The whole ship lurched forward soon after they had landed. ANTIE-D said something about a slipstream that Rose was only half-listening to at this point. In fact, Rose could only half-listen to anything at this point because blue was yelling in her head.
Taran walked onto the bridge and said something that, unsurprisingly, Rose missed. Then he repeated it.
"I put the hatch down in the back, and there's another android down there. And she's got a small armies' worth of gaurds down there, too. She said we need to walk out slowly and to co-operate. Or else." Taran said.
Rose groaned.
"That would be Nissa. But I do not understand why she would seem so uncordial." ANTIE-D paused, and looked at Rose for a long moment. "Then again, some of us have not been trustworthy lately."
That was the last thing Rose heard for a good ten minutes, as blue started ranting and raving at her in her head incessantly. Unfortunately for Rose, and unbeknownst to her, as well, a few moments later Niko and Tuli and Jaa came onto the bridge, and put blue back on speakerthought.
Taran sent the gwees out of the bridge less than thirty seconds later, telling ANTIE-D that he was going to go with the army outside before they got mad, and that the gwees would go with him. And to get Rose to hurry. The qaurds looked trigger-happy.
ANTIE-D and Niko guided a furious and very unawares Rose out of the bridge and to the hatch. They left her there, though, as the gaurds motioned for them to back away from Rose. And finally, blue shut the hell up. Almost too quickly.
"...repairs on the ship. They have to be done as soon as possible." ANTIE-D was explaining to Nissa.
Now in close proximity to the gwees again, blue was able to speak out.
'Nissa! I'm so glad to see you! How is Dragon? You know, I've never been on the Altsoba that I can remember!' blue rambled excitedly.
"Shut up already." Rose said back. "No one cares, you know."
Nissa told Rose she was there to assist, and Rose asked her to start on the repairs.
"Where are you taking my crew?" Rose asked, as Taran, ANTIE-D and the pets were being led the other way.
'No! Don't let the gwees get too far away! I'll lose my...' blue said, but it was obviously too late, as her voice softened and stalled.
Rose stomped after the gaurds, the ruckus of blue yelling in her head again making her quite deaf once more. This pissed her off even more than her crew being taken off the other way. Expecially after ANTIE-D had said that this ship would help them. Good lot of help they'd been so far. Got them shot at and now treated them like prisoners.
When Rose was finally led into Dragon's room, she was not in a very patient nor understanding mood. But, thankfully, blue shut up once more.
She stood in front of Dragon, about 5 feet between them, and just waited. She wanted to know what the heck was up. After ten minutes (a length of at least one eternity) of listening to blue tell her what needed to be said to Dragon and blue telling Rose exactly how to apologize and all sorts of backbone-less prattle, Rose did not feel like starting with an apology, not one bit. And she didn't want to have to explain her situation, either. It was bad enough having done things that at least a part of you understood that you regretted. But not having those feelings herself only made Rose feel less whole, and less amiable.
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