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Final Fantasy 7: One Night at the Costa Del Sol
"..." - Talking "(...)" - Whispering/Thinking -------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we start, you should read the earlier episodes to actually understand what's going on here. ENJOY! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Some days had passed since Avalanche had rescued Aeris from Shinra, and now, they had found themselves at the luxury resort town of Costa Del Sol. Aeris had slept the entire time they had spent there, the side effect of being frozen in a stasis pod. All they could do was to sit back and relax, as they waited for her recover. They kept her in a room in the Costa Del Sol Inn, while Cloud and Barrett kept vigil at her bedside. One day, they were sitting at a table in the room, playing cards. Barrett had an attachment on his Gunarm to hold his hand of cards, and wore a poker cap, to make himself look more like a card shark. Barrett lay his cards on the table with a smug expression on his face. "Two Chocobos, three Ifrits and an Odin. Beat that! Ha!" Cloud lay his cards down. "Six Knights of the Round." "DAMMIT!!" Barrett detached his card attachment and flung it on the table in a fit of rage. "You ALWAYS win! Dammit! Why can't I win a single ******** game?!" Barret was too furious at Cloud right now to notice what was happening a few metres away. Aeris was waking from her week-long slumber. It was then that her eyes began to slowly ease open. They didn't notice her beginning to wake as they argued over the card game. "(....Tifa?)" They stopped arguing when they heard this quiet whisper from Aeris and promptly went over to see her. "Aeris? Do you feel ok?" Asked Cloud as softly as he could. "(Cloud......where am I? How did I get here? The last thing I remember, is being put into a metal coffin.)" "You were put into a stasis pod, we took you from Shinra while they were moving you. We brought you here to Costa Del Sol so you could recover." Explained Cloud. "(Wh...where's Tifa?) Is...is she ok?!" Aeris tried her best to get up. For some reason, it was urgent for her to see if Tifa was alright. Cloud gently pushed her back down. "Calm down Aeris she's fine. She had been watching you for the past few days, she never left your side. But she needed to take a break, so she's gone down to the beach with Red." Aeris tried again to get up out of bed, and this time she succeeded. "Hey wait Aeris! You have to rest." "Thank you for the concern Cloud, but I'm fine now. I....I have to see Tifa." ----------- Tifa stood on the beach, near the water's edge, and stared longingly at the ocean. She was wearing a tight little black bikini and was with Red who was sleeping beside her on a beach towel under a parasol. She was lost in her own thoughts as she looked at the waves approaching. She had spent the past five days at Aeris's bedside. Looking at her, falling in love with her again, and then falling into a depression, when she realised that she didn't deserve her. Raping Aeris in Midgar made her guilty enough to think that way. How could she live with herself after stealing an angel's virginity? She thought this to herself. But that train of thought was ended...by the sound of soft sandy footprints behind her. She turned around, and was surprised by what she saw. It was Aeris standing there, looking at her with those soft eyes she remembered. "Hi, Tifa." Spoke the girl softly. At first Tifa was overjoyed to see Aeris out and about and couldn't help smiling. Seeing Aeris awake and standing there just made her more beautiful to Tifa "Aeris...you're, you're awake..." Replied Tifa with a voice of soft surprise. "Yep, I sure am! Thanks for keeping my lucky dress for me, I'd be lost without it." Said Aeris as she examined her trademark dress. "Your dress is lucky?" "Sure it is. (I wouldn't have met you if I hadn't worn it.)" Aeris playfully winked at Tifa, which suddenly sent her into a pit of despair. Tifa couldn't believe it, Aeris was finally reciprocating her feelings, it was her most cherished dream cometrue, but she couldn't take it, she was still wallowing in guilt over raping her. Her smiling face was replaced by one of sadness as she looked at the ground and away from Aeris. "(Tifa?)" Aeris, concerned about Tifa, walked up to her, to see if she was ok. After examining her sad face, Aeris knew what to do and then looked to see if Red was still asleep before she whispered. "(Tifa...want to go somewhere more....private....for a walk?)" Tifa blushed, and then looked at Aeris who was now also blushing. "(Sure...)" Replied Tifa, not believing her luck. "(We'll go to the north beach, no-one's ever there.)" ------------------------ It was evening, the north beach and everything around it had a orange tint to it, thanks to the setting sun. Tifa and Aeris walked along the empty beach, they hadn't spoken. Aeris seemed very happy to be with Tifa again, but Tifa had brought her cloud of doom with her, she was still swimming in guilt. "Oh..this beach is so beautiful, don't you think so Tifa?" She got not response, and so she tried to think of something else to say. "Emm..I hear that I owe my rescue to you. I knew you would come and save me. It was that hope that got me through it all." Again, no response. Aeris began to get worried, and stopped walking. "Tifa? Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" Tifa stopped walking just ahead of Aeris, and began to sob quietly. "Tifa.....don't you love me anymore?" Tifa quickly turns to face her, with tearful eyes. "(sniff) Aeris, I do love you!" "Then what's wrong? Why are you so distant to me? Why are you crying? Your worrying me Tifa." "I....(sniff) don't.....(sniff)deserve you!" She continued to cry, she couldn't look Aeris in the eyes anymore, and looked down to ground as her tears fell. Aeris walked up to her. "Don't say that Tifa! Of coarse you deserve me." "(sniff) No...Aeris, I raped you." "But Tifa, that was part of your plan to kill Shinra, it was for the greater good." "No!! You don't understand! I didn't have to do that, I did it out of jealousy. I....I stole an angel's virginity, and can never forgive myself for it." "(Aww Tifa...you think I'm an angel?)" Whispered Aeris as she inched herself closer to Tifa, clearly touched by what she just said. "I did a terrible thing to you. I'm a monster, no better than Shinra! You shouldn't stay with me, I'm not good enough-" Tifa's sentence was suddenly cut short by Aeris' lips, as the chestnut-haired girl gently began to kiss her. She put her heart and soul into this kiss. Tifa tried to pull away, but Aeris just held on tighter and soon, Tifa surrendered to Aeris, and returned her kiss with as much passion, as she wrapped her arms around her. Tifa had stopped crying, and soon the kiss ended. Aeris opened her eyes, and looked at Tifa with loving affection. "Aeris.....why?" Asked Tifa softly, wondering what she did to deserve such loving treatment. "Tifa....I did say I love you." "You mean, back in Condor, that wasn't a dream?" "That's right Tifa, it was real. I asked you to rescue me..." Aeris let out a soft sigh before looking upon Tifa as her hero. "....and you did." Aeris hugged Tifa and lay her head on brunette's shoulder. "Ohh..I love you Aeris." "I know...and stop feeling sorry for yourself, you made up for what you did to me. I saved my virginity for someone I love, and that's you. Besides, your a good person, your not like Shinra, and you never could be." Tifa held onto Aeris tighter. "Why do you love me Aeris? I'm nothing special, I didn't do anything to win your heart." "Don't be so sure, remember when we were in Shinra's office together?" "Yea." "Remember when you felt sorry for raping me, and cried on my shoulder." ".....