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View User's Journal

Shahal Rainrix
A few thing in my life.
This is my first RP ever. spelling errors and all THe moon shine through the trees. A small girl ran through the forest.She was covered in cuts and wounds. She had wolf ears instead of human ears and a wolf's tail. She tripped and fell into a thorn bush. SHe quickly got up and continued to run. tears ran down her face. a pack of wolf demons close behind her. then from a near by tree a half sleeping boy into the path of the pack. One of the demons who seemed to be the alpha male snarled. "Move boy!" The girl stopped for about a momment but then ran again.getting as far away as she could. the looked over with sharp snake eyes yand. A bright flash as blood for a near by wolf was spilt! SOme of the demons from the pack rushed at the boy. One went to rip his arm off whle another lashed at him with poison claws.The alpha spoke. "YOu will pay for that BOY!" the girl hid in a tree as high as she could. A nother flash as the wolfs found themselfs a distance away from the boy headed 4 each other haedon. The alpha sunk his claws into the ground befor leping at the boy and went for him with poisonclaw as well. the boy shot into the air with alarming speed. His eyes glowd with aviolent green as he spock with a hundred voices. "sssaaaaaaayyyyss ttttaaaaa iiiyyyyssszzz iiiimmmmmnnnnooooooo" his skin terned to a shrowd of darkness aspain shot through the alpha. The alpha still stood. he cringed and went for the boy again. His eyes blood red. the boy tern away from the alpha and did not budge nore blink or breath. The alpha bit into the boy. He bit down hard.[/quot blood flowd with smoothy down the boys shoulder. he terned his head and bit the the alphas ear and sreeked like nails on a chockboard. The alpha's ear bled. to his keen hearing made it sound so much worse. The rest of the pack fled. but the alpha was determined. he went to sink his claws into the boy. the boy fliped the alpha and dug his fingers through the alpha's arms The alpha yelpd and growled. He broke free and ran deep into the woods. the small girl looked at the boy from the tree she was in. she did not know what side he was on. she had gripped the bark of the tree tightly. the boy took not even a step only to fall.he cursed himself "Damn y am i so weak. i..." then he stoped he diden't move not even a blink. The girl jumped down from the tree. She moved behind a tree closer to the boy trying to remain hidden. She peeked her head out to take a good look at him. the boys wound began to move as a hooked needles came from near the wound as it was fixed. The his hand twitched violently. The girl went to go behind a different tree. she stepped on a twig and it broke. she ran to the nexttree and pressed herself up against it in hopes he had heard or seen her. the boys hand slowly came to a stop. All his movement stoped. The girl inched out slighty. "A-A-Are you o-okay?" She asked quietly. the boy did not repliy. but his pocket began to move as a black Fairox(Fairet/Fox body size,face an body of a fairet. ears,tail an color of a fox.) crawled on his back. She moved a bit closer. "uh.."She went to touch the boy's shoulder. her hand moved ever so slowly."A-are you a-a-alright?" the Fairox ran to the girl hand and began to growl. SHe quicly pulled her hand back and backed up a bit. she whimpered softly with her tail between her legs. her hands were clenched together just above her chest. the Fairox ran to the girl hand and began to growl. SHe quicly pulled her hand back and backed up a bit. she whimpered softly with her tail between her legs. her hands were clenched together just above her chest. the boy grabed the fairox and said"no Dice. its ok girl." he satup with Dice on his good shoulder. She backed up a little more. she had a scar/marking on her shoulder from her old pack that told she was a half-breed. Her ears and tail were jet black along with her long unruley hair. Her eyes were red and filled with fear. her skin was as pale as the moon. she had on a torn black tattered tank top with torn tattered grey baggy pants. she wore no shoes. she was about 5 foot 3. The boy looked her up an down with amithyst snake eyes." whered u come from want somthin to eat?" The girl blinked afew times and poninted to where he alpha had fled. She had shook her head no. She backed up against a tree and covered her scar. "So what did u do wrong?" the siad without a look of consern. SHe spoke quietly and mumbled. "I am a half-breed...that is all." the boy stood and swung around to the girls back with alarming speed. Compard to her he looked to be 6feet tall. THe girl flinched and hid behind her arms. he bit index finger open. It bled more then normel. He rapidly spred it over the scar as it evaperated taking the scar with it. Dice looked in awe. "Why woul you do that?" she aske quietly looking up at him. it was the Grim Pixys. I'm infested. hens the weakness. they do things at my expance. "But why whoul;d you do that? You don't even know me." "I was forced from the tree and sleep by Grim Pixies. they use me to help others even if it kills me. if i don't die they fix me." sigh... "I-isn't there anyway to get rid o them? Cant you do something?" ((brb go on and respond but i gots to shower)) "its not that easy they can stop me simply by paralizing me."