Now face the fury of:
Me naming all the 3 letter words I can think of.......
cat, hat, bat, mat, sit, try, wet, cod, don, mod, ren, sir, der, bar, can, pan, man, ran, new, old, see, bee, job, his, her, and, its, but, nor, car, law, doe, ray, met, far, sot, lag, tin, dog, rod, god, sod, bod, jod, are, erm, ehn, meh, teh, you, mel, ilk, elk, con, the, mon, gee, kin, tak, ton, uni, bye, bin, gin, jif, kit, red, blu, bon, fun, bun, jab, dab....
And now I'm bored of that....
Lesse.. what else can I do to waste my time? Ummm.... I know! I'll make some of theose cute jif things!

Ok.. that was fun..
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