(yea)" "That was so beautiful, no one had ever opened up that much to me before. That very moment, our souls touched." "Our....souls?" "Yes Tifa, they touched, and I fell in love with you. At the same time, you fell in love with me. Since then we've shared a connection. I've been with you all this time. I was with you on your journey, during your battles, and when you made love to Chicabo, and Aki, and the others, I was there." "(gasp) You were there?!" Tifa was a understandably shocked to learn this. "Yes, because you were always thinking of me. You truly love me, don't you?" Said Aeris almost in tears. "Of coarse I do Aeris. I'm....sorry for cheating on you with those girls, I should have resisted them, I shouldn't of-" Aeris put index finger on Tifa's mouth, gently gagging her. "Shhhhhh...Tifa." Said Aeris as she faced her. "Tifa......(kiss me)." Tifa looked upon her lover with waterlogged eyes, surprised by what she heard, but felt joy from it too. Her instincts kicked in as she closed her eyes and moved her lips towards Aeris. Soon they touched, and she held Aeris, gently gripping her mouth with her strong yet delicate lips. Finally, Aeris was kissing Tifa the way she had always wanted. It was like a dream come true for her, and the dream was about to get better. Slowly, as she embraced her, Aeris gently slipped her hands up Tifa's back and to the hooks of her bikini top. While Tifa was sedated by her kiss, Aeris opened the bikini top and slipped it off her, throwing it to the ground. It wasn't until she felt the skin of her breasts and nipples, pressed up against the material of Aeris' dress, that she realised that she was topless. A little surprised by this, she opened her eyes to see the blushing, and very confident face of Aeris. Tifa couldn't help but be turned on by this. Like some kind of artist, she had managed to look both innocent and sexy at the same time. But this still surprised Tifa. "A...Aeris? Why did you just strip my top off?" Aeris squeezed Tifa's nose playfully before replying to her question. "Hee! Hee! Tifa! You know more about this than I do." Without any warning Aeris took her hands, and began to gently cup Tifa's breasts, shyly brushing her thumbs against her nipples as she went. "Am.....am I doing it right Tifa?" Tifa looked at the girl she loved with doting eyes. "Oh Aeris. You really are something special. There's...there's no right way to feel me. Just...do whatever you like." "Anything I like?" "Well...yea." Aeris lowered her hands, and gently began to caress Tifa's thighs. "Your skin is so soft, I love to touch it." "Really? I thought mine was hard compared to yours." "No, it's perfect." "Perfect? Hee! Hee! Well I don't know if...." She was cut short by the feeling of Aeris' hands making their way south. As she moved her hands down, she caught hold of Tifa's bikini bottom, and dragged it down. Seconds later, it was at her feet, and she stood nude in front of her chestnut-haired loved one. It didn't take Tifa long to figure out what Aeris wanted from her. "(Aeris? Do you want me to-)" She was cut short by the look on Aeris' face, she clearly wanted this. "(I know how much you love to do it, Tifa. It's when you're the happiest.)" "(Ohh...Aeris. I've wanted to do this to you for so long now.)" A broad smile enveloped both their faces. It look like they were going to get together, and have sex right there on the beach, but Tifa stopped them. "Huh? What's wrong Tifa?" Tifa looked around. "This spot is far too open.....we've got to get somewhere more private." Just then she spotted the tropical forest beside the beach. "Perfect! C'mon Aeris!" She took her lover's hand and with the excitement of a little girl on Christmas morning, she ran and skipped into the forest, with an amused Aeris in tow. Soon she found a dark, and private corner of that forest, nestled between a few trees, where she gently lay Aeris onto a bed of fallen leaves. Tifa lay over her, keeping some distance between them so she could still strip Aeris of her clothing, and so that's what she did, unbuttoning her dress with care but also with excitement. To her, it was like opening the wrapping on a gift. She wanted everything to go right this time, so that she could finally forget about when she raped this girl. It didn't take long for Tifa to finish, and soon Aeris was lying there naked on top of a layer of her own clothes. Aeris lay there serenely with a soft smile on her face, all too used to being naked since her captivity at Shinra, she was glad now that Tifa was here to protect her, and Tifa could sense this. It was then that the brunette-haired woman closed the gap between them, pressing their soft bodies together. It looked like Tifa was about to close in for a kiss, but she stopped herself, hypnotised by Aeris' eyes, she had to look at the smiling face of her lover before she continued. "Aeris..." She said softly to her. "...Now you'll see what it was like...when someone makes love to you..." On finishing that sentence, Tifa pressed their lips together and engaged Aeris in a soft sensual kiss, while she gently moved her fingers along the lips of Aeris' now swollen vulva, and into the depths of what was her most private area. What came next surprised Tifa. She was expecting the love of her life to feel enjoyment from her touch, but what she felt instead was more like pain from Aeris. Tifa opened her eyes and looked upon Aeris' now cringing face. The Ancient was clearly in pain from Tifa's touch. The rebel quickly withdrew her fingers from Aeris, and sat between her legs, examining her lover carefully. "You OK Aeris? I hurt you, didn't I?" Asked Tifa with genuine concern. "No, It's ok, My....my v****a just stings a little." On hearing this Tifa bent down and examined Ancient's vulva carefully. What she saw shocked her. Aeris' vulva was tender and bruised, and showed all the signs of month's worth of abuse. This saddened and angered Tifa all at once. "Oh Aeris...what did they do to you?" Said Tifa as her eyes filled with tears, imagining what Aeris might have gone through. "Well..." Replied Aeris, uncomfortable with this subject. "...they kinda put pipes and tubes up all my...you know, my v****a and everywhere else. They collected everything, and since they were doing that, they kept me naked and strapped to a table, all the time. They gave me protein injections instead of food, they wouldn't let me go to the toilet, pipes would do that for me, and I had to sleep that way. It was...humiliating, and very....lonely." Tifa looked down towards the ground, ashamed of herself. "I'm so sorry Aeris..." She said with remorse. "...it's my fault that they caught you, it's my fault that I didn't rescue you sooner.... Can you ever...forgive me?" "Tifa..." Replied Aeris, softly. "..It's not your fault. It's Shinra that did this to me. All I want from you, is to be with me. When your around, it makes me feel better." Suddenly Tifa looked at her beloved with excited eyes, she had just realised something. "That's it! I can make you feel better!" Aeris was a little confused. "Well...of coarse you can. You can make love to me." "Hee! Hee! Hee! I know!" Chuckled Tifa as her mood began to brighten. "But first I've gotta do something!" Tifa promptly got to her feet at looked upon Aeris happily. "You just lay there and stay beautiful. I'll be back in no time." Then she walked off into the forest, in search of something, and while she did this Aeris watched her, with her eyes fixed on Tifa's naked body as she walked away. Aeris had never been attracted to a woman before, but Tifa was an exception to her, and she was turned on by every little detail of her body and missed it sorely when Tifa went out of sight. All she could do now was lay there and wait. She enjoyed her moment of tranquillity while it lasted, feeling the cool evening air on her naked skin and the softness of the sand beneath her, but it was all soon brought to an end by Tifa, who was carrying a few leaves and a pair of strangely shaped stones. