I had dreams, vivid and horrifyingly real dreams, of a land of fire and being struck by lightening, before I woke and looked around me. Pain flowed back into every inch of my being, a remnant of the tazer shock I'd gotten. That was no ordinary tazer, either. As I pondered why the hell they had tried to kill me (in my opinion), I realized I wasn't in a normal jail cell, either. I was in a perfectly gray room.
"Aren't solitary confinement rooms all white?" I asked aloud, partly out of curiousity, and partly out of wanting to know if anyone was paying attention to me.
Nothing but the silence answered me.
I stood up, and tried brushing hair out of my eyes. I realized that not only was I still handcuffed, but they had stuck me in a damn prisoner's outfit. Annoyed more than anything else, I tried to change outfits, as I can do with my innate abilities.
Five minutes later, I pulled myself back up off the floor, wiping my face with my hands. Now I realized why the room wasn't white, and was gray instead. They had rigged the entire room with magic sensors, and lined my prison outfit with electric transmitters. Anytime I tried to use magic, even to do something as small as lift my cup off the ground, I was shocked with enough energy to break my concentration and drop me to the floor.
Sadly, this didn't stop me. After about six tries, someone thumped the door, and yelled, "Cut it out!", to which I smiled through my tears. And then I did it even more. It was only after the fourteenth attempt that I realized the only reason the gaurds wanted me to stop was because every time I set off the electric transmitters, it interrupted their soccer game they were watching on television. After twenty-seven unsuccessful attempts, I was unable to contnue, but had to laugh at one small irony. The gaurds' favorite team was at least losing the game.
When will they at least talk to me? They can't leave me here forever! Especially if they really believe I'm too young to live on my own! But... who is this Uli person? And what about Dragon?
"Oh, Dragon, where are you?" I asked the blank gray walls. The only response I got were the moans of the gaurds faintly through the door, as the opposing team on their tv scored yet another goal. Somehow, I thought, that has to be a good sign.
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