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View User's Journal

moonlights random thoughts,suggestions and things on her mind...
my random thoughts,idea's,and ponderings...
have not been on a lot lately,real life got in the way xp
anyway, real life isnt that great at the moment...things dont go as i want or like it and for a control freak (that i know i am) thats hard.Ofcorse most of the things going wrong are beyond my control wich stresses me out even more.
i tried really hard to stay closer to myself and what i want this year but its not working!!!I still find myself doing things (for others)i really dont wanne do ,and although i felt i had this whole autism thing with my son worked out and thought others couldnt hurt me on that subject i now know i was wrong.
i dunno why i keep expecting others to understand,i should have learned by now (the hard way)they dont ,but i somehow keep setting myself up for disspointements over and over,and getting upset over them! damn i thought i was wiser then that!
ok that was enough complaining as i know many people have a much harder life then me,so who am i to complain?!?!!

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