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." Remarked Tifa jokingly as she sat down in front of Aeris' exposed vulva. "No, you weren't that long." Replied Aeris softly, glad that Tifa had returned. Aeris' attention was then suddenly directed towards to what her beloved Tifa was doing. It appeared that the young woman was grinding the leaves between the two rocks. "W..what are you doing Tifa?" Asked Aeris, dumbfounded by what her Tifa was up to. "I'm making medicine..." Replied Tifa confidently. "It's an old Nibleheim remedy you make with these leaves, that's good for cuts and bruises, and I've found that it's especially good on very tender skin like in my vulva. I'm hoping that this will heal you." Tifa had succeeded in creating a sort of paste with the leaves and prepared to apply it to Aeris' private regions. "Now..this might sting a little." Declared Tifa cautiously as she scooped some of the paste onto her index finger and moved it towards Aeris. The chestnut-haired girl tingled with anticipation when saw that finger disappear below her groin, and shivered with excitement as it applied the paste to the lips of her vulva. She was surprised, she was expecting pain from Tifa's touch, instead she got a soothing effect from the medicine. Her tired muscles relaxed, and she just lay back as Tifa lovingly worked on her. Tifa could see how much Aeris was enjoying this. "Hee! Hee! Like that?" "Uh huh... That feels great, doesn't hurt anymore." "Mmmm...This should heal up in a few minutes, then we can begin." Said Tifa softly as she lay down beside Aeris, much to the older girl's delight. Tifa let out a pleased sigh before continuing. "...all we can do now.. is lay down and wait." She turned her head to face Aeris, who was already smiling back at her. "Hey there beautiful. What you smiling about?" Asked Tifa playfully. "Oh...just glad your here with me." "Aww...well...don't worry, I'll stay with you from now on. I won't let those Shinra kid ******** rape you again!!" Aeris examined her lover's face with a curious expression on her own face. "Tifa......why are you so upset about me being raped?" Asked Aeris with genuine curiosity. "What do you mean?" "I mean, you are very upset about Shinra raping me, and you were so guilty about doing the same....I'd like to know why." Tifa hesitated with her response. "It's....it's because I love you, and I can't bear to see you hurt." "Aww...thank you Tifa. I know that's one of your reasons, but I feel there's more to this than your telling me...." Aeris had hit a soft spot on the mark. Tifa looked to the sky before she replied, this was difficult for her. "Because...(I was raped once.)" Aeris was surprised by this. "Oh...Tifa. I had no idea, I'm so sorry. Who did this too you? Was it Shinra?" "No...." Tifa took a deep breath. "...a woman raped me once in Seventh Heaven, after closing hours when no one was there..." Tifa stopped herself and looked away from Aeris. She was too ashamed to continue. Aeris could tell this was upsetting her. "So that's the reason your so guilty about raping me? Oh Tifa....want to tell me about it? It might help to get it off your chest." Tifa could never say no to that soft voice of her's and so she turned back to face her loved one, to reveal her darkest secret to her. "I've...I've never told anyone about this. Not Cloud, not Aki, no one in AVALANCHE...." Aeris listened carefully as Tifa cleared her throat. "...emm, it was a long time ago, back when I first came to Midgar. I had just enough cash with me to buy the Seventh Heaven bar, and to set up business there. At first....I had little success, there were so many bars in the slums, no extra ones were needed. But, for some reason,eventually lots of women started to appear in my bar. I thought they were just there to avoid all the perverts in the other bars....but it turns out they were all lesbians. My bar had become an unofficial lesbian bar without me even knowing it! They came especially to check me out! They all thought I was cute, and most were asking me out for dates. But at the time I was still straight, so they'd never get far with me...but they were still friendly, I even hired some of them as my staff. I loved it all....until that night....when she came.... ------------- The Seventh Heaven, a few years ago.... It was about closing time and Tifa was cleaning up at the counter as the last of the stragglers were leaving. Soon, they had all gone, and Tifa was alone....or so she thought. She wasn't really looking at the rest of the bar while she was cleaning and when she finished, she looked up and was greeted with the sight of a woman still sitting at one of the tables. She was taller than Tifa, with curly red hair and an athletic build. As soon as Tifa came into eye contact with her, she got up from her seat with her drink in hand, and walked towards the counter, and Tifa. It looked like the woman had been waiting for her to finish cleaning. She sat down on a stool and firmly placed her drink on the counter. All this time, Tifa looked at her dumbfounded. Tifa did kind of recognise her...she had been in the bar the past few weeks, always at the same table, always looking at Tifa. Tifa had ignored her mostly, dismissing her as yet another Sector 5 weirdo, but now she had to deal with her. "Emmmm.....you know I'm closing now, I can't serve you anymore drink." "Don't worry...." She replied in a deep mysterious voice, as she finished the last drain of liquid in her glass. "...I'm not here to drink, Tifa Lockheart, I'm here to do business." "Business? What kind of business?" "Well....I've noticed that this place is popular with the slum's lesbians....so I have a proposal to make...something that could make both of us a lot of money." Tifa liked the sound of this. This could be her ticket out of the slums and up onto the Midgar upper sectors. "Really?! Hee! Hee! What is it? What's your big business proposal?!" Asked Tifa excitedly. The woman replied by placing a suitcase on the counter. "It's in this case.." Tifa goes to open it, only to have it scooped away before she can touch it. "Hey! I wanna look!" "Not here....do you have somewhere more 'private' where we can talk. I can't risk any eavesdropping." "Oh....well, I do have my basement.....follow me....." Tifa gets out from behind the counter and walks towards the pinball machine. The woman follows closely behind with the suitcase in hand. She stands behind Tifa, a little confused with her actions. "Emm....Tifa.....Why are you playing pinball? Aren't we going to your basement?" "We are, just stand close to me." The redhead stands as close as she can, and seconds later the pinball machine and the floor around it, began to descend. It soon reached the bottom and they found themselves in the basement room. It was a circular room with a large circular sofa in the middle. They both walked off the pinball machine before Tifa turned to the woman. "Ok....what do you have in mind?" The woman threw her case onto the sofa and opened it. There appeared to be nothing but rope inside. Tifa looked at it, confused. "Huh? Rope? What is this about?" As soon as she finished speaking and looked back at the woman, the redhead was just inches away. "What are you doing?" Protested Tifa, not noticing the leer on the woman's face. She got even closer to Tifa and said. "This....." She suddenly took hold of Tifa and locked their lips together, forcing a kiss upon her. As soon as Tifa realised what was happening she struggled violently to free herself, but all she managed to free were her lips. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Tifa was understandably upset. "Ohh...your so beautiful Tifa...