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For whom the bell tolls; the bell tolls for thee
The Darkness Within
The Dark Lord Oppithegus
Username: Unbeatable Sephiroth
Character Name: Oppithegus
Race: unknown, is believed to be some form of a shadow demon.
Age: unknown, somne say he has no age.
Height: 8' 2"
Weight: 245lb
Weapons: Demonic Pitchfork, Nightmare, Souleater Bow and Arrows, Dark staff, Shadow Puupets, The Dark Bead of Souls, and invisible scycles.
Weapons Description:
Demonic Pitchfork: this is Oppithegus's main weapon, most of the time this is all he needs to fight with, it has no supernatural powers it is just a basic weapon it can be broken, destroyed, and/or demolished. however the weapon is made of a hard metal like substance that is very hard to breack it would require some type massive impact or Daemonic Weapon[ A weapon that has a Daemonc soul traped within it.] to to cut through it. it is a great attacking weapon meant mostly for stabbing, but can also be used as a sort of staff like weapon.

Demonic Pitchfork:
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Nightmare[Buster Sword]: Nightmare is a gaint buster sword that has a sort of mind of it's own, it often tries to kill it's owner. Nightmare is what as known as a Daemonic Weapon "a weapon that has a Daemonic soul trapt within it. these Weapons useualy have supernatural characteristics, and exhibit some type of power for ex: the sword may be empowered by a redish glow around it makeing it sharper or depening on the shaope of the weapon turning it into a gaint saw that can cut through almost anything. many times these weapons also try to kill the people who weild them." Nightmare can also double as a sheild when needed. this weapon how ever has shadow like powers and can even summon dark Shadow Puppets, mostly though it is used for close range combat, and is very powerful. the soul that resides in Nightmare is a soul named Cinomed, and is sometimes reffered to by that name. nightmare has many differeant forms and also has the ability to shape shift just as opithegus does.

Nightmares different forms:
true form:
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second form:
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third form:
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fourth form:
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fifth form:[yet to come]

Soul Eater Bow and Arrows: these two are Dark weapons however they are not Daemonic weapons these are more along the lines of dark but powerful weapons that allow the user to remove the soul whoever he shoots at. the weapon is used in unison with the Bead of Dark Souls. if you are not the current weilder of this weapon touching one of the arrows with prove to be most fatal, the arrow will remove your soul from your body, in other words it kills you. however your not really dead your just removed from your body and put in a coma like state in real life, you may return to your body only after you have realized you were seperated from it. but usualy by that time it's too late.....

soul eater bow:
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The Bead of Dark Souls: this bead is embeded in oppithegus's right palm. this bead is like a power bead, only it gains power by eating souls. souls that it eats are destroyed and then used as energy to empower oppithegus. this is usualy used in unison with the Soul Eater Bow and Arrows. the bead can only eat a soul if it is already removed from the body.

dark bead of souls:
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Dark Staff: this item is rather powerful indeed, this is the weapon that opithegus mainly uses to summon Shadow Puppets, however this weapon has many uses one of them being that it can fire Dark blasts at an enemy. this is also the Staff that oppithegus uses to cast powerful shadow spells. it makes a great fighting staff but is a little on the fragile side, if hit with enough of a impact the staff would shatter. the up side to most of Oppithegus's weapons is that many of them can shift form to make them stronger or weaker depending on circumstances however even though the dark staff has three different forms they can on be used like rtegular weapons that have no supernatural qualities. only in staff form can he use some of his most powerful attacks. most of the time the dark staff is in the sword form shown below but it can also change into a bow.

dark staff:
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Shadow Puupets: even though they may not seem very much like a weapon, they can come in pretty handy. Shadow Puppets are miniature shadow dolls that can be summoned at a moments notice, however the draw back is that they get their power from Oppithegus there for they are weaker than he is and will useualy only last for about three attacks. the more Shadow Puppets there are the easier they are to defeat seeing as how their power is divided among them equaly, to ensure that they all attack with the same amount of skill. Shadow Puppets are easy to make, but are also more on the fragile side, infact someone could easily destroy them in one blow with a powerful energy attack.

Shadow Puppets:
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Invisible Sickles: they aren't really invisible like the name states but they come pretty damn close! they have shadow chains connected to them allowing Oppithegus to throw them, and control their movements even while they are no longer in his hands. many times they are reffered to as invisible is because the shadow chains in the right enviornment can be really hard to notice and therefore lead to the persons downfall.

Invisible Sickles:[the smaller of the two]
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Quick Thrust: this is an attack were Oppithegus gets really close to the enemy for what you might call 'Hand to Hand Combat'. after getting close enough he will locate a open spot on their body, pumling it with a bunch of jabs all in quick succesion hiting the same point repeatidly, the end result being that the person may end up not being able to use that part of their body. usually he aims for the persons joints when useing this technique.

Distraction: in this techinque: Oppithegus will again go in for a close quarters battle. however this time, Oppithegus will make it appear as though he is going to attack, but then he moves at a rapid speed repalceing himself with a look alike puppet, only to come up behind the person to go for a really good and strong blow to the back of his prey.

