~You take my heart, I'll take your hand
There are so many things I'm speechless about
So many things I just can't believe
It's just so good..too good to be true
But it's real........so very real
I've always wanted those fake a** relationships in the movies..in the stories
Look at what I've got now <3
Maybe I'm not supposed to make sense of it..maybe it's just one of those great things in life that happen...
destiny or fate or something
something you can't prevent...you can't define
I already love you so much it brings tears to my eyes
and now I love you so much more as each day passes
It feels like we've been together for years
Is that what it takes for it to be "meant to be?"
~ I hold my breath just to hear you sleep. I must admit I saw it coming ~
I'm so sentimental over the smallest things whee
So speechless...
and the only thing I can say
is I love you
and hope that you know just how much I do <3
llama8o8 Community Member |
Community Member
Such an awesome cute powerful fairy tale relationship you two share. heart