(don't resist, you'll enjoy it more!)" Before Tifa had a chance to react to this, the woman suddenly spun Tifa on the spot and got her to face away from her and then pushed her face first onto the sofa in the centre of the room. She lay there on her stomach for a few milliseconds trying to figure out what just happened. That was time wasted, time she could of used to escape, because seconds later her arms were pinned behind her back and tightly bound with a thick rope. Tifa struggled violently with her binds in vain, she didn't have the same knowledge of knots that she would have in later years. This didn't deter her from struggling though, nor did it stop her from trying to get up. It was all in vain, the redhead was much stronger, and could hold her down easily. "Nnnnnnnah! UNTIE ME! LET ME GO! NOW!!!" She continued to struggle. Her captor was amused by all this. "Hee! Hee! Don't struggle, you can't escape from my binds!" It was then that the redhead rolled Tifa over onto her back. Tifa looked at her with terrified eyes. She didn't know what to expect next from her. She sure as hell didn't expect a pair of clothes scissors to be produced from the suitcase, it was too obvious what was to come next. She breathed heavily as the redhead began to cut her trademark white top, with the skill of a seamstress, making sure not to cut her skin. Sure enough Tifa lost her top, it was cut from her, the only way to remove it with her arms bound. All she had left on top now, was her bra...and that was short work for this redhead, who had obviously done this before. She was topless now, her breasts exposed for all the world and a redhead to see, and as the woman leered at Tifa's pride and joy, the brunette-haired girl realised what the woman wanted from her. A few seconds before Tifa thought that the woman was after the money in her safe, and that she was going to hold her prisoner, maybe even torture her until she got it, but now...she knew....the woman wanted...her. "No please...." Pleaded Tifa as her eyes moistened. "....I'm not a lesbian....(please)....I'm still a virgin, I'm saving myself.....don't do this to me.....don't rape me!!" She was ignored, the redhead was far more interested in the next part of her task, moving herself down to Tifa's waistline. She was still wearing the lower half of her clothes and they were next to go. Tifa began to almost hyperventilate with terror as her belt buckle became undone, the waist button opened, and the fly, slowly unzipped. The trousers were dropped unceremoniously to the ground, and were removed with Tifa's boots and socks. All she had left now were her underwear, and the redhead rubbed her hands in glee at the prospect of removing them. Tifa stayed quite now....too terrified to make a noise, the loss of her clothes seemed to take her will to fight away. Her panties weren't enough, in her mind, to retain her dignity, and soon they were to go too. The redhead took hold of Tifa's delicates, and carefully brought them down her thighs. Her genitals were exposed now...she had never been this embarrassed in her life. She had always said to herself that only those she loved could ever see this part of her...and now that had been taken from her like the panties that the redhead had taken from her body. What made things worse for her was that the redhead then began to smell her panties for whatever love juices Tifa may had left. Again, this was something she had only ever wanted to share with a loved one. Her scent was personal to her, this woman had no right to smell it. The redhead stood back and admired her helpless prize. Tifa could have gotten up and tried to escape now, but it was useless. With her arms bound behind her, she couldn't activate the pinball machine or climb the escape ladder. All that she could do now was cry and plead, and hope that somehow the redhead would develop a conscience, and not do this to her. "Please....don't" Whimpered Tifa, now defeated with tears running down her cheeks. The redhead was more interested at looking at her well rounded vulva, admiring the thing had most wanted to see and touch since she first lay eyes on the hostess of Seventh Heaven. It was now the redhead's turn to reveal herself, whipping off her own top, and exposing her own well endowed chest. She was wearing a long flowing dress....it went to the ground in no time flat, followed by her panties soon after. The redhead was very attractive herself, but this didn't impress Tifa, she too terrified right now, the sight of this nude woman only served to remind her of what was about to happen. The nightmare got worse, as the woman advanced seductively towards Tifa, keeping her eyes fixed on those of her captor's, hypnotising her with terror. Tifa's heart was racing when she felt the woman beginning to move over her. The redhead gently moved herself onto Tifa, and lay over her, pressing their bodies together, wrapping her arms around Tifa's soft body. She then began to move her head closer to Tifa's. It looked like she was moving in for a kiss. Tifa realised this, and quickly closed her eyes and moved her head to the left. It didn't stop her, she just held Tifa's head in place while she forced her tongue into Tifa's mouth. Tifa no longer had the strength to prevent this simple muscle from invading her, and cringed at the feeling of her soft touch. It wasn't unpleasant for Tifa, she just felt violated by it, but things would get even worse soon. After getting too used of kissing her captive, the redhead suddenly made her way south, kissing the skin on her way. After kissing Tifa's neck she moved to Tifa's ripe breasts, and decided to touch her right one first, kissing it, licking it and sucking on her hardening nipples. Tifa was incredibly uncomfortable with this, and let out a moan of displeasure every time she sucked those nipples, or touched her in any other way with her mouth. Ignoring Tifa's reactions, the redhead just went for the left breast and did the same. When she was finished being 'nursed' by Tifa, she made her way further south, kissing her torso, navel and then groin. Her prize was now in sight. It began with her slowly licking it's contours, but then she began to move deeper into the depths of her captive with her tongue. It was then that she noticed Tifa's unbroken virginity. She stood up, giggling all the time, and went towards her suitcase. It appeared that there was something else in there. Something Tifa didn't notice before. The woman produced a double-ended d***o from the case. Tifa was terrified and looked that way towards her captor, before beginning to struggle violently with her binds. She stood there looking at Tifa, deciding what the final thing she would say to her would be, and then she spoke. "You say you're not a lesbian? I don't believe you. I'll prove that your one of us, I'll take your virginity and you'll enjoy it." She took hold of the fake member with both hands and moved it towards Tifa's undefended vulva. With one fast, painful move, she pushed half of it into her, causing a small trickle of blood to flow from her. She had been violently deflowered, but the pain wouldn't end. The redhead took hold of the exposed half of the d***o, and inserted it into herself, while she sat over Tifa's groin. She wasted no time, and began to thrust herself up and down, as if the d***o was the real thing. The redhead's hold of the d***o also made it move around inside of Tifa, only increasing her pain, and all she could do was moan painfully while the woman had her way with her. She continued to pump away, long into the night, for one maybe even two hours. It took the redhead some time to reach her climax this way. Tifa simply couldn't orgasm, she was in too much pain. The feeling of terror had passed by now, replaced with frustration with her captivity, and anger for her captor, which was only added to by her captor moaning while she began to climax. Both of them were now covered in layer of sweat, the redhead more so, since she was doing all the work. She was beginning to breath heavily now, she wasn't far off from orgasm. Tifa watched her facewith disgust when it finally came, when she screamed out in evil pleasure, and then relaxed. She had to catch her breath before she could get up off of Tifa. She