Rose paced around annoyedly. Jaa was back, and safe. She thought to everyone that she was back to normal, which was a relief. Taran was writing something down, Niko was napping and Jaa and Tuli were spending some time together, and ANTIE-D was picking at Rose's little creation. Uusually, this would have bothered Rose. But right now, she couldn't even think. Inside her head, blue was taking up her full mental capacity.
Having felt, a few moments ago, an essence board the ship that, although she knew she'd never felt it before, blue knew was as familiar as her own face, she had been trying to sense it more. She asked and asked Rose just to follow the sense, and for a while, all that did was make Rose angry and she just started pacing like crazy.
'Please! I know that I can't tell you who they are, but they're friendly, and they can help us! I don't know what Dragon is doing, but this may be our only chance!'
'No. I don't like this idea.'
'Oh come on!' blue yelled at her. 'It's not like we don't need help! You know that! You feel it, don't you?' blue asked.
Rose paused, and even stopped her pacing. She had felt it. Not the presence blue was mentioning earlier, but, almost a ripping or a tearing in herself. As if part of herself was splitting apart, like too-worn jeans at the knees. She had been ignoring it to this point, but blue's words haunted her.
'All right. Let's go see.' she conceeded.
blue smiled, if a voice in a head can be said to do such a thing, and she led Rose quietly out of the room. Jaa and Tuli wished them good luck, but continued on as before. They probably had been listening in, but respected the need for blue and Rose to do this alone.
Rose walked quickly down corridors, guided by blue, who somehow was able to lead her through the maze-like ship without hitting one single dead end.
Finally, Rose came around a corner, and saw ahead of her a group of fairies, heading for an exit-port. She stopped dead still, and a fairy with long white hair turned around slowly. She looked at Rose, and although her face remained still, her eyes flashed through hatred, shock, horror, recognition, and something Rose couldn't place, all in the matter of a few seconds. Then, without a word, the rest of the fairies rushed towards Rose and surrounded her, two of them grabbing hold of her arms. Rose hoped blue knew what the heck she was talking about.
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