name: Kit
age: 112-appears to be 15
likes: popcicles, candy, the beach, goofing off, playing tricks
dislikes: spinage, the rain, night time
what kind of demon: Fox Demon
other info: She owns a small fox named Pandy.
Kit can turn into a fox whenever she feels like it.
She always carried a bag around that has tons of
completely random stuff in it, you never know what
shes going to take out of it.~end

Name: Neko Takahashi
Age: 15
Race(s): Part cat part Human
Description: She is about five feet one inch tall. She has hot pink hair and green eyes(the picture is what she looks like^^).
Personality: She has a normaly happy personality. And is always trying to make bad situations a good one. She loves just taking random and long walks around forests. Neko loves her life and would never ask for any other. The one problem that she has, is when she is in a tight situation she tends to freak out, while at the same time trying to make others feel better.
Occupation: Right now Neko helps people out with there animals(trains them). She dose not go to school or anything because she decided to drop out.
Special Skills: Neko has a mini swoard that she is great at fighting with. She hides it in the belt around her skirt. She can throw it at anything and almost never miss.
Past/Bio: Once Neko turned 14 she dropped out of school because of family problems. Her father was a bad man, and did illegal things to get money. Thats why her mother decided to send her away so that she wouldn't have to be afraid to come to her own house at night. She now lives alone.
Abilities: She is able to turn into a full cat whenever she feels like. When in her cat form she is pure white except the pink on the tips of her ears.
Sample roleplay: Neko walked out of her new home to go around and find out more about her new surroundings. She noticed that next to her house was a forest. This made her extremely happy according to the fact that she loved long walks in them. She happily jogged over to the forest, her hot pink hair glided behind her. She scanned the forest with her dark green eyes. Alot of wildlife was chirping and hopping around. "This is awsome". She thought to herself. Suddenley she heard a small meow come from behind a tree. She slowly walked over, only to find nothing behind the tree. Once again she heard a meow."What the..." she said confused. Instead of her running to the meow, the thing meowing came to her. It was a small black cat....very, small black cat. Neko slowly reached over and picked th cute little thing up. The cat was able to sit in one of her hands."What the, this is amazing". Neko said aloud. Amazed with the size. You wouldn't think it would be possible for a cat to be so small! She examined the cat to see if it had a collar or anything that said it might have an owner. There was nothing to be found."You know what, I think I will keep you". Neko said, extremely glad to have found a little companian to share her house with. On the way back home she named the cat Charm.
To be continued......
Other notes (if any):And one more thing, when Neko is in her full cat form, she can create a shield around herself.~end

Race: Human
Age: 16
Status: ninja
Likes: birds, clouds, the sky, wind.
Dislikes: Rival ninjas, know it alls
Description: She is very wise for her age, but seems to always be daydreaming even in the middle of danger. She also has the most random of mood swings. She could be attacked and take out her opponent without even knowing she did. Even though quit careless at times she is a very strong ninja. She uses a katana to fight her opponents(which is loacated on her belt).
Past Bio: Her past has been nothing but cheerfulness. Besides the hardshipes she faced in order to become a ninja, she still has both her parents. She lives about a mile away from them.
Powers: she has no special powers, she only uses her weapons and knowledge to fight.
Other: She owns a Falcon named Crusade. He is extremely old and wise but his true age is yet to be known. Another special thing is that he can talk.~end

Name: Soryko
Race: Human
Age: 15
Status: school girl
element: Wind/Air(sometimes no element)
Likes: hanging with friends, kicking back
Dislikes: annoying people
Description: She is very smart and good with her school work. It would seem like shes confident but she is quit shy.
Other: She gets crushes on guys easily but has never once told any that she likes them. She often keeps to herself but is an awsome friend once you get to know her.~end