collected her clothes, dressed herself, and then reefed her d***o out of Tifa's v****a, causing the girl incredible pain for a while. Without saying anything, she got ready to leave. But before she did that, she got some left over rope and bound Tifa's legs, preventing the hostess from escaping for at least a few hours. She got the rest of her stuff together, switched off the lights, and left via the pinball machine, leaving a bound and helpless Tifa in the dark. Now that she was alone, and fully tied up, all she could do now, was lay there and cry..... ----------------- "I lay there for hours...." Continued Tifa while a concerned Aeris listened. "...crying my heart out. I was so frightened, and ashamed. I didn't want anyone to find me that way, but she tied me up too tightly, I could only lay there. Eventually, morning came, and one of the lesbian girls who worked for me, found me in that state. She realised immediately what had happened to me, I didn't have to tell her, I couldn't anyway I was too upset to speak. She...she was so kind to me, and gentle too. Her name was Linda, a good friend of mine, used to be a regular. When she lost her old job, I offered her one in my bar, we became best friends. Now, when she found me there...she was so understanding and gentle with me. She even untied me in the most gentle way possible. She held me... kept me company, dropped everything to make me feel better." Tifa paused for a second while she remembered Linda's face. "..she was so beautiful too. You would think that being raped by a woman, and having your virginity stolen, would make me a woman hater, but the fact is...Linda's kindness made me fall in love with her. We...we grew even closer over the following days and weeks. I found myself wanting to make love to her...and I knew she had feelings for me too....I....I was going to tell her that I loved her....one summer evening. I had even picked out the perfect romantic spot, just outside Midgar." Tifa paused again, a tear trickling down her cheek, prompting some concern from Aeris. "Are you ok Tifa? W..what happened? Did you tell her that you loved her?" Asked the chestnut-haired girl softly. "I...I never had the chance. Linda was going to meet me at Seventh Heaven....but she was coming through Sector 5 while Shinra was sweeping it with their troops. She...she was killed with a load of innocent people, as an example to the rest of us." Aeris was shocked by this. "Oh my, I'm so sorry Tifa." "No...It's ok Aeris. It did break my heart. But not as much as that monster who raped me. I never did see her again, or find out her name. But... The experience had changed me. It had taught me to look after myself, and to fight for what I believe in. And because of what Shinra did to the first person I truly loved...I joined AVALANCHE in their fight against them. So...that's my story. That's why I feel guilty about what I did to you..." Aeris eyes began to well up with tears, before she took hold of Tifa and hugged her tightly. "Oh Tifa! That's so sad. I had no idea that you had gone through that. Ohh...so much pain! Now I understand you more." She held onto Tifa tightly, cuddling her as if all of these terrible things had just happened to her in the past few minutes. Tifa was loving this, but it was a little overwhelming for her, she didn't expect Aeris to be so affectionate with her so soon. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Aeris! You don't have to be sorry. I got over it eventually. I'm ok now!" Aeris looked Tifa in the face, thinking about what she had said, and then smirked at her when she had thought of something. Seconds later, she pinned Tifa down and lay on her. "I know you're not ok Tifa..." Said Aeris with a cheeky tone of voice. "...and I'm going to make love to you until you are!" This side of Aeris pleasantly surprised Tifa. "But....emm....I'm supposed to make *you* better. You're not supposed to-" Aeris quickly gagged her with a light kiss. "Are you saying that I can't make love you?" Asked Aeris cryptically. "Well no, of course you can make love to me, just-" Aeris cut her off again. "Then I will!" The chestnut-haired girl moved in for a deeper kiss, which Tifa willingly accepted. Nothing much happened for the first few seconds, they just kissed, but then Aeris got a little braver and slid her right hand down towards Tifa's groin, before shyly and gently inserting some fingers into her v****a. Tifa jumped at the sensation of her touch, causing Aeris to immediately stop what she was doing. She raised herself above Tifa, to give her some space. "Did...did I do something wrong? I did, didn't I?" Asked Aeris, still not sure what to do here. Tifa just giggled at this. "No Aeris, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just your hands a very soft..." She said while she felt one of Aeris's hands. "...it felt very nice down there, better than I would of thought, it just took me by surprise." Aeris was very pleased with this explanation and compliment that Tifa had paid to her. "Aww..Thank you Tifa. Emm...Tifa? Could you....maybe...help me out here? I've never played with another woman's v****a before and-" Tifa cut her off. "Say no more Aeris. I'll show you what I like. Get your hand and put the fingers inside me like before." Aeris inserted her delicate fingers again, this time causing Tifa's skin to goosepimple in anticipation. "..Ok, mmm, very good. Now, I'm going to help you find my G-spot. It's a little further up from where your fingers are, about half way in." Aeris moved her fingers deeper inside Tifa, inducing even greater pleasure for the brunette. "O...o...ok. Now....my spot should be just left of there." Aeris gently moved her fingers to the left of Tifa's vaginal wall. "No Aeris, *my* left." "Opps! Hee! Hee! Sorry!" Aeris moved her fingers in the opposite direction and sure enough they encountered a sort of sponge-like spot on the vaginal wall. She had found it, and could tell that was the spot by the very obvious wave of pleasure which pulsated through Tifa's body, and by the expression of pleasure on the girl's face. Tifa didn't say anything for a while, she just lay back and relaxed into Aeris's hold. But eventually she had to give a clueless Aeris some instruction. "Ok Aeris...you've got it. Now...do whatever you feel like with me....I'm all yours, my body belongs to you now." Upon hearing that, Aeris gave Tifa a small deep kiss before sitting beside her lover, and began to work lovingly on her. Aeris was content in doing things slowly and gently on her. After hearing the story of how Tifa was raped, she couldn't bring herself to be anyway rough or violent with her love-making and Tifa didn't seem to mind Aeris's gentle attention, lying back, closing her eyes, and relaxing while she enjoyed herself. Aeris used her left hand in a gentle massaging action on the inside of Tifa, while occasionally brushing her right hand over her breasts, feeling them, squeezing them, and groaping them gently. This lasted at least an hour, probably more. This was new to Tifa, her sex was usually hard and fast, and couldn't help but be amazed by how well Aeris had prolonged her pleasure. However, it didn't look like Tifa was going to orgasm. This didn't bother her, and while Aeris was getting tired Tifa looked at her working. Something pleasing caught Tifa's eye. The gentle heaving of Aeris' breasts while she moved her hand, turned Tifa back on. She watched them make their seductive little dance on her lover's chest, and was beginning to climax at this sight. Just then, Aeris shifted her body a little, causing her bust to bounce as a result. It was enough, Tifa climaxed and came. Aeris withdrew from Tifa and patiently sat by her, watching her lover catch her breath. Aeris was hypnotised by the beauty of Tifa's body, especially now, Tifa's skin glistening with a coat of sweat which almost looked amber while the setting sun reflected off it. Aeris could