Sam's Personal Hall of Fame!
Hey guys! whee
This journal is an entry dedicated to some of my personal favorite avatars. No! I'm not talking about my avatars. I'm talking about avatars that I find around the site that catch my eye. Style is the key here. ATer or not, if I love your avatar (yes, love is a strong word in this case) then I'll post it here. As always, I'll notify you to make sure that it's alright if I save your avatar and post it on this list. It's perfectly alright if you don't want me copying the avatar for all to see, but c'mon. You can't resist Sam's HOF. wink
This list will fill up slowly. I don't add every avatar that I like. Just because you recieved a high rate from me or whatever, doesn't mean you'll land a spot in my HOF. These are the avatars that've piqued my interest, not ones that recieve big numbers. You dig? 3nodding
Then let's get started:

Balo - This is a perfect example of a clean, slick avatar. It doesn't have a single color/pattern hiccup, and everything flows way too well together! Hence the 'clean' comment. There really isn't a single thing unpleasing to the eye about this sucker, and it's easily one of my favorite badass-esque avatars ever. And no, that ain't poser badass. This avatar is badass as badass can be badass.

Chocobo Infection/Jedi Calix/Vex Vampirious - Whatever you want to call him, he makes some spiffy avatars. This has always been a personal favorite of mine, and I'm always happy to see him switching back to it every now and then. The fact that he added brown to the usual red/black/white combo adds an extra bit of flair to it, and definately gives it a new and fresh feel.

Lite-Brite - This chick is known for her crazy glitch-happy avatars, she is in her prime. She always uses her glitches to her advantage, giving herself new and unique layering opporitunities with every avatar hiccup she can find. Who knew that the Trap Jaw and part of an Olympics Shirt would layer over a Flower Bouquet?

Sir Lunchbox - Such an awesome avatar! Lunchable shows off his crazy layer-happy skills near perfectly, and it never ceases to amaze me how he continues to pull off stuff like this! He even made his face flawlessly blend in with the rest of avatar, something that is increasingly hard to acomplish, given the amount of layering and colors he has put into this.

Teh Sminkler - This avatar is very, very appealing. She doesn't do anything overly drastic layer-wise, but rather creates an avatar so overly simplistic, that it's kind of hard not to like how it looks. The pointyness of her black items give off a nice jaggedy texture around her, and she further proves the point that people should never be afraid of throwing in random colors into the mix of an otherwise boring color palette.

Sir Lunchbox - I mentioned that he was layer-happy, right? This is definately one of my absolute favorite pieces of work by him, and for obvious reasons. He did a fantastic job dispursing the rather spazzy colors equally throughout the avatar, and the fact that he did so using so many unique and interesting items only adds to it's appeal.

DrunkenStyle - Being a FLCL fan, it's great to see someone make a Lord Canti cosplay. But damn, DS pulls it off soooo well! Sure, it could use a Halo, but I don't really think that he has one of those just lying around in his inventory.... What's good about this avatar, is that it is not only a top-notch cosplay, but an excellent stand-alone avatar as well, able to hold it's own even without the existence of the cosplayed character!

-Mozzetti- - I really don't know what to say about this one. He mixes in a lot of very interesting items that would otherwise look completely awkward if they weren't all mashed together in such a way. I'm loving the fact that he's mixed in so many muddy colors alongside the subtle blues, which results in a completely varied, fresh, and original avatar that you just don't see all that often.
Keep 'em coming, kiddies!
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