Crystal Tears Of Marino
Sometime long a go there was a race of people called "GEN"
And they lived on the planet Nova....
Which was stranges... All the people that lived on the planet were female...
Secertly, Coral started the project called Gen and abandon the project
after years later, To work on the Newman project...
The few Gen that was left, were dumped in the bio waste area and then transfered
to an abandon planet...
The Gen project was made to have a race that was able to stand up against any enemy,
And have them able to preduce other Gen without a male so they would never really die
and keep on fighting...
But the project got too dangerous when one of the Gen broke loss and attacked everyone
in the lab they were staion at...
5000 Years later...
Marino: Mom, I'm ready to go now...
Cassandra: Ok...
Sonya: You know your mission right?
Marino: Yes... Sneck a bored Pionner 2 and set off the Mother Computer to crash it self
Xena: And?
Marino: If that fails... Do anything in my power to destroy them....
Xena: Our race will get revegen on what Coral did to us
Cassandra: Be careful Marino...
Marino: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine... It's for our people
(*Marino said as she left*)
Cassandra: Do you really think it was right to send Marino?
.... Shes still young to take on a Mission like this...
Xena: Marino is one of the best soliders we have...
Have faith in your daughter Cassandra... She will carry out her mission and plan,
It was lucky for us Coral sent a world ship in space, And will destroy that ship to let
them know that were still around and seeking revenge!
Soya: ....
Cassandra: But this could break out into a war with Coral Xena
Xena: If that's what it takes for us to get vengance, So be it!
Cassandra: ....
(A bored Pionner 2, Marino was able to get in secertly and mix in with the people)
(As she mixed in, she then looked around and saw things she never seen before)
(and was amazed by the sights and the technology the place had)
Marino: Wow... This is nothing like Nova...
(*She said as she was walking around*)
Marino: But... Where do i find the mother computer...?
(*She then walked into the man who would be known as Ryu's father... Duo*)
Duo: Sorry miss... You alright?
(*Marino then looked at him with a strange look to her face*)
Marino: I've never seen anyone like you before?
Duo: Huh?
Marino: It doesn't look like me or some of the other people around here...
(*She said as she looked around, Then noticing there were 2 diffrent types of people*)
(*Some seem like her, which was female*)
(*The other type that she never seen before, which was male*)
Marino: Is this what my people call, "A Male?" It doesn't seem very harmful...
(*She said as she was picking at him*)
Duo: Hey, Hey! Why are you picking me?!
Marino: Are you a male?
Duo: Huh? Of course... This girl isn't too bright...
Marino: Huh, So this is what a male looks like...
Duo: Maybe when we ran into one another, I might have knock some sense out of her...
Marino: Well, That's enough of that... Now to find the mother computer
Duo: Mother Computer?
Marino: Yes, Do you know where it is?
Duo: No one is allow to go near the mother computer
Marino: Why?
Duo: (*Sigh*) Because if we let anyone in there, and something happens to the computer...
Then it will be the end of us all... Didn't you learn this in school?
Marino: School? What's that?
Duo: You gotta be kidding me...
Marino: Well, You don't seem useful... So bye, bye, male creature
Duo: Male Creature?
{Sorry people don't wanna giving to much away so i'm just gonna get to the point}
(*Duo thought there was something wrong with Marino and decieded to take her in*)
(*And take care of her for the time being cause she seemed clues about where she was*)
(*And what was what*)
(*After a few years, Marino learned about Pionner 2 and it's people*)
(*And help saved Pionner 2 from the evil organiztion call Dark Riot*)
(*She fell in love with Duo and Duo fell in love with her*)
(*After the Death of Duo by the hands of Dark Mithos, Marino left and went back to Nova*)
30 Years later when Marino returned to Nova...
Cassandra: Marino!
(*Her Mother said as she ran and hugged her*)
(*The Gen race were thrill by Marino's return*)
Marino: Hi everyone...
Xena: Took you long enough to come back... So were you able to complete the mission?
(*Marino kept quiet for a moment and then said*)
Marino: I failed...