have just sat there forever, looking at her nude lover, but it eventually came to an end. Tifa had caught her breath and had come back to life. "Thank you Aeris, that was the best I ever had." Aeris blushed at this. "N...no you must of had better." Replied the girl shyly. "No Aeris, it was the best, no one has ever been that gentle with me and you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, it was all so perfect, and it lasted nearly forever." Aeris just blushed even more. "Quit it! Hee! Hee! Your embarrassing me!" "I've got to pay you back for it." "No you don't, just the chance to make love to you is all the reward I want." Just then, Tifa pounced on Aeris, pinning her to the ground while she lay over her. "Oh but Aeris.....I insist!" She said with a cheeky tone of voice. "Well...looks like I've got no choice! Hee! Hee!" "(That's the spirit....I love you so much....)" Whispered Tifa while she inched her lips closer to Aeris'. Soon they were kissing passonity, and while they were enjoying this, Tifa slowly and deciately moved her hand down to Aeris' well toned body, tickling her skin as it made it's jounney south, causing the chestnut-haired girl to giggle every few seconds. At the end of it's jouney, she cupped her hand around Aeris' aready aroused vulva and could feel the heat of Aeris' blood warm her fingers. For a few minutes, she felt the girls' now erect clitoris, gently rubbing it with her fingertips, causing Aeris to squirm with pleasure, trying to her best to contain herself. When she was sure that Aeris was ready to recieve her, Tifa stopped kissing Aeris and playing with her c**t and moved off her lover. To Aeris' surprise, Tifa lay down infront of her groin. "(W...what are you going to do Tifa?)" Asked Aeris while she tried to catch her breath. "(I'm going to do a little something you've never felt before.... Just relax, your going to love this!)" With great care, Tifa moved her mouth up to Aeris' vulva and kissed it lightly, much to the girls pleasure. Tifa could tell by her reaction, that her medicine had worked. The vulva evn looked better now. Sure in the knowledge that Aeris' genitals were now fully healed. Tifa pressed her lips against the lips of her lover's vulva, and and began to lick the inside with her tongue. While she did this, also used her nose, to tickle the clitoris. Aeris was being sent to heaven already, this was pure ecstasy for her. The soft flesh of Tifa's lips and tongue caused the girl to shiver with pleasure. She couldn't her joy, even though she tried to gag herself with her hand, squeals and moans of pleasure escaped her mouth. The mere fact that Tifa was making love to her was enough to make her go wild. It was the one dream that had got her thought her captivity, and now she was living it. It was only a matter of time before Aeris would orgasm. If Tifa had relaxed and stopped licking so much, Aeris may of lasted a few minutes more, but Tifa couldn't help herself, she loved Aeris too much, and with her medicine all over the girl's v****a, Aeris tasted great! Tifa just couldn't stop licking. As sure as tides they could hear nearby, Aeris came to her climax, and all the plesure that she had felt over the past few hours and minutes, cumulated into one massive wave of plesure with rippled throughout her body. She came as a result, most of the contents filling Tifa's mouth, not that she minded, even without the medicine flavouring, Tifa was grateful to recive Aeris' love juices. This was all too much for the chestnut-haire girl. She had used up all of her energy in her love-making and so she fell asleep, under Tifa's loving watch. Aeris dreamt. ---------------- Aeris was naked, wearing only a crown of flowers. She looked around but could only see darkness. Eventually something caught her eye. A column of light some distance away. She walked towards it. There appeared to be a pole at the centre of the light....but something else was there too, something very familiar. She got closer, and to her horror she noticed that Tifa, who was also naked and wearing a crown of flowers, was tied to that pole and gagged. She ran towards her love at great speed, calling out her name. She reached the pole and saw Tifa's bloodshot eyes and knew that she had been crying. Aeris quickly untied her, and removed her gag. Seconds later, they embraced and kissed. Suddenly the scene changed....now they were lying naked on a sand dune on a beach similar to the one she was really on. Tifa was asleep beside her, and so she lay there with her, content that Tifa was safe. She dreamt of spending hours there with her, but soon the dream would become a nightmare. Aeris' peace was ended by approaching footsteps. Someone was coming. Aeris stood up, covering her private regions with her arms, while she looked to see who it was. What she saw frightened her. The shadowy figure of a man was walking along the sand dune towards her. She warned him to go away, he replied by producing an incredibly long katana. She backed away from him, but he just kept coming, soon Aeris was right up beside Tifa. She had to protect her from him, and so she spread her arms out to block him. He reached her, and with one fast motion, he impaled her with the katana. She looked horrified when she felt the blade go through her torso and then again when it was removed. She looked down at her bloody wound, and couldn't believe that this had happened. Questions of 'Why?' when through her head while she fell to the ground. Then the scene changed again, Aeris could feel herself floating on water. It was a small lake in a forest. Tifa was holding her up, she had been crying. And then...to Aeris's horror, Tifa lowered her into the water, and then she sank. She sank into the darkness of the of lake, away form Tifa, away form life.... ------------------ Aeris suddenly woke, with sweat running down her brow, terrified by a nightmare of her own death. It was night now, the only light came from the moon. Her terror soon ended, when she felt Tifa sleeping beside her. Seeing Tifa curled up beside her, warmed her heart and brought a smile to her face. Now she was relaxed again, and so she began to gently stroke Tifa's hair. Surprisingly, this woke Tifa, she was only sleeping lightly. She looked up towards Aeris, who was now sitting up. "Aeris? Your awake? I was expecting you to sleep till morning." "Well....I had a bad dream, I'm kinda prone to them. But it's OK, all I need is someone with me." Now that the brunette-haired girl was awake, she wasn't about to go back to sleep again, and so she stretched, before sitting up beside the girl she loved. While they both looked at the moon reflecting off the ocean, Tifa rested her head on Aeris' shoulder. They just sat there quietly, enjoying this moment, until Aeris had something to say. "(Tifa?)" She asked softly. "(Yea honey?)" "(Tifa...are we a couple now? Are we girlfriends?)" Tifa was surprised by this question, but was pleased to answer it. "(What? You ask me that now? Of course we're an item. At least I hope so....I'd like to call you my girlfriend Aeris.)" Aeris smiled at this, she had gotten her answer. "(So it has happened, I've finally got a lover.)" Upon hearing this, Tifa held onto her new girlfriend tightly, not wanting to let go of her. "(We're gonna have so much fun Aeris. You'll never know sadness again...I promise.)" It was then that began to feel a little uncomfortable, sand was all over their bodies, their grains were making the girl's skin coarse and rough. "Ohhhh, we're covered in sand!" Moaned Tifa, much to Aeris' amusement. "Hee! Hee! Well Tifa...that's what you get when you sleep naked on a beach!" Suddenly an idea formed in Tifa's mind. She promptly stood up and pulled Aeris up with her, much to the chestnut-haired girl's confusion. "Huh? What's happening now Tifa?" Tifa looked around, she somehow recognised this area. "I've come here before Aeris, just before I moved to