People give up their lives for many reasons, for friendship, for love, for an ideal, and people kill for the same reasons...
Dream Avitars!!!
twisted~MainDreamAvi~twisted ~ Year Round! (Between Holidays) ~
The legend of the Widow-Of-D00m: This demonic entity comes out from the bowels of Hell every Halloween to cause havoc amongst the living. She is out now to search for grunny induced zombies and more grunnies to reform her army of darkness. She leaves her mark upon the world by killing every mate she had, taking one of their possessions, fitting her with her name. This Halloween, BEWARE the Widow of D00M!
And dont fall in love with her.... lest you wish to join the others rotting away in her fiery domain
The legend of the Evil Snow Queen: Be careful this Winter, for The Snow Queen has emerged from her seasonal slumber. Soon the land will be covered in a beautiful pale blanket. Rushing waters halted in their tracks wishing and hoping to become spectacular crystalline ornaments that might have the honor to adorn Her Majesty. Creatures will shy away from the biting cold that comes from the painful lash of her Ice Whip that even causes the Sun to hide behind the clouds. This is Her time, Her place, Her's. Now all is quiet, Shhh. For she will awaken in her Frozen Dreamland, Her paradise within what is The Cold and The Ice..