Xena: What?!
Sonya: If you couldn't, Then why did you come back?
Marino: ....
Sonya: I knew we should have sent my daughter to take on this mission!
Cassandra: Marino...
Xena: Now, Now, .... That world ship must have been something else...
If your daughter couldn't handle it, Cassandra... But it's alright...
We will come up with a new plan...
(*About a month later they noticed Marino was pregnant*)
Cassandra: I can't believe it's already your time to give life to a new born Gen
Marino: I can't either mom...
Cassandra: So, Have you thought of a name for her yet?
Marino: No... Haven't really gave it much thought...
(*About 2 months later, Some of the Gens began to worry about Marino's baby*)
Sonya: It only takes one month for a Gen to be born! Somethings not right!
Marino: ....
Xena: Calm down, Down Sonya... You act like it's your daughter having the child...
Cassandra should be the one worring
Cassandra: I'm sure everythings alright... It might just take a little longer for her...
First time for everything, you know
Marino: ....
Xena: I guess...
(*After 8 month later Marino gave birth... But there was a problem*)
(*When Marino woke up...*)
Marino: Wheres my baby? Is she alright?
(*The elder Gens looked at Marino with an evil look in there eyes*)
Cassandra: Marino...
Sonya: You Witch!
Marino: Huh?
Xena: Sonya, Please... You're baby is fine.... You had a wonderful beautiful baby girl...
But there seem to be some sort of a problem...
Marino: Problem?
Xena: There seem to been another born child that looks like your daugther...
But it's not like us?
Marino: What do you mean?
Sonya: Shes saying it's a male!
Marino: What?!
Xena: I don't know what happen to you on that world ship... But will get rid of the male
child as soon as possible
Marino: Get rid of it? What do you mean!? That's my child!
Xena: What? The girl is your child, but the male is...
Marino: NO!
Xena: What?
Cassandra: Marino please..
Marino: There both my children, And i won't let you harm my... My son!
Sonya: Your not a Gen! Your not one of us anymore!
Xena: We have no choice... But to kill you.. And your so called son you care about so much
Cassandra: Xena!
Xena: Cassandra, Your daughter has mixed with a male...
And has made a troublesome deed for us Gen...
(*They locked Marino up with her son with her untill jugdement for her came the next day*)
Xena: Marino... You have dishonored your people and bring shame to us...
Marino: ......
Xena: How ever.... From your mothers pleed, We won't kill you..
And that male child of yours... You will be sent back to that world ship and live with
the man that done this to you, and taking that son of yours with you...
Marino: But.. What of my daugther?
Xena: She stays with us...
Marino: What!? I won't let you! I want both of my children with me!
Xena: YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY! Be lucky were not going to kill you!
And that thing!
Cassandra: Marino... I'm sorry but.. You have to go..
Marino: But mom!
Cassandra: Leave now...
Marino: Mother!
(*Marino said as she was crying*)
Cassandra: I know how you feel... But, theres no way you can fight us..
And if i have to.. I will kill, You...
Marino: ....
Cassandra: Now please... To keep you and your son alive... Go..
Marino: Understood....
(*As Marino left and went back to P2, she was rocking Ryu to sleep and said to her self*)
Marino: I don't even have a name for you yet... I'll call you Ryu for right now...
My son... The first male Gen...
But.. Your sister... I have no idea what her name is...
Since i never got the chance to name her...
(*After a few years later on planet Nova*)
Xena: You understand your mission right?
???: Yes...
Xena: I've trained you will... So i hope you can do this mission i've givin you
???: Don't worry...
Xena: Your code name for right now will be S.H.A.D.E understand?
???: Right...
Xena: Contact me if theres any problems...
??? Understood...
End of blog...
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My love for you is deep and true. No matter what you do, I'll always be there for you. No matter where you go, I'll always be there beside you. Till the day I die sweet heart... I love you Ayu...
My love for you is deep and true. No matter what you do, I'll always be there for you. No matter where you go, I'll always be there beside you. Till the day I die sweet heart... I love you Ayu...