Title: Sakiko plots to make Kabuto hers Author: Cherryten_ten Rate: OT 16+ Disclaimer: I dont have the right to take any characters from Ken Akamatsus "Negima" and any characters from Masashi Kishimotos "Naruto", nor do any of the characters I make up in this following story exist in "Negima" where this story by me origionally takes place. Summary: Okay, this is kinda like a new series in a chapter-by-chapter for Negima. But, were not gonna focus on the main characters. Just the new ones such as Sakiko Takuyori, Kabuto Yakushi, Asako Tori, Min Teshin, Reiko Akatsubo, and many more. Sakiko Takuyori has a crush on the school teacher, Kabuto Yakushi. In this chapter, Sakiko will discover the great things about him and maybe much much more. [1st Period: Lock-down in the Library!]
Morning couldn`t just wait a while longer to let some of us sleep-needy people sleep in. Its morning and yet the suns not up.
6:43 a.m.
"Yaawwn....ahn....morning already?....uhh...luckily I still have half an hour to get ready to go to school...ah, hm?" Sakiko blinked and looked down at the lump in her bed and lifted her covers. Only to find-
"Saki-san--?! What`re you doing in my bed again? Out! Out!" Saki Takuyori, Sakikos little brother, was huddled against her waist and slowly opened his eyes and yawned. Stretching.
"What`d`you mean, Onii-san? I keep having to remind you I hate sleeping alone...*yawn* Besides, you look lonely when you sleep." He added with a wink. Sakiko crawled backwards up her bed and pointed to her door. "Go.......now you little dwarf..." Saki pouted and crawled up to her and get in her face and said "Make me, Onii-sama." She simply picked him up by the scruff of his night-shirt and chucked him out the door. "Dont even think about coming in here to dress...Dwarf-boy." "Why? s`not like your rooms not co-ed. Besides, Ive already seen you naked." Sakiko glared at him. "I take that back. Youre not a dwarf-boy.....Youre a Perverted dwarf-boy!"
-Shades-of-silence- · Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 06:58am · 0 Comments |