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Story time
The Shortest Road
"The Guild" S.2 E.2 "The Shortest Road"

The sky was a dark grey, the clouds heavy and low to the ground. The grass on the sides of the road was covered in glistening dew and all was quiet except for the sound of hoof beats on the dirt road. The sun was partially up and a light breeze began to stir. Princess Noretaku, Lady Chern and Ser Taljic road quietly. Chern road next to Noretaku and Taljic was right behind them. They had been riding for a few days, stopping every once in a while to rest.

Noretaku sighed and looked up at the sky.

"This is my second favorite time of day." She said in a dreamy tone.

"Second favorite?" Asked Chern who stopped checking her map for a moment to listen to the Princess.

"Yes...early morning..around two or three is my favorite...it's dark and quiet and I feel alone but not lonely if that makes sense."

"I know that feeling." Said Taljic who was chewing on a piece of long grass.

"What do you like about this time of day?" Chern asked.

"Well, I like the quiet mostly, and the colors..." Noretaku looked around. "Well, on cloudy days like this I suppose it's not very colorful...although i do enjoy the color grey. I like the heaviness of it all...it's like what my mind feels like sometimes...heavy and clouded but more...comfortable...I'm sorry I know I'm not making any sense."

"I think it makes perfect sense Princess." Said Taljic pulling a knife from his jacket pocket.

"Well thank y-" Noretaku was interrupted by a sound of something flying through the air. Then there was a soft thud and a short grunting sound. Chern and Noretaku jumped at the sound.

"Rabbit." Said Taljic jumping off of his horse to retrieve the tiny critter. He held it up by the feet and removed the knife. "I figured I'd try and get something since we're running a bit short..."

"Thank you Taljic, nice shot by the way." Said Chern.

"Yes thank you." Said Noretaku staring into the distance. "It worries me...we have seen hardly any animals in days and no people....you'd think we would've at least come across an abandoned building or a traveler of some kind."

"Hmmm...you're right....let's stop for a moment and I'll take a look." Taljic found a tree with a low hanging branch and tied his horse to it.. Chern dismounted and tied up her horse and Noretaku was about to but Chern held up her hand.

"Wait milady...let Taljic check out the immediate area, if there is trouble you should get out of here."

"Friend Chern, I am sure I can take care of myself." Noretaku protested.

"Yes I know but it's for your own good."

"Very well." The Princess sighed. "If it will ease your mind...Bloodbane and I will keep watch."

Taljic closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again but there was no change so he did it again but to no affect. He did it once more. "Come on...please......we had a bargain." He cringed for a moment and then opened his eyes. A bright orange began to replace the silver color of his left eye. He looked left then right and left again and stopped when his gaze fell upon the forest beside the road. He put a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"There is a strong presence of fallen in this area." He cocked his head to the side in a quick, eerie motion. "Wait...here." He walked into the woods and was enveloped in shadow. Noretaku called after him but he didn't answer.

"I'm sure he's alright Princess....Taljic is very resourceful." Chern said in a flat voice.

"If you say so....." Noretaku sounded frustrated.

Many minutes passed and the girls began to get restless.

"...If he isn't back in ten minutes...." Noretaku was getting antsy.

"Now, now Princess....let's eat lunch and if he isn't back by then we will go after him."

"...Fine." The girls unpacked some plates, silverware and gathered some tinder for a small fire. They began cooking the rabbit and soon the smell of cooked meat was filling the air.

"I bet you're used to dining on Quail and sweet meats...have you ever had rabbit? Asked Chern taking the rabbit off of the fire.

"No." Noretaku said flatly.

"Have you ever had snake...or turtle?"


"Are you even listening to me?"

"No." Noretaku was staring at the spot where Taljic had entered the woods. Chern waved a hand in front of her face and Noretaku shook her head. "I'm sorry...I just can't help but worry...honestly if you were in there I'd be even more worried..."

"Oh thanks." Chern snorted.

"It's not because you are a girl or anything, I know you can fend for yourself but...you've given me...the most friendship I think I've ever known and I haven't even known you that long...I wish I would have met you a long time ago Chern." She looked into the flames. "I know I can be awkward...I'm not used to having people with me that I can be myself around...well...not really...I don't know who "myself" is."

"I know what you mean Nore...I've felt that way before and don't worry about it, I like having you here too and you'll get used to it in time."

"Thank you." Noretaku smiled and Chern hugged her tightly.

"You'll have to get used to these too!" Both girls laughed.

"Well, let's eat." Said Noretaku. "Let's save the biggest parts for Taljic."

"You know he'd want us to eat the whole thing...he's got that need to provide for us I guess because we're women and he's a soldier." The girls laughed again.

