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Final Fantasy 7: Chocobo Nights
This is how i display conversation

talk "..."
whispering "(...)"

Before we start, you should read "Episode 1 - Cellmates" to actually
Understand what's going on here. If you don't, you'll get confused and
give yourself brain failure. Oh well... ENJOY!


"(Aeris... Aeris... no... don't... don't leave me... no Aeris)
No Aeris! NOOOO! AERIS! Aeris..." Tifa had woken up from a bad dream.
"You alright Tifa?" Tifa broke down in tears. "I want her back Cloud"

They were at a campfire, with Barrett and Red (that tiger thing). They
Had been driven out of Midgar by Shinra, while the rest of Avalanche
was killed when the Sector 7 Slums was crushed. They had set up camp
in the outskirts of Kalm.

"Ohh, the things they could be doing to her." "Don't worry, we'll get
her back." "(I need my Honeybuns back)" "What was that?" "Oh! Nothing!"

Daybreak, and the group were walking the plains of Midgar's continent.
"Who the hell is this new Shinra president anyway?" "His name is Rufus"
"How'd you know that?" "I heard it from Sephiroth once, he always said
he was dangerous." "Are you guys sure he went to Junon with Aeris?"
"It's the only place for 500 Km, Tifa." "Do we have to go this way
Cloud?" "Well you see Tifa, we have no plane, car or mountain chocobo
to get over the Midgar mountains, we have to go the long way."

"Awww.. Come on! Wait.... look over there." Tifa could see a farm in
the distance. "Maybe they have transport!" They went up to the farm
fence to see that this was a Chocobo Ranch. Just then a woman emerges
from the farmhouse. She looked like a cowgirl, she wore really tight
jeans, with a chequered shirt tied around her large chest, revealing
her navel and also wore a cowgirl's hat over her long dark blonde hair.

"Howdy, you guys passing through?" "We're heading for Junon" "Junon?
On foot? You'll need a Chocobo." "I suppose you got one for sale?"
"I certainly do! 10000 Gil a piece!" "WHAT! We can't afford that."
"By the looks of things you can." "We need that money for potions and
phoenix downs." "You understand that i can't just give these away,
they're pedigree chocobos, i could get three times that price at the
Midgar Rodeo."

"Listen, can't we work out something?" "I'm sorry sister, no deals."
"What do you mean, NO DEALS!!!!" "Calm down Tifa, this is going no
where. What's your name anyway?" "I'm Sally Jane Johnson, but people
around here call me Chicabo!" "Well Sally..." "Chicabo.." "Right,
Chicabo, could you at least tell us where the nearest inn is."
"Sure, it's in Kalm. A day's walk away!" "s**t! Looks like we're
camping out again." "You don't have to do that. You can stay with me!"
"You sure?" "I get awful lonesome out here, I'd appreciate some
company." "(I don't know about this Cloud)"
"(Well Tifa... What could happen?)"


It was dark. Aeris couldn't see a thing. She was still naked, and could
feel the cold metal table on her a** and back. Her arms and legs were
shackled to it. She was frightened. Just then the room filled with
light when the door slid open. Some lights were switched on, and she
could see what was happening.

Rufus and some scientist enter the room. "We've conducted every test
possible on her, I'm not sure what you expect."
"Exactly what the results will show, when will they be finished?"
"We're processing the urine samples now. But we'll need to take more
for accuracy." "Proceed..." The scientist shoves several pipes into
Aeris' c**t. "Stop it! Let me go!" Rufus just smiled at her in his
Evil way.

"Sir... Sir!" "What is it Commander Typhon?" "I just got news from
Midgar, Sector 7 was destroyed! AVALANCHE were killed in the collapse."
"All of it?" "Well, maybe..." "Cloud and Co. are still alive?"
"...Yes..." "IDIOT!" "Sir...?" "What?" "That creature, Red XIII, he's
with them." "WHAT! Triple the patrols between here and Cosmo Canyon!"
"Sir?" "DO IT!" "Yes Sir!" Typhon runs off.