Midgar, I stayed here for a few days...I know this place nearby....were we can clean ourselves....." Without any warning, Tifa began to gently lead Aeris through the forest. Soon that forest became even more dense, it was almost like a jungle. But neither girl minded this, the dense foliage was now brushing off their skin, almost massaging it. They started to climb up a slight hill before they reached their destination. Aeris could now hear running water. "Hey Tifa! Where's that noise coming from?" "You'll see!" She replied with a cheeky smile on her face. They reached the crest of the hill, sound was only a couple of metres away. Aeris watched patiently while Tifa pushed some branches out of their way. What she saw past those branches, excited her. It was a calm pool of water, with a small waterfall running into it, surrounded by dense jungle. It's pool was large enough to hold a few people in it, and was defiantly large enough for the lovers. Tifa reached it's bank, and kept on walking, submerging herself and Aeris in it's luke-warm water. It was deep enough for about most of their legs to be underwater. Tifa led Aeris to the centre of the pool. "Well Aeris? What do you think?" "I love this....how did you find here?" "Well....I needed somewhere to be alone, to think and.....stuff." Aeris walks over to the waterfall and puts her arm out to feel it's water. "Hee! Hee! It's kinda warm." Upon saying that, Aeris took one step forward, and stood under the flow of the waterfall, using it as a shower to wash the sand off her skin and out of her hair. Tifa followed her over, but stayed a short distance behind. She was going to join Aeris under the waterfall, but stopped herself, she was distracted by Aeris' body. She had been so swept up by the past few hours, that she hadn't the time to appreciate her beauty. While Aeris faced away from her lover washing herself, Tifa looked up and down the girl's smooth skin. She enjoyed her own private peep-show for a while, watching the water run down her glistening back and over her a**. Her attention was suddenly focused on Aeris' behind. It was her favourite part of the girl, perfectly formed, almost as if it were sculpted by an artist. While she stared at it lustfully, the urge to touch it suddenly filled her mind. She tried fight this urge, but then she realised that there was no reason to fight it, Aeris was her girlfriend now after all. And so she crept up behind her bathing lover, who was blissfully unaware of Tifa's advance will she gently washed her hair. Without warning, Aeris suddenly felt Tifa's soft hand caressing her behind. This took the Ancient by surprise, causing her to clench her a** in reaction. "Tifa? Is that you?" She asked softly, still looking away. "Yea, it's me. I just....I just couldn't help myself. You know how much I love that part of you." "Aww...well don't stop doing it Tifa. It feels good." Tifa was overjoyed and suddenly began to caress Aeris' behind again. Aeris was enjoyed this, Tifa knew exactly where to touch to make her feel good. Tifa enjoying this too, now she was massaging and groaping Aeris' behind. But then she stopped. "Aeris....Honeybuns?" "Hee! Hee! I was wondering when you'd start calling me that again." Said Aeris clearly pleased to hear Tifa's pet name for her. "Well, you do have the cutest, most beautiful and perfect, tight, little a** I've ever seen." Aeris blushed upon hearing this. "Aww....it's, it's not *that* good! It's not as if I work out or anything!" "It's perfect though Aeris! It's perfect!! Ohh.....emm....Honeybuns?" "Yes Tifa?" Replied Aeris to her lover's shy question. "Can I...can I.....(spank you?)" This surprised and embarrassed Aeris. "Spank me?" Aeris' face burned with embarrassment. "I suppose....it won't hurt too much. O....ok Tifa.....you can do it." Tifa rubbed her hands with glee upon hearing this. "Hee! Hee! Don't worry Aeris, you're gonna like this!" Tifa prepared herself this, and then with one fast swipe of her arm, she spanked Aeris squarely on the behind. Aeris was surprised by the feeling of this, it was a strange mixture of both pain and pleasure. "That felt....kind of nice." Remarked Aeris softly after the feeling dissipated. "Want another, Honeybuns?" Asked Tifa merrily. "O...Ok!" Upon the girl's approval, Tifa began to spank her a few times. "Emm..Tifa....Could you do it even harder?" Asked the girl shyly, holding her arms up to her chest. "Anything you say honey..." Tifa was now spanking even harder, smacking noises could now be clearly heard every time Tifa's palm came in contact with a cheek. Eventually Tifa stopped, she didn't want to hurt Aeris by overdoing it. Aeris let out a pleased sigh before moving her hands to her behind to rub it better. "Ohh, that felt great! Thank you so much Tifa. " Said the Ancient when she turned to face her lover. "No Aeris, thank *you*! I've always wanted to do that to someone! Hee! Hee!" Aeris took a step forward, she was now a mere inch away from Tifa, their breasts were already in contact. "Hee! Hee! I really don't deserve you Tifa!" She said softly, looking upon Tifa with the eye's of a lover. They both looked at each other for a few seconds, their faces dripping with water, the droplets running down their well crafted bodies. They didn't have to say anything now, they knew exactly what the other wanted to do and so they slowly and carefully embraced each other, making sure their hold was solid, and then moved their heads closer, to fall into a deep and sensual kiss. It was now Aeris' turn to have fun with Tifa's body, as soon as they began their kiss, her hands made their way south, down her lover's back, to Tifa's equally beautiful behind, and then groap it to her heart's content. This brought a smile to Tifa's face when she ended the kiss. "(You know Aeris....)" She whispered softly. "(....If you'd like, we could make love again, right now.)" This surprised and excited Aeris. "Really?! Hee! Hee! Yay!" "Aww...I love this side of you. Ok, hold on tight and follow my lead, I'll teach you a new position...." ------------ Tifa and Aeris were not alone on that beach that night. Cloud had ventured out from the town when it got late. He was going to see were the girls were, to see if they were ok. He was also planning on bringing them back to Costa Del Sol, since the girls were on Shinra's Most Wanted list, it wasn't safe for them to be alone without backup. So far, his search had been fruitless. The beach was massive, and the neighbouring forest was equally vast. Cloud hadn't a clue were the girls were, and so he decided to begin walking further up the North Beach to were the Highwind was being repaired. On his way, he suddenly noticed something on the beach, it was a discarded black bikini. "(Tifa's bikini?)" He whispered to himself, while he picked it up. "She just threw it off? I don't believe this! She dragged me around for hours shopping for this thing!" After quickly sneaking a smell of Tifa's bikini bottom, Cloud put the swimsuit into his pocket. He looked over to the nearby forest, and assumed that Tifa may be somewhere inside. He cautiously entered the now pitch black wood, moving around blindly depending on trees to find his way. Just then he noticed the Aeris' bright pink dress, neatly laid out on the ground. He looked at it, dumbfounded. "Hmm...maybe Tifa talked her into going skinny dipping?" Cloud began to visualise this in his mind, and liked the scene. "No wait....can't start thinking that now, I've got a job to do. Concentrate Cloud, no matter where they are, they'll be naked, you have their clothes after all. Gotta find them, they can't be far..." He went deeper into the forest, until he left the darkness and found himself at the crest of a hill. He looked around, unsure where to go next, at least until he heard something. It was the girls...moaning. Little did he know that it was the result of them pleasuring each other. Instead, he assumed the