Noretaku and Chern raised their forks to their lips and were each about to take a bite when there was a loud rustling from the woods and then a loud yell.

"DON'T EAT THAT!" Taljic yelled. he rushed out of the woods and straight for the girls knocking the plates out of their hands. Pieces of rabbit flew everywhere and cutlery fell to the ground.

"What is it, what's going on?!" Noretaku asked. Both girls got to their feet.

Taljic who was breathing heavy, flipped his coat behind him and stamped out the fire.

"Get down and stay quiet." Taljic put a hand on one of each girl's shoulders and lightly pushed them down so that they were all in a crouching position. "Look." He picked up a fork and stabbed one of the larger scattered pieces of rabbit and placed it on the spot where the fire had been. "Watch." He waved a hand over the rabbit and suddenly a strange black substance, oozed from it and dissipated in a cloud of mist.

"A fallen?" Asked Chern. "Inside of a little bunny?"

"Not a fallen...." Said Taljic. "A fallen's essence...it is strong here...too strong as if the whole area is contaminated. The animals in the forest...they all have an...eerie look about them...I can feel it getting stronger...as if it's coming toward us."

The moment he said this there were three distinct thuds. The group turned around to see each of their horses collapsed on the ground.They were still and not breathing. Noretaku walked quickly over to her horse.

"Bloodbane....?" She called. "Oh Bloodbane....not you too...." Her voice sounded weak and she fell silent for a few moments with her hand rested on the beast's mane. When she spoke again her voice was steady and demanding.

"We have to go....now." She whispered signaling to Taljic and Chern. They all gathered their things and started down the road on foot. "Stay quiet and don't make any sudden movements...I don't know how far this...presence reaches but it's best we find this "scholar" as soon as possible." Taljic and Chern both nodded in agreement.

"He can't be far...he wasn't where I thought he would be but like I showed you on the map, he has to be somewhere in this general area though now I fear for his safety." Said Taljic pulling the map from his pack. "It's hard to tell...but I think we should keep on this road until we come to a fork..then we should take a....left. Taljic's stomach growled.

"Oh no...you haven't eaten...here." Said Noretaku quietly. She searched through one of her satchels and found her last biscuit. She held it out to Taljic but he pushed it away. "Taljic..."

"Keep it Princess, you need your strength."

"Taljic, we haven't seen a town in days...and if all of these animals are corrupted, there is no use hunting any of them. You have been acting as our protector...if you don't eat, you'll become weak and then who will defend us?"

"You know very well you are capable of defending yourself Princess...very well if it means we can move forward." Noretaku held the biscuit out to him again and he took it reluctantly. He held it up, split it in two and ate one half giving the other back to the Princess.

"That is for you and only you if things do not improve." He said flatly.

"Yes Messere."

They continued down the road for about an hour when they came to a fork.. A heavy grey fog had settled all around.

"Which way was it again Taljic?" Asked Noretaku. She looked down both paths. The path on the right was so dark she couldn't see far at all and the path on the left was less foggy and looked more inviting.

"Left." He said.

"He is lying to you." Said Abyssma abruptly.

"Shut up you b***h." Taljic said.

"He wishes to lose you in the fog...to keep you away from the scholar." Abyssma walked toward Taljic and placed a hand on his cheek softly. Taljic took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Show yourself Cerebrian."

There was a brief silence before Taljic spoke in a voice that was not his own. "Very well Vicaria my love."

Taljic stiffened and the gas-like substance everyone had seen so many times before erupted from his chest. His body went limp and he fell to the ground unconscious. Although Noretaku was concerned for him she kept watching. The substance formed a cloud and then turned orange and took the shape of a small boy.

"Your true form Cerberian." Abyssma or Vicaria now, demanded of the little boy.

"Very well..you show me yours, I'll show you mine." He said grinning. Vicaria nodded. The substance erupted from Chern's chest as well and shaped itself into the form a a beautiful winged woman with hair the color of darkness, so long that it covered her naked body. Her eyes and wings were even blacker than her hair. Chern too fell to the ground unconscious.

"Ah..perfection." Said Cerebrian. He began to grow until he had tripled in size. Muscles tore through his child clothes. He was bald but Noretaku watched in amazement as three large horns burst through the top of his head. He was a colossus. He reached down with one giant hand and touched Vicaria's cheek but she turned away from him. A look of anger appeared on his face. "You leave me for these mortals?"

"I was never yours...I do what I wish....these mortals...they are not all insufferable...these three have opened my eyes to that fact."

"You betray your own kind?" Fire erupted from Cerebrian's eyes.

"Are we not all traitors!?" Tears of blood ran down Vicaria's cheeks.

The fire in his eyes died down and Cerebrian turned away. "Very well...I will spare them this once only because of you...this is your last chance to come with me...I will go and join Waldirome...the Red."

