The Dark Element-Hellion *a giant monster comes out and roars* SHUT UP, THERES A WEDDING GOING ON!!!! *the monster gets scared* Monster: ok, srry, don't hurt me SIT DOWN AND WATCH, srry you may keep going *the monster sits on a bench next to an old lady* Monster: Hi how are you.
Striking-the-Rose eek It's...it's...it's a turtle. A cute...little...turtle... ... ... ... 4laugh I love it! 10/10
Baby Pandah The Dark Element-Hellion Baby Pandah The Dark Element-Hellion psst, psst, the veil, the VEIL, you for got to take off the veil.Dude, shut up! xD lol SHHH, flower girl. *hiss* I'm not a flower girl! I'm the maid of honor...ring boy! stare rofl
Lvo `Dj Lvo `Dj Lvo Every time I see you I think pubes. How's that for talking? D:& JEW LOVE MY PUBBBBBBES. &3 Not really.D": :}
Ken the Fanciful `Dj Ken the Fanciful I LOVE YOUR BODY.
Demented Skittle Nitemare_Jackal surprised i wanna scare them!! rawr!! domokun domokun domokun xD just try to, you couldnt scare a stuffed animal away
karra-kun ~Sliver Kitty~ karra-kun ~Sliver Kitty~ karra-kun ~Sliver Kitty~ Yes, but that has nothing to do with sexing himself. confused Yes it does! To start the human race they had to have sex! I can't believe you're nopt getting this! And then their kids would have to participate in incest. sweatdrop Yes, Adam and Eve had sex, but ADAM DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH HIMSELF.
God took his rib one night and made Eve. Nothing in the bible said he had sex with himself, like you were saying.She's his rib. His rib is part of him. Therefore, he had sex with himself. How does that mean he had sex with himself? I'm starting to think you don't know what sex is.
I don't think he had an orgasm to make Eve.
He was sleeping. God did the rest. No, don't you understand? Eve is a part of him. He had sex with her. And he obviously didn't have an orgasm to make her. That wouldn't make sense. I mean, does your rib turn into a woman when you have an orgasm?
Holly Dayin Duncan F u D g e B a L l O o n Pets are crazy. You don't know what goldfish do at night even though they are small they can cause MISERY! He might jump outside and land in your mouth whille sleeping eek that reminds me.. when i was little i held my goldfish in my hand and it wiggled out then my dog ate it
BiPOLAR CRAYON X___Funga fufu i won $50 once but i couldnt cash it cause i was underaged, so i got my mom to cash it but she kept half of it gonk XD I R UNDERAGED TOO. BUT THE PEOPLE IN THE 7-11 ARE PROBABLY STONED OUT OF THEIR MIND ANYWAYZ.
LadyCopperFoxx LosT BunniZ LadyCopperFoxx I'm an angel... *Walks around on the ceiling* ...and I've happily fallen to my love. O_O are you spiderman? XD I'm an angel...
No, I'm not Emoman. ...and I've happily fallen to my love.
~`Mysterious`~ Happy Valentines Day One AND ALL!
Your The One I want the Most Your Sexy and Im Sexy Plz dont Boast. Be My Host and lets Kiss! ( xd Im cheezey!!!)
Heh, sweatdrop Its weird, i dont even like V-day, i hate pink! but ne ways... Lol.
XxLost_ChildxX kyosuke01 LosT BunniZ Enigmatic Fantasy XD lolz... Yes I am in the 'tomorrow' I guess you could call it so basically I'm one day ahead of you XD I'm the person from da future!!!! xd Lolz.. me still wish I could actually comunicate with you guys when your on T.T *gasp*
Everybody, bow to the future person!
Will it rain tmrw?! xD
*bows* omg really so when am I going to die?? and how?
kyosuke01 Maximus Maximilian LosT BunniZ Nope. Had u do my ninjas for me xD cheater XD using my ninjas against me like that emo its not called cheating its called strategy ninja ninja ninja
22:05] Eugene: IM GONNA KILL YOU! [22:05] NohemiHemi: ? [22:05] Eugene: ******** YAOI! [22:05] Eugene: IMMA KILL U [22:05] NohemiHemi: XD [22:05] NohemiHemi: LMAO [22:06] Eugene: IF U LIKE WATCHING GUYS HAVE SEX THEN WATCH A PORNO GODDAMNIT [22:06] NohemiHemi: XD [22:06] NohemiHemi: YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT 8D [22:06] NohemiHemi: CAUSE YOU WOULDNT BE MAD UNLESS YOU FELT SOMETHING RISE UP [22:06] NohemiHemi: ROFL [22:06] NohemiHemi: JK!! XD [22:07] Eugene: IM DISGUSTED [22:07] NohemiHemi: LMFAO [22:07] Eugene: WTF MAN>! [22:07] Eugene: AND U DIDNT LIKE MEATSPIN?!?!?! [22:07] NohemiHemi: ROFL [22:07] NohemiHemi: XDDDDDDDDDDD [22:08] Eugene: WTF? [22:08] NohemiHemi: lawl [22:08] NohemiHemi: that was funny [22:08] Eugene: THATS DISGUSTING!!! [22:09] NohemiHemi: GET OFF THE FORUM LMFAO [22:09] Eugene: I WANTED A POLE DANCE LMFAO! [22:09] Eugene: jk jk [22:10] NohemiHemi: XDD [22:10] Eugene: but WHY!?!?!! [22:10] NohemiHemi: LOL [22:10] NohemiHemi: beware then lol [22:10] Eugene: i hope u get lesbian raped [22:11] NohemiHemi: LMAO [22:12] Eugene: BY A BIG WOMAN NAMED HELGA [22:12] Eugene: THATS HAIRY AS ******** [22:12] NohemiHemi: XDD [22:12] NohemiHemi: LMFAO [22:12] Eugene: AND IS LIKE TWICE SERGIOS SIZE [22:12] Eugene: AND HAS ALL HIS PIERCINGS AND MORE! [22:16] Eugene: AND SHE IS USING STEROIDS AND 4 DIFFERENT ANIMAL TRANQUILIZERS [22:16] NohemiHemi: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
LosT BunniZ · Wed Oct 18, 2006 @ 03:29am · 0 Comments |