The sun began to dip toward the horizon again before Rose's eyes opened once more. A whole day and a half had passed in between. She felt weak in many ways. She was not injured from the events at the WTGR; the dragon had healed her of that. But the magical side effects of what she had done had temporarily drained her of her strength. And it had also done something remarkable...
Getting up, rose felt better again. Her head no longer throbbed, and she only felt a little stiff. She flapped her wings tentatively, and they lifted her easily. Went to the side of the cave, and pulled out her wand. Saying a rather difficult spell over a stick, she carefully dug a hole for it in the ground, and buried almost half of it in the soil. Finishing, she smiled. The dragon's cave would soon have a flourishing blue rose bush. It was the least she could do, even if the dragon was not Dragon. And if it was... well, then, there was more she needed to do.
Sighing at that thought, Rose flew out of the cave. There were problems of her own that she needed to address.
Rose flew back to her house, though, within a few miles of it, she slowed and kept low to the ground. She circled the house three times upon getting near to it, and would have done so a dozen more, if her pets were not all sleeping on the porch. She landed nearby, and they all swarmed toward her, talking excitedly.
"Rose! you're all right!" barked Kipper
"Hooray, she's home!" rumbled Tuft
"Oh-thank-goodness-you're-back-because-we-were-all-so-worried." chittered Olay!
"My lady Rose! You are well again!" purred Niko
Rose's eyes almost popped out of her head. "Since when can you guys speak!" she asked excitedly.
The pets looked at each other, then back at Rose.
"Since when have you understood a word we've said?" asked Niko
"Um..." Rose muttered, "since, now?"
After a few more moments of excited talk, Rose and her pets went cautiously and quietly into the house. Tuft explained quietly that the bad man - Luman, rose explained - had dissappeared in the black-blue sphere spell, and had not come back. The other pets confirmed that nothing had left nor entered the house since then. Curiously, rose noticed that the clocks were again ticking, and the frig worked once more.
Olay! nodded, and said "Ifixedthewiringitseemsthatsomeonehadcutthewires."
To which rose had to replay the phrase in her mind again slowly to understand what he had said, before nodding.
The house was empty again, and seemed back to normal. But something kept tugging at rose; like a forgotten remnant of a dream.
She ignored it, though, when she went in her room and got a good look at herself. Her forehead jewel had turned back to blue!
"When did that happen!" she asked the mirror. She got no answer back.
Her pets all looked at her curiously.
"Last time we saw you, it was red. Until you came home, and it was blue." Tuft rumbled.
Rose was suspicious of this change, but her fears felt unneccessary, somehow.
"Well, it seems fine now. How about we check that food in the frig?" Rose said, knowing her pets might be hungry. They went to the kitchen and made a huge meal, talking the whole time.
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Now, she can speak most common animal languages.
Obviously, Dragon and demon are not common animal languages. She can not speak those.