"Father...." Noretaku understood. This Waldirome must be the fallen that had been using King Avan as it's host.

"I will not come with you...I will help the mortals...." Vicaria sounded unsure.

"Then the next time I see you, I will kill you all." Cerebrian sounded as if he were weakening. He began to walk away.

"Will you at least restore this mortal to his previous state?" Vicaria knelt beside Taljic. "You must honor your side of the bargain."

Cerebrian growled. "Very well." He came back and picked Taljic's limp body up by the collar and held him close to his face. He opened his mouth and a bright orange light came out of it and enveloped Taljic who awoke and stiffened at the sight of the large fallen.

Cerebrian dropped Taljic who surprisingly landed on his feet and immediately drew his blade, holding his arm out as if to shield the Princess from harm.

"...Taljic?" She called.

"You are weak without a host fallen...I could kill you now...but I will spare you...for now....leave." Taljic said to Cerebrian. The fallen growled and looked down at Taljic before dissipating. Taljic's left eye immediately turned it's bright orange and he scanned the area to make sure the beast had gone. Once he was sure he turned toward Vicaria. "Out of my sight." He demanded. Vicaria returned to her cloud-like form and dissolved back into Chern who began to move. Taljic sheathed his blade, turned toward the Princess and just stared.

"Taljic?" She called taking a step toward him. "Taljic?" He didn't answer so she stepped closer. His left eye was still glowing and he had an eerie look on his face. Noretaku called to him again and placed a concerned hand on the side of his face. He closed his eyes and placed a hand over hers. He opened his eyes again and they were both their deep silver.

"I am alright Princess." He took her other hand in his and held them both tightly. "Did they hurt you?"

"N..no...but Chern.." Noretaku turned to see Chern standing behind her rubbing her temples.

"Uuuuuugh my head...what happened."

Taljic stared at the Princess again.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that Messere?" Noretaku felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Oh...I'm sorry." Taljic let go of her hands and blinked a few times. "It's just that...my mind feels so clear now....it's as if I am seeing you two for the first time." He looked at Noretaku then at Chern, then back at Noretaku. "Hempnode was right...you are beautiful....you too Chern."

Noretaku blanched and Chern blushed.

"I don't know exactly what just happened...but shut up Taljic!" Taljic shook his head.

"I'm sorry....I don't know what came over me." He looked embarrassed.

Chern walked over to stand between Taljic and Noretaku. "What happened?"

Noretaku went into great detail about the events that had just taken place. Taljic expressed that this meant things were worse than they thought and that they needed to find the scholar as fast as possible. Chern spoke internally with Vicaria and eventually convinced her to come out and explain herself.

Taljic lit a fire and they all sat around it. Vicaria sat very close to Chern, her wings wrapped around her tightly.

"We weren't always so bad..." Said Vicaria, twirling a misty piece of black hair with her finger. "Before we were...banished from our home by the circle of makers...our mothers and fathers...we were happy...we lived similarly to you...we had many of the same customs...one of those was marriage...."

"Aren't you all related?" Taljic asked curiously.

"We speak of things your human mind will never comprehend." She replied. "No offense..." She leaned forward and ran a hand through the fire. She did not flinch nor call out in pain. "It was arranged for me to marry Cerebrian...he is one of the strongest males among us so he had his choice of which female to take for his mate...."

"You did not wish to marry him?" Asked Noretaku.

"He was a brute....hungry for power and too ambitious for his own good."

"Hmph...men." Chern shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey." Said Taljic. Vicaria chuckled.

"They are not all that bad." She nodded toward Taljic. "This one has heart...I'd forgotten what that was like...I apologize for my previous...coldness...we are creatures of passion whether for better or for worse."

"...It's...alright." Taljic still sounded slightly apprehensive of this fallen. He rubbed his temple. "So...he's really gone...but I can still feel the power though...it's...weaker."

"Yes...I reminded Cerebrian of his bargain with you, all of the power he taught you, you kept. Unfortunately for him, this has put him in an even weaker state than just being outside of a host."

"Why are you so weak when you are...outside of me?" Asked Chern.

"I do not know...I used to have such power...I used to soar through the Heavens..." Her wings shifted weakly. "When I am out here...I become so tired and hazy but with you..." She looked into Chern's eyes. "I am sorry for deceiving you...I chose you because you could fight...I saw that in you and you share my anger about men and their selfish ways...."

"What about Mania?" Asked Chern. "She isn't talking to me."

"Mania....oh you mean Deliah...that is her real name." She looked deeper into Chern's eyes. "I do not know what her motives are yet but I wouldn't take her too seriously...you called her Mania?"

"Noretaku thought of it." Said Chern.

