This is for a contest. It is not at all what I wanted originally.... .... not at all... and they're a lot less chibified than I intended. So it ends up that the proportions just look off or something. But I should turn it in anyway when I'm done because I said I would so... I should.

This is for another contest. I reaaally don't know if I can finish this one because I'm not liking how it's going so far. It's kind of fun painting again... ... but it's so harrrd to start out. It only gets harder and harder and harder, you know?

This is something I've been working on for a while. I don't know if I'll finish coloring it. Siiiiiiiigh. It's my superhero outfit avatar. I had a lot of troubles figuring out what to do with the face because I kept changing it.

And this I've been working on for a very very long time. I don't know if this will ever get done gonk