Subject use to be "Is it really you" but as I wrote, I decided to call it God Damn because yeah..Happy Reading. For some reason I can write on a gaia journal but I can't write irl. It's either because I'm lazy, I don't feel like writing, I forget, procrastinate, some other lame excuse, whatever. I don't even know who reads these besides myself millions of times. There's just something about these journals that make me want to continue writing more. I'm sure it's the memories that I've written about that give me an urge to write more so I don't forget them in the future, and to look back at how I acted and spoke at this age. Let's just say that currently, my favorite word that I repeat so many times in a day is "God damn." God damn Tyler is a big flirt but he has a girlfriend and he confuses me and s**t is weird. God damn Mica needs to give me AND ALL THE OTHER GIRLS HE TOUCHES AND FLIRTS WITH personal space. He ******** lifted me and carried me around the school like WHO THE ******** DOES THAT. God damn Joel needs to stop ******** with girls because it's ******** rude and I know he knows that girls won't do anything because we just can't or because we're too weak to defend ourselves. You're a ******** senior, learn some respect. God Damn Emily needs to get her s**t together when she talks to William because she always ends up leaving and not speaking to him until she feels super guilty or until she feels like talking to him again. God damn Revon needs to come to the US because the time difference sucks and I wish I could talk to him without worrying about when he's going to sleep. God damn Nick needs to get THE ******** OUT OF MY SIGHT BECAUSE I WANT TO PUNCH HIS FACE BUT ALSO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM AND HE MAKES MY HEART FEEL WEIRD ******** BEING AN EMOTIONAL TEENAGER. God damn Emily needs to get over Nick because he doesn't love you and he's not yours anymore. Also you need to stop getting jealous of the girls he talks to and how happy he looks without you. God damn I wish that special someone would just pop up in front of my face so I can fall for them and move on and be happy again and regain my fixed heart. God damn high school is not the place to fall in love. God damn I need to wake up early for my modeling/acting classes tomorrow... God damn God Damn GOD DAMN GOD DAMN GOD DAAAMNNN DFOPWDFHBJSOFBGENW NOBKOV;GLJFOV AVEUOW ok.. All I want in my life is love. I'd give up so much just to have love. I'd give up all of my clothes to have love. I'll give up all my technology. All of my artwork. All of my journals. THESE ALL MEAN THE WORLD TO ME I WANT LOVE SO BADLY ;____; Idk if I just get lonely or what, but I just want to be held and kissed and told that I'm cared for and loved and just ahh.. Still suffering from a broken heart.. Can't even enjoy Winter because of it. I'm getting better though... When will you realize that this is just a phase..? here have music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjcvUk8NsuA
Realizes she likes flowers more than boys