Teh Xemnas File!
Hello this is Xemnas, ruler of all the nobodies! I'm here to give you stupid alien invaders a little note on why you shouldn't come here. This is MY TURF, not yours or your stupid mother ship's. So but out of here. If you don't know me and my remaining nobodies have came here in order for...how you say? The rebirth of a new rule! Org XIII shall rise from the ashes like a phonix and conquer this puny world in which these gaians live on! So lemme tell you, you better watch over your planet aliens. Cause I'm targeting it soon. Oh yeah Xemnas is better than you! Bring it aliens, bring it! >D Just like I said in my sig, you wanna destroy this world..you have to get through me and my nobody army. Oh and just to tell you...I have the heartless on my side now too...gotta love leading a lost heartless nation.
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