Shadow run: being a type of shadow creature himself Oppithegus will sink into the shadows cast upon the ground and move at highspeeds coming up underneath his opponent going to upper cut them. if he hits or misses he will sink back inot the ground and go for 3 more attempts.
[thats all for now will add more techniques later]

Demon form:
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Demon form 2:
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Shadow form:
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Shadow form 2:
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True form 1:
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True form 2:
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History: No one really knows where shadow Creatures come from or why they exist; some people believe that they where created in hell. others like to think that they came from another dimension. even though how they came to be is not known the most believed one so far is the one that they came from another dimension, many reasons for this is that people don't really know how to describe these creautures they follow people and haunt them. in general shadow creatures are really gentle and do nothing more than reflect as your shadow cast upon the floor. but if threatened they can attack with deadly force.

Oppithegus on the other hand is a different type of shadow creature, his creater unknown unleashed him on the universe his main purpose in life to kill until there is nothing left to kill. he had been unleashed in the Jan11675 quadrine of the universe a galaxy inhabbited by many galaxies and solar systems. Oppithegus like disease spread through each one slowly and killed off each 'one by one.

The universe has what you might call police to enforce the laws of the universe to make sure that tranquility and peace remains. This order is actually an alien orginzation that has outposts in may parts of the universe, they are powerful beings, thought to have created the universe itself. This orginzation patrols the universe enforceing the universal laws and sealing away anyone who disobeyed them. The prisoners would be kept in an almost cybernetic type of prison that kept them from escapeing to reality and causeing havok. However only the really serious threats were sent to that type of cell, such as beings bent on takeing over or destroying the universe.

When the orginization got wind of the planets in the quadrine Jan11675, they sent out scouts to do some investigating and see if they could find out why the planets were dying. at first the council didn't bother with this report for the fact that the rate at which the planets were dying where way to slow to be much of a concern, but quickly noticed that the speed of the dying planets of increasing. The scouts had landed on a deserted planet which used to be populated by billions of different species. the land used to be beutiful and plush, but now was a dead wasteland.

The scouts had reported seeing nothing and quickly moved to another planet, again the same effects. They knew that this type of destruction couldn't have been caused by some type of disease you could catch, something had phisicaly ramsacked these planets and was moving from planet to planet at a faster and faster pace. Reporting their Knoledge to the council the Scouts headed to another planet, but Received a distress call from another planet in the same vector of the solar system they were currently in.

By the time They had gotten there the planet had been all but destroyed and the creature that had attacked had fled into hiding for the time being. The Scouts sent a message back to the U.E. [Universal Enoforcers] saying 'we got a lead on something but we need more time. we will be staying on a planet that has recently been attacked barley surviving what ever attacked it. we have reson to believe that what ever is killing off these planets, it's not what we thought. there is way to much destruction left in it's wake for it to be something quite like a viral disease.' with that message sent the Scouts waited for the Beast that had attacked the inhabitants to return.

It was dawn before the creature named Opithegus returned in his first shadow from, the scouts terrified at the beast that stood before them sent out an emrgency signal for backup. however that backup would never come, and the case would be dismissed for several eions. by the time the Transmission had gotten to the U.E. council several Galaxies had been destroyed already, and the Council decided to take this matter into their own hands sending in an armada of ships after this so called 'Creature'. the armada chased after Oppithegus for about a century only being able to get close enough to see the destruction he left in his wake.

One day the armada had finally cornered him on a planet close to the milkyway galaxy in the quardrine Gon43264. once caught, Oppithegus was put on trial for his crimes and sentenced to remain forever in the cybernetic cell that he would now call home. only after he was inprisoned was the U.E. able to get some information on this beast. they realized that he had several weaknesses along with alot of supernatural abilities. they also found out that Oppithegus had the ability to adapt to almost anyevviornment. The reason they found out all this valueble information was because when they were going to classify him by his species they couldn't quite figure out what he was. His gender was unknown the council assumed it to be a male seeing as how he couldn't self reproduce. The only creature that best fit his description was a Shadow creature, that was considered to be extinct. a mythical creature persay.

Once Oppithegus was properly identified he was locked up in his cybernetic cell that was sentenced to remain closed for all enternity. the cell was stored in a very hightech vault, located in the U.E. central headquarters heavily gaurded by elite gaurds. all the precaussions were neccasary seeing as how Oppithegus was not the only one who was stored in that vault.....

Personality: Oppithegus is really cocky and tends to look out for only himself, his main purpose in life is to kill til there is nothing left to kill. at times some of the souls he eats arn't fully destroyed and part of their soul will remain imprisoned within his body, and will occasionaly escape for a few seconds showing some of their feelings before the soul is desicrated by the bead.
Sex: unkown but is thought to be male.
Abilities: Oppithegus can fire dark bolts and can shift his form. he also has the ability to adapt to just about any enviornment, thus meaning ultimatley he can even adapt to his own weaknesses.

Strengths: he is very powerful and if he can get a hit in, he will do quite a bit of damage, he has various techniques which aid him in many ways and can shift his form to get a tiny bit of healing that a person would get from shifting to another form.

Weaknesses: Oppithegus has absolutely no stamina and is very slow, however he makes up for those weaknesses in power and strength. he also takes awhile for him to power up an attack leaving him wide open to attack while he is chargeing up to send out an attack that will kill anything it hits. Oppithegus must summon most of his really powerful weapons leaving him at a big disadvantage if he is loseing a battle. reasons: he has to powerup to summon his weapons, then he has to power up to use his attacki makeing him one gaint target to take a beating. Opithegus can change his form this means that he is weak against items that keep a person from shape shifting. his bigest weakness is the fact that he wears ancient artifacts that seal his powers and keep him from useing them leaving him use only phisical attacks however if broken his power will be unleased and he will continue on his path of destruction.

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