I feel...strange, today. It's almost like I'm in a trance and my body is just moving out of habit from one place to the other. I thought about it and I came up with a reason why I feel like this. It's the sameness. It's the fact that everyday, nothing much changes. Each morning I get up and do normal morning things like eating breakfast and getting dressed. Then, I finish last minute homewotk during the last half hour before I have to put on my backpack and walk to the bus stop. The bus takes me to school where I go from classroom to classroom. I take the bus back home, do homework, eat dinner, relax, and go to bed. Day in and day out, it's always the same. Same classes, same teachers, same chores, same work, same place. Sometimes I almost get into a daze from it all where it is so habitual that I feel like I'm not even there; that I don't have to think about it. It's like saying the same word over and over. After a while, you don't really hear the word, or comprehend it's meaning. It becomes more of a sound than a word. I suppose life can be the same way. What does this post teach you? Sameness is irritating. Over and out!
Wingwax · Thu Dec 16, 2004 @ 09:32pm · 4 Comments |