Yay! Swimming tomorrow! Brother came by earlier to tell me so, so..YAY! :]

And since my best friend has been away in Hawaii, I haven't been on AIM at ALL, since there's no reason to go on it anymore.
Except to update my profile's countdown for when he returns home. x]
Which is in 9 more days.
Nine more boring nights of no talking to the Best Friend. ):

No one to rant to, complain, shout, vent, for 9 whole daysss. Gahghrhaghugh. neutral

Babysitted Faith today, today was easy, there was a Spongebob Squarepants marathon, so that kept her quiet for two hours while I played Maplestory.
Reached level 20. :]

Only ate once today, everything else I ate was junk food.

Ever notice when you're addicted to DDR and always play it, but when you stop for awhile (brother borrowed my pad), you feel kind of..fat.
Even though I'm as thin as a stick, and it's unhealthy. ><;

I miss the best friend, still, damnit.
Not that it makes a difference that he's in Hawaii, I never see him anyway.
But the fact that he's farther from me makes it sad.
And that I can't talk to him on AIM.