Rufus looked at Aeris' face as she tried to bear the pain of having
pipes shoved up her pee hole, v****a and a**. "So beautiful, like an
angel, so fitting that you will make me a GOD!" "(Tifa, please be
alright)" Whispered Aeris as she closed her eyes.


"Did you hear that?" "What Tifa?" "Oh nothing,
(Did i just hear Aeris?)" They were all sitting around a table having
a meal. "You guys are the weirdest critters I've seen this side of
Moogle season! Barrett, how'd you get that gun-arm?" While Barrett told
his life story, Chicabo removed her left foot from it's boot and began
to stroke Tifa's leg with it. Tifa looked over at Chicabo,
she winked at her. Tifa winked back and smiled.
"What are you smiling about, Tifa?" "Oh Cloud... I'm remembering
the look on you face when you saw me naked in the Shinra office." "Oh."

The night dragged on, until only Tifa and Chicabo were left. "This
Aeris girl sounds really special, those Shinra ******** have no
right to her!" "Oh yea....." "Listen, we should be getting to bed."
"Ok." Chicabo shows Tifa to a room. "You can sleep here, you can 'do'
yourself without the boys bothering you!" "Thank you Chicabo."
With that, Chicabo kisses Tifa. "Good night, Honey!" "(I knew something
was up with her)" Tifa strips to her underwear, settles down to sleep.

It was around 2 or 3 am. The door of Tifa's room slowly opened.
A shadow creeps over to a sleeping Tifa. "(Psssssst... Tifa)"
"Huh? What? Who?" "(Shhhhh... It's me Chicabo)" "(What you want?)"
"(Wanna have some fun?)" "(But i'm asleep)" "(It's relaxing, you'll
enjoy it)" Chicabo was wearing a night gown and her hat. She pulled
Tifa out of bed and walked her to the door. "(Let me put some
clothes on)" "(You won't need them, I've got special wear for this)"
"(Why don't we bring the guys?)" "(Only a woman can appreciate this)"

They slowly creep out to the Chocobo stable. "You stay here, while i
get into my riding suit and get us a pair of Chocobos." "Chocobos?
Sure whatever." Tifa was getting cold, waiting outside in her
underwear. She rubbed herself, trying to keep warm. Just then, the
stable door opened. Tifa was stunned at what she saw.

Chicabo was completely naked, except for her hat, an was dragging
two Chocobos with her. Tifa couldn't keep her eyes off Chicabo's
pubic hair, it had been shaved into the shape of a Chocobo's head.
"I.. erm... like what you've done with your hair." "Why thank
you honey." "Why are you naked?" Chicabo walks over to Tifa.
"You silly honey, don't you know there's no better fun than Nude
Chocobo Night Riding!!" "Nude Chocobo?" "Come here..."

Chicabo takes Tifa's hand and places it on the Chocobo.
"Now isn't that soft?" "Hey... yea" While Tifa felt the Chocobo's
coat, Chicabo opened the hooks on Tifa's bra and flung it off her.
"Hey, what do you think your doing!" Chicabo gently pushes Tifa
into the Chocobo, until her breasts are touching it's coat.
"Like that?" "Ohh... that feels so good." "Now stand still."
Chicabo grabs both ends of Tifa's panties and pulls them to the
ground. "Now, my nudie honey, mount the Chocobo!"

They both get on their Chocobos. The second her p***y touched the
Chocobo's soft furry back, Tifa got really aroused.
"AHHHH OH MY G...." "(Shhhhh! Quiet, don't wake the guys!)"
"O...... K......" said Tifa as she tried to contain her excitement.
"(You know how to ride?)" "(.....y..yep)" "(Ok, lets go)"
With that they rode out of the ranch.

They darted across the surrounding plains at high speed.
The feeling was unbelievable for Tifa. Her c**t was rubbing off
the Chocobo at high speed, her breasts were bouncing up and down
off of the Chocobo, and the feeling off the wind on her back and
a** was like nothing else. "You loving this, Honey?!"
"OHHHHH.....YEA!!" "Hee! Hee! I knew you would!"