"I thought that it would suffice since she is so...lively all the time." Noretaku shrugged.

"Tis a fitting name...perhaps dementia would have been a better one." She giggled. "You chose the name because it fit her personality, this is similar to how our names are chosen."

"You choose names based on personality, but how can you know before birth?" Asked Taljic.

"We do not, we are not named for many years after our birth when we have begun to show our "true colors" as you humans say. Our names are usually similar to words that describe our personality such as Deliah which is a play on the words delirious and dementia. My name, Vicaria is similar to the word vicarious."

"I think I get it." Said Chern. "So Taljic would be something like Idiocritus?"

"Hey!" Said Taljic. Vicaria laughed in amusement.

"No....Shadow fits you Ser Taljic....that is what your late friend called you no?"

"Yes...it is..."

"Do not be sad, a nickname such as the one that man gave you is a sign of friendship and respect. As for you mistress Chern, I would call you Daria because you are daring and brave."

"What about Nore?" Asked Chern.

Noretaku blushed bright pink.

"Oh no, that's alright." She said.

"Eliectira." Vicaria said as if in awe.

"What does it mean?" Asked the Princess.

"That is a secret." Vicaria touched a finger to her lips and winked at Noretaku. "For now...I am exhausted."

"Well...come back in I suppose?" suggested Chern.

"Actually...my curiosity is getting the better of me...I have to ask..." She stared longingly at Noretaku like a small child wishing for sweets.

Noretaku looked at her apprehensively.

"You wish to...enter my mind?" She asked.

"Just for a little while? I'll return to Chern once we have found your Scholar you have my word...it would be nice not to have to share with Deliah for a while...especially since I am not at all sure about her at the moment..."

"Princess...I am not sure about this..." Taljic said. His fingers twitched next to the hilt of his sword."

"It is a valid request Messere Taljic." Noretaku stood. "How do we...do this?"

Chern piped up. "This may feel a little strange since it's your first time and all...you may feel really happy for an hour or so."

"Happy?" Taljic chortled. "It was hell for me..."

"Indeed..."Vicaria looked down at the ground and then back at Noretaku. "You will feel at least one of four things...."

"What things...?" Noretaku sounded cautious but not frightened.

"Some feel pain...others euphoria, some feel nothing at all."

"That was only three." Noretaku raised an eyebrow and squared her shoulders."

"Yes, what's the fourth?" Taljic asked also raising an eyebrow.

"...Well...there is a slight chance that it may feel....erotic....especially since I want to infuse you with my full power."

Chern gasped, Taljic grunted and Noretaku simply stood staring at Vicaria.

"Very well, let us get it over with." She spoke in a flat voice.

Vicaria unfolded her wings and approached Noretaku. She embraced her softly and the others could hear a sharp intake of breath from the Princess.

Vicaria's body began to dissolve into Noretaku slowly. The Princess shuddered. Vicaria looked into her eyes.

"A full infusion will only work if you relax." She said softly. The Princess clenched her fists.

"Are you alright Princess?" Taljic stood and began to move towards them but Chern stood and held an arm against her chest to block him.

"She'll be fine."

The Princess was still having a hard time relaxing.

"Here..." Vicaria brought a misty hand to Noretaku's face and lifted her chin until their lips met then wrapped her wings tightly around her. Soon she had dissolved entirely into the Princess who stood very still with her eyes closed.

"Prin....cess?" Called Taljic.

Noretaku held up a finger as if to say, "One moment." Black markings appeared on her skin and began to spread until her whole body was pitch black. Noretaku just kept standing there as if she was completely unaffected.

The blackness was gone as quickly as it had come.

"There....wow...what a unique personality..." Said Vicaria's voice coming from Noretaku's mouth.

"Is she...alright?" Asked Chern.

So many locked thoughts..."

"Vicaria!" Shouted Taljic.

"Oh yes...I apologize...there is just so much to explore in here. Yes, yes she is alright although...her reaction was a bit strange....here." Noretaku's head snapped back. Her left eye which had been a bright blue was now black as pitch.

"Noretaku?" Taljic called.


"Are you alright?"

Noretaku nodded her head.

"I am I just...that was...strange."

"Strange? What did you feel?" Asked Chern.

Noretaku blanched.


"Oh really?" Chern raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Sure."

"I didn't feel anything...."

"It's alright Princess...perhaps we should...ahem." Taljic coughed. "Move on?"

"Yes...let's do that." Noretaku touched her temple. "Alright Vicaria...which way should we go?" There was a pause. Noretaku turned and started down the path to the right.

Chern followed behind her tossing and catching one of her daggers. Taljic stood still for a moment then shrugged his shoulders. He stamped out the fire and followed as well. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and when he opened them, an orange glow shone bright and illuminated the path ahead.

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