Semi Real Journal-

Hi Everyone! This is my first Journal! Whats up? XD no lol. But anywho, incase you havn't noticed, I'm Tohf! I wanted the name Toph but someone else took it. Incase you all are wondering, tes I do mean Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Toph is like, the only reason why I watch that show.... That and it's so emotinal sometimes! Like, in that one where verybody had their own little story about how their day was. Remeber, Kitara and Toph went and got Makeovers, Zuko had a date, and Aang freed some animals. But Uncle's tale ACTUALLY made me CRY! He was helping everyone in the city! he helped the man who was trying to mugg him, he helped him get back onto the right track. He helped these children who were in trouble get out of it. He helped a flower to bloom, and he sang this little crying boy a song that went kinda like this : "...Brave Soldier Boy, please come on home..." And the boy stops crying. at days end, he goes to the top of this is, and places a picture of this boy onto a rock, and lights a few candles by bending (bc he's alone). The he says softly: "Happy Birthday Son... If only I could have helped YOU." And then he starts to cry!! He starts to sing the brave soldier bo song while crying to his dead son, and I just start BAWLING away! crying It was SO EMOTIONAL!!!

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