They come to the coast, and stop at a beach. They both dismount.
"Now wasn't that fun!" "Yea! But, it wasn't relaxing, like you
said." "No Honey, this is the relaxing part!" She looks at Tifa
standing there, the wind blowing her long hair, the moonlight
reflecting off her every curve. Chicabo slowly walks over to her.
"Mercy! You are the sexiest critter I've ever seen!" Chicabo
slips her arms around Tifa to embrace her. "No.. stop."

"What's wrong Honey? Don't you like me?" "No.. It's not that.."
"I know you like women. I can see it in your eyes!"
Said Chicabo seductively as she fully embraced Tifa.
"Yea.. I.. I prefer women. But..."
"No more words, kiss me Honey" She locks her lips with Tifa's
and kisses her passonintly. This made Tifa horny, and in the
end she surrendered to Chicabo's will, returning the kiss with
as much passion.

Chicabo lowers Tifa to the sandy ground, then just looks at her
smiling. "Do me! Please..." Said Tifa lustfully. "Do me HARD!"
"What.. ever.. you.. say.. Honey!" Chicabo spreads Tifa's legs
and pokes her fingers into her v****a. "OH YEA!" Chicabo then
begins to pump hard with her hand, feeling all over the inside,
reaching the womb sometimes. "OHHHHH... YES YES YES YES YES

Tifa came, all over Chicabo's arm, and then collapsed.
"Oh.... Your really good!" Said Tifa as Chicabo licked the
c** off of her arm. "Mmmmm, Best c** I've tasted in a while!"
Chicabo got up and mounted Tifa in the 69 position.
"Now, we do each other!" Chicabo plunged her thung into Tifa's
c**t. Tifa raises her head and does the same, as well as
stroking Chicabo's a** with her hands. Soon, muffled moans
could be heard on both ends of Chicabo.

"mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM
MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MM MM m MMMMMM!" They both c** into
each other's mouths. "MMM, I love the taste of you Honey!"
"I like yours too, except, it tastes different than usual,
almost like some vegetable." "I put Greens in my p***y!"
"Chocobo Greens?" "Yep. Helps me control them. There are
some other benefits, I'll tell you them later." "Ok."

"Ready to play a game?" "Erm... Ok! What?" "I have no name
for it. You hog-tie me, and run away as fast as you can.
I have to try and escape, and catch you! You game?"
"Sure! I should warn you, i can do good knots."
"I can escape any bond Honey!" Said Chicabo as she rummaged
in a travel bag being worn by her Chocobo. She produced
some long, thick rope. She knelt down on the ground and put
her hands behind her back. "Do it Honey!" "Ok, but don't say
i didn't warn you!"

Tifa wrapped the rope tightly around Chicabo's wrists and
tightened a knot. "OH YEA! mmmmmmm!" "Why you so excited?"
"I LOVE bondage Honey! mmmmmmmmm!" Tifa got the rest of the
rope and tied the ankles just as tightly.
"mmmmm Ok Honey. I'll give you 5, mmmmmmm no, make that 10
minutes before i try and escape!" "How can you tell the
time, tied up?" "I'll count the waves, Now GO! Nudie Tifa!
Run with the wind!" With that, she ran down the beach.

Tifa ran as fast as she could along the bay. The feel of
the ocean spray and wind, on her naked skin was like
nothing she had ever felt. Her nipples were rock hard, she
could feel every bounce of her breasts, with incredible
detail. Every stride she ran was bliss, from the feel of
the soft sand on her feet, to the wind massaging her a**,
to the flow of her hair. She never felt so relaxed, she was
at one with nature. But this wasn't right, she wanted Aeris
to enjoy this with her.

