Well.....As you can see I bearly write in this thing So instead of a journal it should be called
That collects computer dust *sweatdrop* WELL! ANYWAY!
I am writing because I have deleted alot of friends since I started and I've been trying to pick out the loyals from the not so caring friends because I obviously don't have alot of people who pm or comment my journal. The people who are very loyal friends are very sweet and donate whenever I have those n00bish begging moment, or those days when I want someone to complain or just talk to!!! I thank you so much for all of that, but What I don't get is why do people ask to be my friend then two weeks later never get on gaia again??? I mean can't I have a warning!? I deleted everyone who has not been on this year because it coming to an END! 2005 zoomed by and 2006 is now almost over!
So for all my friends who were so sweet to have been with me for such a long time! I thank you so much!!! ^--^ I wish there was more I could do...NAG NAG NAG
I never get to pm you ladies and gentlemen as much as you should be pmed or commented so I'm doing be best to help! And my cousin ~zexion_kairilover~ since he just joined I forces him to bwhahahahaha! I am now helping trying to help him on his Quest for gwee...*looks at my own gwee* Nooo! Don't even get that Idea Envy is my pride and joy!(ha ha ha that's a store....*cough*) Envy is my gwee!!! I already "lent" Him Pride and he just sits on My poor MoMo! SITS AND SQUASHES IT!!! THATS ALL HE DOES!!! but enough about cousins....Uhm....lets see...I have A mule.
Her name is Vanilla-kitty, her email doesn't work very well so I had to make [Wishing_ona_Star] (love the name D:!!!!!) and shes like her own but she can't raise money fast and when she does I just give it to myself >:3 Cause I'm greedy like that bwhahahaha *cough sniff gigglesnort* So.....ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow that was alot of explimationdsfhchj EXCLIMATION marks...phew that was hard to get out O--o''' *cough* loser *cough* Lets count the "E" markings
1..2..3....6...7.9..10....2..44...86....43343....73!!!!!!! <--- not counting those...
I bet you think I have some attention disorder because of how random I am, WELL I DON'T Miss/Mister/MR./Mrs. SmartypantssosmartIwenttoharvardIcanbeatyouincalulussonowI'mgoingtodefeatyou
*breath* ok I need to calm.....CALM! uhm...so....before I kill a toaster with how random I am I'm just going to go.......*backs away* bye.....
domokun NOW A DISCLAIMER heart
wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
I cough throughout this because I am sick, I puked my stomach out over thanksgiving(Happy THURSDAY!) weekend.
The reason why I was out for two weeks was because my cousin passed away, and I don't really want to talk about it...
The reason I'm so random (I haven't had a really good meal in 4 3 days)or the fact that I like the word MAAACCAADDAAMMIIIAA!! DONUTS! or that I made an insanity list....I should show you it one time.....Yeah next time I get it I'll let you see it Ok ^__^! *cough* *gigglesnort*
And all accidents in flying squirells, Typo's destorying cities, or evil Robots called GhoustleyShadow owns these robots, THEY ARE NOT MY RESPONSABLEITIES!
and that is all United States World....So long and not good night
....Seriously.....Good bye..
Why are you still reading on!!!
Seriously they don't like people O--o;;;
Cali and Scooter are their names...and Daisy(May) and (San)Deigo are my big Black labs...and ThumbaLina and Maddie Lyynn are my kitties...cats...SAME THING!! D:! ok I go now!
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