Does anyone else have this problem? sweatdrop
 This is what happens when I click my avatar to get to my items. The thing is, I don't think I have enough items. xp I always have trouble dressing up. Then again, I suppose a lot of my inventory is junk. I have too many of those G Shades. xd I'm kind of a pack rat, though...I don't want to get rid of my items, even if I haven't worn them. 90% of my Inventory is commons, though, so I wouldn't have a lot of money to make, even if I did sell them. xp What to do, what to do? Knowing me, nothing because I'm ridiculously lazy. Although I do enjoy organizing my Inventory...even if it takes forever to load. confused
Messy vs. Dirty
So this house that I'm living in (I'm renting a room) is dirty. And my room is messy. That is, my room is cluttered. But the house (the upstairs kitchen) is dirty. D: And we suspect it's because one of my roommates leaves her food out all the time. This, of course, results in bugs and...maggots. xp
We noticed that some time yesterday...and we kind of freaked out. I didn't get a good look at it (since I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time -- good for me? sweatdrop ) but my roommates were beyond grossed out. One of them said that she wanted to kill it (we did) because she didn't want it to breed. But I explained that maggots don't breed; they're "baby flies". (Technically they are larva, but I didn't say that for some reason.) Anyway, maggots don't breed; only flies do. One of my roommates, relieved, said "Thank God we have someone who's in science in this house."
Science undergraduate tuition: Thousands upon thousands of dollars Simultaneously grossing out and impressing roommates with "scientific" knowledge I learned from TV: Priceless :Xp:
I was rather surprised they didn't know this about flies and maggots, though. Doesn't everyone? surprised
Second Time Around
So I went again on a trip for work. Closer to home...but anyway, this time I didn't screw up. xd Huzzah! It was a pretty good trip. The food was good (unlike last time) and the work was fun. I didn't get to do field work last time, so I was a little bit nervous that I would mess up because of my inexperience. But that didn't happen. whee I didn't even stick myself with a needle this time. eek
The only bad thing that happened was that someone with us on the trip got really, really sick. He had to go to the hospital when we came back, and it turned out he had septic shock. I was freaking out when I read that the mortality rate was 50%. gonk gonk He's fine now, but I was really quite worried there for awhile, even if I don't know him well at all. I'm glad he's OK now. crying heart
Clown Nose-less Laz
 eek If you know Laz (I don't think he reads this, by the way), you know he is NEVER without his Clown Nose. He is, after all, the Commander and Founder of the Clown Nose Army. But he was twinning Briar, and she wasn't wearing a Nose, so he took it off. I ran around screaming "Armageddon!" in the thread. xd And then I twinned them both. O_O
Spicy, Dicy, and soon to be Icy And to end it off, I finally got my Dicy Tuna Helm. Which is before I have received my Icy Tuna Helm. That's strange, since Dicy Tuna came out long after Icy Tuna...Hmm. Maybe they are just more common? sweatdrop
 I still have to get the Icy Tuna Helm. Then I'll be done Gambino, my favourite Fishing Spot. crying I'm (sub)consciously not Fishing so that I can prolong my experience there. O_<
I feel like sushi. domokun
Shatterglass · Thu Jul 20, 2006 @ 03:01am · 2 Comments |