She stopped running and looked at the stars. "(I wish you
were here with me Honeybuns, my little Aeris.)"
She started to walk on slowly, trying to gather her
thoughts. Just then, she could hear galloping. She looked
behind her. Two Chocobos were charging up the beach,
Chicabo on one of them. "YEEE HA! I'm coming to get you

"s**t i forgot!" Tifa runs as fast as she can, but it was
no use, Chicabo quickly caught up. "WOOOO HOOO! Look at
her pump those buns!" Chicabo begins to swing a lasso she
made from the rope. "Your not getting away Tifa!"
Chicabo throws the lasso and manages to catch Tifa,
binding her hands to her waist. Tifa falls to the ground
in a sandy puff of dust.

Chicabo leaps off her Chocobo and grabs Tifa. "Now Honey,
I've GOT YOU!" She pulls Tifa up using the lasso.
"Now i get to do whatever i want with you! Now.. what can
i do?" "How about untie me?" "Do you want a spanking? Cos
that's what you get if you don't stay quiet and behave!"
Chicabo looks down the beach. "Hey! I've an idea!"
She pulls Tifa along until they reach a large wooden,
depth measuring pole. She undoes the lasso, places Tifa's
back against the pole and ties her hands behind the pole.
She then gets another rope and ties her legs tightly to
the pole as well.

"Ok, you tied me up, i give up, lets do something else."
"The game ain't over yet Honey!" She removes a shaver,
and shaving foam from her Chocobo's bag.
"No.. Wait! Don't!" "Hee hee hee!" She sprays the foam
all over Tifa's crotch. "OOOHHH It's COLD!" "It's time
to start!" Chicabo gets her razor and starts to work on
Tifa's pubic hair. "Mercy! You do let this thing grow
WILD!" "Please don't!" Said Tifa desperately, as she
struggled in vain to free herself. "Don't worry, it'll
look cute!"

Chicabo made her finishing touches, then washed off the
foam with sea water. She got a mirror, so Tifa could
see. Her pubic hair was in the shape of a Chocobo's
head, just like Chicabo's "Heh heh heh, we look the
same now!" Tifa didn't know what to think.
"We can be Chocobo Sisters! Hmmmm. I know. If you
promise to follow one last command, I'll untie you
and finish the game!" "Ok then.."

Chicabo unties Tifa from the pole. "Ok.. Now...
Go over there, and get on all fours!" "Well....
Ok then" Tifa gets on all fours. Chicabo takes
some Greens from her bag, and shoves them up Tifa's
c**t. "Ohhhhhhh! Hey, why'd you do that?"
"Remember that other benefit of Greens i was talking
about? Well here it comes now." Suddenly a huge furry
d**k rams up Tifa's c**t, it was a Chocobo.

Chicabo encourages the Chocobo to start pumping.
mmmmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m!"
Suddenly the Chocobo cums, shooting Tifa 3 feet away.
"What'd you think of that?" "Ohhhhhhhhhh! Wait! Oh NO!
He came inside me!" "Don't worry Honey, you'll be ok!
I should know, I've been humped by them, for years!"

"I'm safe then?" "Sure, now Honey, you are now my
Chocobo Sister for sure! You made love to a Chocobo
and got the mark shaved into you!" "My hair?" "Yep!
Now! Time to celebrate!" Chicabo jumps on Tifa's back,
and starts spanking her. "Ride 'em Chocobo Sister!
Move!" "Alright then! But when it's my turn to ride
you, I'll spank the a** off you!" "Hee hee hee! I
look forward to it!"

The night was ending. Tifa and Chicabo were asleep
in each other's arms. On the ocean, the sun was trying
to break past the horizon. Tifa stirred a little, then
some more, she felt some thing weird inside her.
"W.. What's happening to me? I.. I.. OWWWWW!"
"W... What is it Honey?" "Th... There's something
moving in my womb! OWWWW! Help me!" Said Tifa

"Ok Honey, there was a chance of this, but follow my
instructions and you'll be ok." Chicabo spreads Tifa's
legs and watches her c**t. "Ok Honey, when you feel
the urge to push, do it." "Nnnnnmmnnnnnnn Ah! Nnnnnnnn
Ah! Nnnnnnnnnnnnn AHHH!" Tifa begins to breath heavily.
"Your doing great Honey, just keep pushing."
"Ok Hon, one last push." "NNNNNNNNNN AHHHHHRGGGG!!!!!"

