The NIPS Paradox
I've gotten sick of this newb-hating dogma that I've been seeing around all over the place lately. The following is a list of commonly-mentioned supports for NIPS

It's not fair! We worked hard for our items!

I'm sure you did. I'm also sure that you didn't have to work as hard for the itms you have than someone starting right now would have to. When they came out, did Steel-Plated Ninja Bands cost almost 500k? Were rare events so rare? I quote Noraboo on this:
Noraboo Wrote:
Yeah, when we joined we just got cheap stuff. But things on the site were CHEAPER. It's not nearly as feasible for a new user to afford stuff as it was then. There's more of it and it's dramatically more expensive. :/

Then again, I'm pretty sick of the 'omg old users aren't being catered to, wah wah' stuff. They've had opportunities new users to the site will never have, items new users will never have. I think being an old user is already it's own reward, time to stfu and let new users have some fun.

Sure, it may not seem fair that they have to work "harder." But then again, it's not fair that getting good items are so much harder to get. For anyone joining in '06, it's impossible to get any 2003 donation or event item. It's only fair to give them a little bit of a head start.

But they're getting spoiled! They're getting so much!

Not really. You get 135g worth of items (240 if you're still valuing the fishing rod at 100g). You can get that in like what, 10 minutes worth of polls at MOST. And you'd get even LESS if you wanted to sell it. Hell, you couldn't even sell it without a trading or vending pass, which would cost 500g and 1.5k respectively. If they started with a peasant dress and 640g, would you still be complaining?

But what about the people who don't have much time on the Internet/have dial-up and can't poll whore to even make 240g?

That's why they have starter sets. So at least you don't go around the entire time naked.


And what about how they made the fishing rod worth 5g? Now all the people who bought one are out of luck!

Again, 95g isn't that big of a deal. And hell, a serious fisher wouldn't be using a basic rod, anyhow. Plus, it's not like anyone invested in fishing rods hoping the price would go up.

Back when we started, all we got were a peasant top/peasant shirt and peasant pants! How come now they get 63 different possible outfits now?

Wow. At least someone's smart enough to have paid attention in fourth grade statistics.

This sounds like a classic case of sibling rivalry. Younger brother is born, and when the younger brother gets more than the older brother did, the older brother gets jealous and starts whining about how it isn't fair. Except with you NIPS people, it's even worse, because they gave you the starter set, too. It's like if your parents gave you and your little brother $40 and you're whining about how it's not fair because you didn't get $40 when you were his age and he should have to wait two years for it (assuming you're two years older than he). It's absurd, childish, and petty.

More points to be added later. But for now, I ask you this: if free items for everyone are so bad, then why aren't you petitioning against events?