... Nothing yet.
I only do this for the money, you should check my resume. Cop
I just used these to take you down! SparkJammer(He carries it as a rifle for long or medium ranges.) SparkSurge"I just love it when they explode."
I may live in Lauren's Forehead
But you can find me at I don't patrol a designated area, but the Metro Area is my default.
What do you mean, I have to work on my conduct?! Daniel is a spontaneous and a very chaotic mess maker for all things, not just for User's and everything in relation. This makes it hard to get a reading off him, for Daniel can overreact to one thing and then not react harshly with something else. One thing is for curtain, he derives some sadistic pleasure in screwing things up for the Circuit.
I'll give you the Hollywood version of my story. With more explosions. Daniel's story starts in the beginning, and it's also where his spontaneous personality begins: his childhood. Back then his family was poor, struggling to make a living and provide for their only child. It didn't help that Daniel's father was a drunk who often beat his mother. As a result Daniel spent most of his time outside in the streets. Being lonely, his spontaneous personality began as an attention defeatist disorder mixed troublemaker, not a surprising thing. It was also this lifestyle that lead him to actually become one of the many JB delinquents that joined the circuit many years later. It was here that Daniel's disorder went through a transformation, much like a butterfly but without the beautiful insect at the end.
It was the Circuit that gave Daniel the improvisation and independent aspect of his character, as well as the lack of care for anybody else or anything else. It was the Circuit that turned Daniel into the chaotic individual that you see today. That personality served him well in the Circuit as you can imagine. He was getting high up there in the Circuit when he got caught. Although happy they caught him, nobody could put aside the fact that betrayal was probably involved(it wasn't proven.)
The case went to court for a conviction but Daniel won an insanity plea and was sent to a mental hospital. After several good long years he was released and almost instantly applied for a job as a cop. His rejection would have stuck had Daniel not gone ahead anyway to stop competitors. Rather than allow him to remain a vigilante, they decided to use him. He has stuck that way ever since, although some have begun to regret it.
I usually don't pray much, but when I do it's for Kanshisha Enzeru
My name tag spells Jayla Annabella Marian
But everybody calls me Jay
Finally! This fifteen minute break. None
This uniform is so drab! Jayla
I've been in this job for 10 years.
I know that there's no loving on the job. Grows! I'm ten years old!
Why won't this play in this store?! Theme Song
The uniform should give it away, but I work at A flower shop helping her grandparents.
I just want to go home! Lauren's Forehead
Do I have an attitude? Jayla has zero tolerance for insolence and can be get very irritable very quickly when this happens, like most people, but faster. Yet, despite what you may think, she gets this quality from her mother, rather than her father, Daniel. From Daniel's side she gets her dark hair, but mostly her kind nature and ability to stick to an idea until it's shot out of the water. But mostly, these qualities back up the curious and enthusiastic youth that is making her way into the world; making her way straight towards her father, the enigma of her life and her latest goal.
How did I manage to make it here? The night Jayla was conceived is a forgotten tale. Or at least forgotten in the mind of the man who made her, who, to say the least, is the last man you would expect to have a child. And that person is none other than The Lieutenant himself. Yes, you heard me correctly, and no it's not impossible for a psycho like him to have a child. In fact, the night that it happened occurred ten years ago in the arms of a pretty girl working in a brothel. The Lieutenant was twenty years old at the time. In a few weeks he would be apprehended by the cops, a fate neither of them thought possible.
A month after that night, that very same woman relocated to a better job, having no choice but to be at that awful brothel in the first place. With a better job getting more money, she was able to afford the food that fed her and her new child. With the assistance of her family who had kept out of touch until she left the brothel, she was able to make less sacrifices and have an easier life(having changed jobs more than once). Jayla was five when they were finally able to afford a house rather than a flimsy apartment.
They have been living in that house ever since.
With only one parent, finding out who her father was had always been an enigma to her. Unfortunately, information hadn't been very forthcoming, but she always got the impression that he wasn't anyone special. For her entire life she never once knew who he was, yet always envisioning who he would be. That was until, one day, the Lieutenant's picture appeared on TV suddenly one day with a report of his latest act. It wasn't the report that did it, but her mothers reaction to the photo. It was one of recognition(granted, she was very shocked to see him), like seeing an old friend or lover. That moment on, Jayla knew then, who her father was.
Why God, why? Kanshisha Enzeru