Mods for Baldur's Gate 3 that let you be a Fat b***h:
While I have your attention, here's a cool site to help Palestine, all you gotta do is click it daily.
(Note: Some of these mods were made for an audience that may not be you, that's okay, if you like the body type and you like the mod you can use it. Yes this about fetishes. Most of us here are grown, act like it)
Some of these mods, and other's are compatible with the Mod Unique Tav Custom Appearance (UTCA), This mod allows you to change the mesh of only your player character without it affecting NPCs who may share the same model.
Twili's Celestial Bodies (Femme Body Preset):
This mod is for femme bodies features "curvier" body types (1 available more WIP), thicker hips, legs, and chest for femme body types 1 &3 excluding dragonborns. It has a companion mod for outfits that are made to fit the body mesh. Twili's Divine Wardrobe for Celestial Bodies. UTCA Compatible
Chubby-Thicc-BBW female bodies and clothes
This modis for femme bodies and features a bottom heavy body type with much bigger stomach, thigh, and hips. .(i actually really like the gut and hips on this one) Remeshed outfits are included in the mod. There are optional for files for adding or removing larger and smaller options. This mod affects all femme bodies of payers, companions, and NPCS. However, there is an easy fix to make it Unique Tav compatible. (You can find it in the posts section of the page I've tried it, it works) Easy fix to be UTCA compatible
Dulcet Bodies - A Soft and Slightly Chubby Body Preset with Outfits
This mod features 2 body shapes for Body 1 /Humans/HalfElves/Elves/Drow/Gith/Tieflings. The bodies included are a softier chubby. Remeshed outfits are included and there is a companion mod by another creator, Edgy Dulcet refits by firebird71 as well as Dark Consort outfit by almasy87. UTCA compatible.
Chubby Female Dragonborn- Body Resculpt and Big Gut Dragonborn
Quite literally the only mods that affects dragonborns from what I've seen. Creates a fuller stomach, hips, butt, and thigh for the first, and actually yeah pretty much the same for the other. There is an optional clothing pak in the flies. Not sure if UTCA compatible
Big Gut only works when you're nude but hey
Fuller Chubby Bodies for Tiefling Type 1 - Unique Tav
Only for femme tieflings body type 1 and features a chubbier, and more full body shape. There are optional refit files for the mod Dress 2 (Black) from Lab's Boratory. UTCA compatible
Tav's Dad Bod
Replaces all Male Body type 4 assests with a dad bod!! Most outfits have been remeshed. UTCA Compatible. Yes it works on Halsin.
Softie Body - Tiefling 2 thick lad edit
This mod alters male tiefling body 2 to appear fuller in the stomach and thigh area. Quick fix to be UTCA compatible.
MBBW body
This mod affects humans, elfs, half-elfs, drow and dwarves body type 3 and gives the character a large stomach, thighs, and chest. (I'm not 100% certain but it seems to have been updated for body 1 as well) This is the largest body option I've been able to find so far. It has optional remeshed clothing, underwear, and armor files. There is a less SFW companion mod for clothing Scantily Camp Outfit for MBBW. Easy fix to be UTCA compatible
Fancy Dresses
This mod adds 8 dresses to the tutorial chest (Tutorial Chest Mod here) That add thicker hips, chests, and butts to any femme charaacter who equips them. (I have Lae'Zel and Karlach in them, as well as myself) This does not affect the arms.
Strong Fat- Humans and Half Orcs -With Dong
Body Mesh edit of Human Body 4 and Half Orc body 2. Keeping the muscles and adding Thicker Arms, Thighs, and Guts. Optional Ab removing file. This mod also contains clothing edits that feature a prominent...... well dong! Strut your stuff lads!!!!! Easy fix to be UTCA Compatible
Beefier Dragonborns (Body Type 2)- Early Demo
This mod is a WIP and is going to have additions later and slowly. This mod makes Masc Dragonborn body type 2 appear fuller. This particularly builds muscles, but with the way the dragonborn is modeled its very strong fat muscle. There are underwear edits available and the Author plans on adding more over time. Not sure if UTCA compatible.
Plus Size Tav
Reshape for Body Type 1 Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Drow, Tieflings, and Githyanki featuring large Arms, Back, Stomch, Legs, and Chest (full body, and I mean FULL body, I really want to find some chibbier heads for this one I really like it oh no. This mod comes with resized starter armor, underwear, and some camps clothing. There are plans to include body type 2 (male) , possibly more body types, and armor and clothing resizes. UTCA compatible
Chubby Male Dragonborn resculpt
Similar to Chubby Female Dragonborn above, this is one of the only mods that affects dragonborns from what I've seen. Creates a fuller stomach, chest, hips, butt, and thighs,. Not sure if UTCA compatible
Honorable Mentions:
These mods may not make the character fat, but they do edit the bodies in a way to appear fuller or more diverse.
No Abs for Companions and PC
This mod removes the abs from all Player and Non Player charaters. (i use it for astarion) Not sure if UTCA compatible
Mods I think are just Neat:
Body Hair for Fem Bodies
This mod adds visible Arm, Back, Stomach, Leg, Shoulder, and Chest hair to the fem body options. Available in Maximum, Standard, and Minimum.
Muscular Body Type 3 Tiefling- Karlach Compatible
This mod changes Tiefling Fem Body type 3 to appear More muscular in the Arms, Legs, Shoulders, Back, and Stomach (full body). Its unclear if there are armor and clothing edits to fit. There are optional files to tweak apprearance. There is an optional file to make it compatible with Kalrach. UTCA compatible
Muscular Body Type 3 for Whispers of the Divine- Aasimar Race by Trips
Body type 3 edit for the Mod Whispers of the Divine, This adds more Muscle to the Arms, Legs, Shoulders, Stomach and Back (full body). There are optional file to Tweak appearance. UTCA Compatible
Manly Asses
I'd be lying if I said I was I was adding this for you guys. Gives buffer legs and butts to Male bodies. Its brand new and has minimal testing but once again I'd be lying if I said i didn't wanna bite the thighs. Easy fix to be UTCA compatible.
There are a few more body mods available but they mostly affect the chest and butt. If i find more I'll add them to the list!! If you know of any let me know!! My search was mostly on nexus mods!
Unfortunately there are not a lot of mods for the male body types. I've seen a handful for larger muscles, but that's about it.
This post will be updated on occasion with the more mods i find!
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Nerdy Musings
I spend alot of time lookin at mods for the games I play, I post about them occasionally on tumblr but I've decided to do it here too!
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