how to instant win pokemon battles on Wi-fi mode
So when battling on Wifi ( Poke-Y, X AS or OR ) in the random battles thing bring out brings in a Kirlia. So the foe left like ok yeah this things fodder for my Pokemon but lets set up for something stronger in the second round. so they'll open with a calm mind or some weak as move like growl. Then you opens with an Encore. Where they're left like ok so if i can last 3 turns all you've done is help me out and plus with the sp.Def increase your attacks aren't going to get much better let see if i can't play this out. Turn 2 you uses disable leaves em like Well ok wtf happens now ? Im forced to repeat the same but that moves been disabled ? Sure enough they're pokemon struggle like you hope for making them think ... Oh s**t this guys struggle locked me for 2 more turn i'm screwed. Turn 3 comes up and its a confuse ray !? in 2 turns they got struggled locked and are now confused xd that's dirty as ******** ! but one heck of a battle plan without having to attack. twisted