Name: Vanille Chantilly
Age: 16-18
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus (Penguin)
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair color/style: Dark brown/Short/Curly with straight cut bangs
Eye color: Blue
Sexuality: Demisexual
Weapon: Parasol with hidden harpoon in the handle. Able to shoot long ranges with a sharp pointed hook like blade. Parasol in general doubles as a shield and is made of a durable fabric.
Semblance: Ability to form frost at feet. Primarily used to enhance speed.
Animal traits: Hidden feathery tail. Uses feathery hair clips to deter attention from the tail.
Personality: Princess like and prideful, Vanille is prone to anger. She is often childish and clumsy which leads to a lot of whining. She seems driven into battle by her temper and once she's on the attack it takes a lot to force her to retreat and she often will fight until exhaustion.
Entitled and possessive she takes what she considers hers seriously and will defend it with her life. She seems to be a bit sadistic but can be sweet natured if befriended.
Despite an abrasive personality around strangers she tends to self conscious and reserved if not clingy to the person she takes with her. Vanille dislikes being left alone and will latch herself onto someone if she feels intimidated.
Likes: The cold, sweets, tight family/friendships, soft colors, lace, lolita clothing and tea.
Dislikes: Spicy foods, coffee, being left alone, people taking what is hers, warm weather & nosy people