Title: Biki Boko Claymore
Juli: Biki biki biki!
Shane: Boko boko boko!
Juli: Baki baki baki!
Juli: Fwoosh, *****. Fwoosh. All the bitches hear me sploosh.
Gaki gaki gaki. They see me I'm a jockey. Bitches mad jelly, gishi gishi gishi.
Shane: Guga. Gugaa. Guuuuuu gaaaaaaa
Niggas just mad, cuz I ain't take they fwoosh. You know, Priscilla may be OP, but I'll nuke the ***** befo' she can boko at me.
Juli: Ooh Shane you're so cool, boko biki I love you. I am such a fangirl, gishi love me too.
Shane: Boko boko boko, shut up and sing the beats.
Juli: Baki baki baki, Hamlet wet the sheets.
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