worst. "(Oh no. I get it now. Some Shinra ******** must have captured and stripped the girls, and now they're raping them! I'm gonna kill those bastards for this!" He drew his massive sword and began to charge up the hill to where the sound was coming from. He cut down everything in his path, attached some magic and summon materia to his armour and charged to the source of the moaning. Just then, he stopped in his tracks. He could see the girls clearly now, both naked, both alone, both embraced tightly in a kiss, and both making love to each other. He watched, dumbfounded, as both girls, held each other in the lake, with a hand buried in each others v****a, making love passionately. He could see right now that they were in love. Both girls we're crying with joy as they held each other, and then Tifa opened her tear filled eyes and saw Cloud watching them. Shocked by this, she quickly withdrew from Aeris, but couldn't get very far since Aeris' hand was still buried in Tifa's v****a. Tifa was frozen with surprise. "C....C....C....Cloud?" This prompted Aeris to look behind her back. "Cloud?!" She gasped as she quickly removed her hand from inside Tifa. "Hi Cloud!" Said Aeris waving at him with her newly freed hand. She stopped waving that hand when she saw that it was covered in Tifa's c** and promptly hid both her hands behind her back. "Girls.....what's going on here?" Tifa was still frozen with surprise, so it was up to Aeris to come up with a clever excuse. "Well, myself and Tifa went to play on the beach, but we got sand all over our skin, so we came here to wash it off each other and-" Tifa stood forward and stopped Aeris from continuing. "No Aeris, stop. It's time to tell him the truth." Cloud looked dumbfounded as a nude Tifa approached him. "Cloud....myself and Aeris...we're...we're in love." "You....and Aeris? So....just as I thought....you too are lesbians. Aren't you?" "Well...." Said Tifa as she blushed. "We aren't fully lesbian, we do like guys too, or to be more specific, you Cloud." Cloud was taken back by this. "You and Aeris, like me?" "We don't just like you.....I've always had feelings for you since we were little back in Nibleheim, you were my knight in shining armour..." Tifa inched herself even closer to a now embarrassed Cloud. "....Cloud I've wanted to say this for a long time....Cloud I....I l-, I lo-, I lov-." Something was wrong, for some reason she couldn't say it. She searched herself for a reason, and to her horror she found it. For some reason she couldn't find her love for Cloud. This terrified and upset her, she began to sob at this realisation. "What the? (sniff) I...I don't love you? Why don't I love you? Aeris? Why don't I love Cloud?" Aeris approached them with her head hung low with guilt. "I'm sorry Tifa...it's my fault." "Y...your fault?" Asked Tifa still clearly upset. "Yes. It is my fault. You see Tifa, once a person falls in love with an Ancient, they can't love anyone else. I can't love anyone but you Tifa, and you are coupled with me. I know that Cloud fell in love with me too, and I did reciprocate, kinda. But we didn't kiss, and the fact is, I love you more Tifa. Cloud is free to love other women now, but we are not." Aeris walked up to a crying Tifa and cradled her until she felt better. "Ohh, Cloud I'm so sorry, you must be heartbroken now..." Said Tifa with genuine concern for her friend. "Don't worry Tifa, I'll be ok. I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed. But I knew that if I ever got together with one of you, the other would have their heart broken. At least this way, you're both happy." Tifa couldn't believe Cloud's chivalrous behaviour. She nearly fell in love with him again, but of course she couldn't. "(Oh Cloud....)" Just then an idea popped into her mind, causing a cheeky smile to grow on her face. She pulled Aeris away from Cloud's earshot, and began whispering something into her ear. Aeris appeared to agree with what she had said, while Cloud just looked at them as confused as ever. When they were finished their secret conversation, they waded over to Cloud and stood in a neat row in front of him with their arms behind their backs. "Cloud...." Said Tifa in a cheeky tone of voice. "...we really like you, even if we can't feel the same kind of love for you, like we have for each other, we still love you as a friend...." "That's right...." Butted in Aeris. "...and we feel that it's our duty to cheer you up whenever you feel down." It was Tifa's turn to speak again. "That's why we want you to be our best friend, with privileges." "Privileges? What kind of privileges?" Both Tifa and Aeris smile at each other before they both walk up onto the bank and up to an arm's length of Cloud. Having both naked girls so close to him, aroused and embarrassed him. "Cloud..." Said Tifa softly. "...we're going to try and get you a girlfriend, but we may have to road test her for you first!" This statement caused Aeris to bust out giggling. "Ohh Aeris. Hee! Hee! Anyway Cloud, while we try and get her for you, you need not miss out on a woman's touch. As our special best friend, who we used to love, we are going make you feel better by sometimes letting you watch our love making....and of course you'll get to see more our naked bodies than anyone else, oh and Cloud, when you're very good, like tonight, we might just let you feel us..." Cloud couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You....want me to feel you?" "Yea Cloud..." Said Aeris with an upbeat tone of voice. "...Why not feel our breasts?" "What?! But that's....I can't...." "Oh, go on Cloud..." Said Tifa not believing Cloud's shyness. "...all they are, are two round pieces of flesh on our chests. It's no big deal. It's true that I only usually let my lover touch me there, but for you, I'm making an exception." He was still nervous. "I don't know....I feel that I'd be overstepping my bounds by doing that and-" "Hee! Hee! Your too sweet sometimes Cloud! Here...." Tifa suddenly takes Cloud's hand and plants it on one of her breasts. "Hey! Me too!" Said Aeris cheerfully before doing the same with Cloud's other hand. The trio just stood there for a second in awkward silence. Both girls just smiled at him, hoping for him to relax and enjoy himself, but he just stood there, nervously holding his hands in the position the girls had put them in. "Just relax Cloud. Go on, give them a squeeze." Said Aeris in a cheeky tone of voice. Hearing this coming from Aeris, Cloud decided to chance his luck, and gently began the feel and squeeze their breasts. Girls appeared to like this, if anything it signalled that Cloud was relaxing. He played with them for about a minute, and was kinda starting to enjoy himself. The girls could see this, and smiled at him warmly. "Do you feel better now Cloud?" Asked Tifa softly. "Well, yea....this feels great!" "Mmmm, good." Just then, both girls pulled him forward by the arms and both kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Cloud!" They said simultaneously. After releasing Cloud from their gentle grip, Tifa stood back from them and looked towards the horizon, and rising morning sun. "Finally, everything has worked out perfectly. I've finally got Aeris as my girlfriend, and Cloud will still be happy without us." "Now we can focus on our mission." Said Cloud confidently. "What is our mission?" Asked Aeris softly. "To stop Shinra from doing whatever they have planned." "We're going to find that out, we're going to-" Cloud was cut off by Aeris. "..Cosmo Canyon. I know....the answers are there. Don't ask me why I know this, but the answers must be there." Tifa turned to face Aeris. "Aeris....Honeybuns....this is going to very dangerous. Shinra are after you and I'd be happier if we found somewhere safe to hide you." "Tifa....I'm not totally defenceless, just give me a rod and some materia and I fight like th

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