Title: Childish Author: Cherryten_ten Rate: G Summary: Sasuke likes Kabuto. He tries to get attention from him by faking some illness. (Tis a little fic Im doing since Im coming down with a little fever myself)
Sasuke rolled over, slowly awakening. The light in his room had dissapeared. He mustve been sleeping for a long time. He just decided to take a nap earlier this afternoon then go to Orochimaru for body inspection. He gasped.
Crap! I missed the appointment!
He jumped up from the warm comfort of his bed and dashed down the hall hoping Orochimaru wouldnt be angry for missing his body inspection appointment.
Down the hall was an open door. Sasuke couldnt help but stop and dash back to look into the room. Kabuto Yakushi was sitting at his table with his back to Sasuke reading a book. With out looking up he said: "Hello, Sasuke."
He flinched. He forgot the medic nin had eyes in the back of his head. Or...so it seemed. "Its alright, you can come in." He turned around and looked at Sasuke with a smile. Sasuke looked around the empty corridor. Hesitently, he looked back at the doctor. Kabuto had a sweet look on his face that made Sasuke jump back and blush. Skipping the appointment to be held and petted by Kabuto sounded so much better than Orochimaru inspecting his body by looking closely at him and touching him, making him tremble by the cold fingers tracing invisible lines on his bare body. A gentle slithering chuckle echoing in the room.
"Oh, Sasuke-kun...Youre such a good boy for keeping yourself from damaging your body. Just another month and ill have you focusing on using your Chidori." With that before he could leave, before he could get his clothes back on, The snake sannin would slide his hands up the boys thighs and tickle his neck where the curse mark is with his tongue.
Sasuke was always an easy target to seductive touches.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" Sasuke snapped back to reality and focused his gaze on the doctor getting up and standing in front of him, the light behind him making his glasses obscure his eyes.
Sasukes blush deepened and held his hands behind his back and rocked on his feet sheepishly.
'Maybe I could stay here with Kabuto for a bit before going to see Orochimaru....'
He looked up and pretended to sneeze. Kabuto raised an eyebrow.
"Allergies?" He assumed. Sasuke thoght quick. Then he shook his head no.
"I-I...think Im coming down...with...*sniff* a fever." He lied and tried to look as sick as he could.
"A fever? Hm. You do look a little flushed. Lets check your temperature." Kabuto leaned forward a little, slipping his pruple glove off and placed his bare palm on Sasukes forhead.
Butterflies formed in his stomach and he sighed, relaxing to the touch.
After a moments consideration, Kabuto said: "You seem a little cold. Oh, its just your Hetaiyate." Sasuke blinked and looked up. Hes right, he still had his leafvillage headband around his head. He chuckled nervously and made an innocent face.
Kabuto smiled. "Here. Come into my office, I`ll check you up in there." Sasukes heart skipped a beat. Having his body inspected by Kabuto sounded so much better than being inspected by the snake-man. In the office Sasuke glanced around. Kabuto guided him to the table where his book lie forgotten. "Go ahead and sit on it." He walked over to his desk droors and pulled out some things. "And take off your headband." Sasuke did what he was told and watched as the medic nin turned around and walked closer, till he was standing just inches away in front of his patient. Sasuke gulped. How close his doctor was. Kabuto lifted his hand up and placed it on Sasukes forhead. The feeling inside Sasuke returned. He shuddered. It felt so good.
"You do seem warm. Any symptoms of this fever you noticed?" Sasuke took a moment to consider what symptoms were included to a fever.
"Um, Ive been feeling a little dizzy. And Im sore all over." "Hm. Alright. Okay now I need you to take you shirt off. Im going to listen to your heartbeat." He had his stethoscope ready and waited for Sasuke to take his shirt off. He blinked and his blush deepened more. After he removed his shirt, Kabuto warmed the diaphragm in his palm and placed it over Sasukes heart. Every ten seconds he would move it from place to place. Then he slowly moved it to his belly.
"Hmm. Your heartbeats fine. Kinda beating hard. Your stomach is making alot of gurgling noises. What did you last eat? And when?" "Um, I havent aten yet. I think I had a riceball at noon." Kabuto nodded and felt Sasuke forhead again. "Are you sure you have a fever?" Sasuke blushed even more. Then, without hesitation, he hugged him. Sasuke could feel the doctors deep chuckle rumble in his chest.
"I-I...I have a confession. I..." Sasuke stuttered, but he was silenced by a pair of lips in contact with his own.
"I know. Thats fine with me. And dont worry about the appointment with Orochimaru. He already made the inspection while you were alseep."
Sasuke flinched. He didnt miss the appointment? Sasuke made a sickened face, groaning into Kabutos shoulder. He chuckled again and stroked the back of Sasukes head.
The stunt Sasuke pulled on Kabuto just to skip the appointment.....
You bet it was so Childish
-The End-
-Shades-of-silence- · Fri Oct 13, 2006 @ 06:03am · 0 Comments |