Gaara. Definatly Gaara. (Gaara scares the heck out of me. I also don't think he's hot, but that's cause we look FREAKISHLY alike, and we are FREAKISHLY alike. I have circles around my eyes cause I;m an insomniac, I have red hair, and I have light green eyes. I get teased by all my friend since I'm so afriad of him and we're like...twins. Maybe I'll thell you the story of why I'm afriand of him some other time. Back to the results!)Your kind of bloodthirsty, which, not to be a perv or anything, is a turn on for Gaara. What can I say? He likes blood. Anywho, your a good person deep down, but your probably afraid of getting hurt, so you sheild yourself.
Naruto: Thinks you'd be a great friend if you weren't so...scary.
Sasuke: Wants to fight you and hopesully beat you to prove his strength.
Kiba: You made his dog afriad of the dark. He hates you. (Me: How'd you do that?!)
Shikamaru: Will never watch clouds with you again.
Gaara: Thinks your entertaining and interesting.(Me: and he gets a hard on whenever you kill somebody. *Runs away from Gaara screaming* You can't kill me! We're twins! Twins I say!)
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