Something shoots out of Tifa's c**t and onto Chicabo's
lap. "W... What was that?" "Congratulations Honey,
It's a girl!" "WHAT???!!!!!!!!!" Chicabo shows her a
tiny yellow chocobo. "She's.... Mine?" "Yep!"
"But... but that's impossible!" "Not many people
know that humans can bear chocobo young, it only
takes a few hours, they don't even need an umbilical
cord. I found out by accident, when i dropped one of my
tampons in the Greens, one thing led to another, well,
you can guess the rest. Here..."

Chicabo hands over the chicobo to Tifa who cradles it
gently in her arms. "I gave birth to half my flock,
that's why they're better than anyone else's! That
little chicobo is my grand-daughter, what's her name?"
"Aeris." "Aeris? Cute!" Aeris starts to make little
chirps. "What does she want?" "She knows you're her
mother, she's hungry" "I have no food." "She wants
milk." "I have no milk." "Oh no? Look down!"

Tifa looked down to see that her breasts were much
larger than before. "What the...." "They're full of
milk, the same as mine! I gave birth to a chicobo
yesterday morning." Tifa slowly moves Aeris to her
left n****e. As soon as she got sight of it, Aeris
clamps on, and starts pinching it with her beak,
squirting milk, into her mouth. "Heh heh heh! That's

"Mind if i have some?" "Sure, suck my tits off!"
Chicabo starts sucking on her right n****e.
"OHHHHHH OH I love that!" Chicabo and Aeris spend
several minutes nursing off of Tifa and then quit.
"OHHhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnn....... That felt so good!"
Chicabo licks the milk off her face and then lies
on her back. "Want some farmyard fresh?" said
Chicabo pointing her right breast at Tifa.

"Hee hee! I haven't had breakfast yet!" Tifa
grabbed onto Chicabo's n****e and sucked with all
her strength. Aeris had had enough, and settled to
sleep on Tifa's a**. "I don't know about Aeris,
but i haven't had enough yet!" She pulled her
own left breast to her mouth, and began to suck.
They both drank, and had their fill.
"Ohhhh, i'm so full, i'm going back to semi-
skimmed." "Not me Honey! Nothing beats breast-

They packed up and slowly rode the Chocobos
to the ranch. Aeris was sleeping, curled up
in-between Tifa's legs and p***y. "Oh...
Little Aeris, my first born. I can't take her
with me, it's too dangerous." "She can stay
with me at the ranch, she's related after all!"
"You sure?" "Yep. And you can borrow some of my
Chocobos to get to Junon. Chocobo Bill will bring
them back for me, he's at the stable there."
"The boys will be glad to hear that!"


"How'd you do it Tifa?" "I'm good at hammering
deals, i did run my 'Seventh Heaven' bar for
2 years, Cloud!" Chicabo was at the gate seeing
them off with Aeris in her hands. Tifa rode her
Chocobo up to her. "Thank you for everything
Chicabo. I promise to come back for Aeris.
(You take care Honeybo, grow strong for me!)"

"Could you do me one last favour?" "Sure what?"
Chicabo whispers in Tifa's ear. "You sure?
No-one will be here." She nods her head.
Tifa gets off the Chocobo and goes into the
farmhouse with her, and then emerges a few
minutes later. "What was that about?"
"Oh... Just helping a friend." They ride off
across the marsh. "Oh Tifa, ...your breasts.."
"What are you saying?" "Ohhhh......Nothing."

Back in the farmhouse Chicabo was on her bed,
naked, and hog-tied really tight.
"I love that Tifa Honey! Ohhhhh! Really sexy
knots! I love this so much!"
Aeris hops up on Chicabo's breast
and looks at her n****e. "No.. wait! Don't
even think about it! My tits are back to normal!
No.. wait! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!......... Ow!"


I've got to start writing shorter lemons!
Hoped you liked it! More coming soon!
Got any thing to say about this lemon?
Then e-mail.
Nuff said.

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