Details for art trades/ comissions!

Stuff about my avatar. :3
Name: Death Pop
A.K.A.: Dethy, Poppy, Deth
Height: 5'3"
Likes: and i starve, loud music, black nail polish, bracelets, smoking.
Dislikes: People who don't "Get the joke"
Physical Appearance:
Hair: Red; often in corn rows, sometimes she let's them out.
Eyes: bright green.
Were tail is a part of her body, was born with it.
Sharp canine teeth, almost fang like. (Won't admit if she filed them or if they're naturally sharp.)
Lightly tanned skin (She's half Spanish. We're still not sure what's up with her hair/eyes. She ain't talking.)
Writes "Starve" above her collar bone in marker. (Soon to permanently tattoo.)
The top of her left ear is pierced, wears a ring going through it.
Both earlobes are pierced. Earings are up to the artist.
Left side of her bottom lip pierced, wears a ring or a ball in her lip.
Long, sharp fingernails. Usually painted black, but she paints them other colours when she feels like it.
Fashion/ what she wears:
She likes wearing platforms when hanging out with Starve due to their SEVERE height difference. So if you could turn any shoe she's wearing into platforms, that'd be good. She also likes to kick it in normal sneakers when Starve's ignoring her, because the platforms can get tiring after a while.
Bracelets. She loves bracelets.
Draws/writes on herself
Draws lines on her face (The gills)
Images of her different hair styles (You can pick whichever you want.):
Corn rows
Half corn row, Half down
Half corn row, Half down (2)
Half corn row, Half down (3)
Piggy tails
Three ideas in one.
Images of peircings, tattos, body art, bracelets, earings:
Click for full image, of course. :3

Height difference between and i starve / Deathy:

She's very loud, and a bit of a troll. Dethy often says things in order to see a reaction, and behaves like a b***h. She's nice to people she decides she likes, and a b***h to people she just feels like not liking. There's not a certain formula to who she likes and doesn't, her friendships are random. Every now and then, she'll be in a good mood and feels like giving things out to random strangers, though she favors GDers for her sudden gifting.
Death Pop is, well, doting and madly in love with and i starve, or "Starvey-Poo" as she calls him. About the only time you find Dethy in a good mood is when she's with Starve, who's like "cat n**" to her. She knows that the constant attention can get on his nerves, but it really doesn't stop her from following him around.
And drawing him sketches.
And dressing like him.
Then randomly ignoring him for a week so he can breathe before she draws more doodles.
As noted in the physical appearance, Death Pop writes his name above her collar bone, and is going to permanently tattoo it once she figures out which side she wants it on.
She seems to be in a constant bad mood, and will throw a fit at any moment. She chain smokes and chugs down soda like it's the only thing keeping her alive - which maybe it is.
Dethy's home is the General Discussion.
Loves to dance, though she's not exactly...the greatest dancer in the world. Doesn't stop her from busting a move, or anything near her.
Head bangs to Metal.
More examples:
-o- -o- -o- -o-
Art made by a friend
To be added : Death Rock, Pop's twin brother.
Art Wishlist
I've seen this a lot, lately. And I thought I'd post my own wishlist of artists.
First, my friends from back when I was a li'l school girl. Considering that I love them and I'm addicted to their art.

Sulf's joint art store. I want art from them all. ;-;
And Sulf. And Sulf. And Sulf.

Akitoshi <3
Art recieved!

More to come as I come across them again.