Miss me?
I recently turned 15... gosh... it feels like a month was skipped, I don't really feel 15 yet... and whoa, school just ended today. Is it me or is time speeding up? Its scary... I mean, I swear it was just the beginning of the 2nd Semester of school yesterday... wow. O.o Anyway, I never thought of myself saying this, but I think I'm actually going to miss school. I mean, going to highschool is a huge-step and I don't feel 100% ready for it yet. Well, I have 2 months ahead of me, so why worry now? I've got a long time before going back to the prison of education, lol.
Well, I haven't really physically changed much from the old me, except maybe my hair-length, oh and my height by maybe a few inches as well. Even to this day I still haven't gotten the chance to dye my hair... its really bugging me since I'm so bored of my hair color and its plainess.
I've matured a lot mentally as well, I've become smarter and more skilled as a writer if you ask me or refer to a few others at that. One of many good examples to prove my statement: I'm no longer a "goth/gothic," so y'all can relax. I mean it was fun and all, but I've realized things in the process of my mind's growth in knowledge and from my own heart. I've realized the meaning of being yourself; and to be truthful, have found all these cliques deep down... really annoying. I don't need a label to show some ******** who I truly am, thats what I have to say. I'm my own self now, and I dress however I please thank you. I do although have some so-called "gothic-interests" I suppose since many know me as a dark person still and believe me to still be one. Like I said, I'll like whatever the ******** I want to and wear whatever I wish to either way.
To change the subject even more, AFI's new album is coming out really soon. I can't wait! My ears are gonna orgasm... if thats even possible.
Well, its nice I finally got back to writing in this journal of mine. I hope people still look at it to this day, that would be nice. ^_^ Well, thats all I have to say for now... 'til next time people!
P.S. More updates will be made to my journal soon... including pictures... so try to contain yourselves.
[desolatedemise] · Thu May 25, 2006 @ 12:10am · 0 Comments |