Hello, I'm Tora and this is my gaia Journal... If you have any questions reguarding the title, please read further.
Alright, so I know this guy named Jon, and he can be nice, but he can also be a pain in the a**. Ya, so today he shoved this kid and somebody said, "That's not nice Jon!"
So I said, "Yeah, thats not nice!" (As a joke)
This is what happened:
Jon: Just shut up
Me: I dont want to
Jon: Well, you'rwe going to
Jon: *Starts to say something to his friend, (the scapegoat) Brandon*
Me: Fine *Pulls a piece of gum outof my mouth and sticks it to his head*
Jon: 0.0 What was tha- HOLY s**t I AM GOING TO KILL HER!
Thats when I ran XD
He cahsed me all the way down the hall, to my homeroom and chucked some s**t at me. IT was really funny because this one guy, Garret, followed us into the room, and Jon was like, "Stop her!"
Garret: What does she have
Jon: Just stop her
Garet: Ok...
Jon: *Chucks something at me, like paper or white out, who knows.*
And that was the highlight of my day! Pretty sad huh?
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