*sigh* "Is there anything I can possibly do? AFter all I ended up making them make you help me." Dice spoke in a slik voice"well i don't think so. but y don't u come with us.' "B-but...um...well I guess...Well I know you are dice..." She now directed her attention to the boy. "But what is your name?" ((gah i am so close just need 3,000 gold to get the ears i want.)) "Name " "D-don't you have a n-name?" she was still very quitet and her ears were flat. "don't think i ever did." the boy tryed to laugh but failed. "well then I will just have to give you one then i guess...right?" "don't think i ever did." the boy tryed to laugh but failed. "well then I will just have to give you one then i guess...right?" ((oh me gosh! thankies)) "a name for me..." the boy looked at Dice. "WOuld that be alright dice? I mean...I need to call him something besides boy." "i would... like that." the boy diden't seemed careless that is untill he smiled she smiled..."Um...How about...Xem?" ((pronounced like the first part of xemnas.)) "Xem?" he leened over to her eye level"I like it"Xem went forward to steal a kiss. SHe let him steal a kiss. SHe blushed slightly but it seemed a lot more since she was so pale."I am Rose." "Rose how pritty. Apple." "Apple? no thanks." ((I am guessing he is asking if she want one?)) "so the werold is big and we need sleep. how bout u rest on my up in that tree." "I guess we do need sleep. I don't see why not." ((i g2g for the night sends the reply and i shall reply tomarrow! night night alex *hug*)) All through the night Xem watched rose sleep. ((NIGHT shal u sleep well." Rose slept quietly and never stirred until the light of day shined in through the trees. When she woke she had almost firgotten where she was but remembered quite quickly. Xen wideawake scooped u Rose and jumped from the tree. he stood her up."so where we going. what place would u like to see." "I-i don't know...." She was slightly startled still. "well me and Dice have been wandering cuz we can't think of the next place to hit." "I don't know much about this area...the pack never told me anything." "hhhmm. i know lets go to Kingdom Wing the castle in the sky." "Ok sounds good." "Ok" Xem said with a smile. Xem pushed his hand into his head and pulled out a cloud. he picked up rose jumped on to the cloud and put her on his shoulder. Rose was suprised but not to suprised. She had never met someone so nice since her father and mother had died. "sua!" Xem shouted quickly. The cloud shotoff so fast they could not see the world pass by. "Eep!"she closed her eyes. "sua!" Xem shouted quickly. The cloud shotoff so fast they could not see the world pass by. "Eep!"she closed her eyes. "where here." Xem said gently. they approched slowy to a castle made of stone and cloud. She opened her eyes and analyzed the castle. "sua!" as fast as Xem said it they where in side. Rose looked around. "Interesting." "i Know a large city in a buttiful Kingdom. So many things to steal." Xem smiled a big smile. "S-STeal?! But stealing is wrong!" "so is hate someone for being diffrent." Xen said without a second thought. "But...that is something different! I mean there is no way....." "but?...woulden't u like new cloths "Xem said in a bribeing voice. "Well yes...I mean no! not stolen clothes!"She looked away. "well how do we get cloths then?"Xem ask in a sly voice. "We work for them Xem!" Rose turned her back. "Hahaa next i suppose u will say i should live somewhere." Xem said in a care free voice. "That isn't funny. My pack never LIVED anwhere." Rose crossed her arms and kept her back to him. Xem smiled and turned his head "there's a make. wait here." Xem began to walk tword a crowd of people. "Xem! YOu better not do what I think you are going to do!" Xem didnot stop he stagered into the crowd bumping into people. With that rose walked away. She ventured deeper into the city. as Rose was walking some one grabed her and pulled her into an ally. "Let go of me!" her hands immediatly turned into claws and she went to attack who ever it was justt by reaction. "Kittys got claw."Dice's voice came. "huph can u even fight."Xem's voice came. She yanked her arm from his grip. "What does it matter?! And yes I can!" "Kittys got claw."Dice's voice came. "huph can u even fight."Xem's voice came. She yanked her arm from his grip. "What does it matter?! And yes I can!" "well we picked u out some cloth." Xem held up a back tanktop with the words"so sexy" in pink and black cargo pants with pink trim."hope u like em." "I refuse to wear them! They were bought with stolen money!" ((PINK?!)) Xem glard. his finger doubled in langth he waved his arm at Rose three times fast. her her cloths slowly began to slide."now what." Xem snikered. ((only a little pink)) She clenched her shirt and pants to herself and hudled up against the wall of the alley. She whimpered. "heres the cloths i won't look an i'll keep a look out" ((stoopid computer)) She had no choice but to put the clothes on. but when she finished she jumped to the roof of a building and jumped from roof to roof as fast as she could. Xem fallowed on his cloud with ease. "do u really hate me so?"Xem said with feeling. "I don't hate you...I HATE what you do!" "Your prittyrietches for someone treated so badly."Xen said in his most downing voice."yaeh." added Dice. "I wasnt always treated badly......My fater died along with my mother...and the pack no longer put up with me being a half breed." She stopped. "Well I am sorry i aint what you expected Xem. But You arent what I expected either." "BUT YOU ARE WHAT I EXPECTED!" Xem shouted."CHAOSE TO MY LIFE! i love it. i knew u would be an handfull." Xem smiled "you named me so you can thank yourself for nameing someone who's been dead for 10,217years."Xem's face wen't blank. SHe dropped to the ground and huddled into a ball covering her ears. She began to cry. At times like this she wished her father were alive. It wasnt that she hated xem but everything came so fast thee just broke down. Xem jumped from the cloud leaveing Dice on it to fly away. He layed down next to Rose legs crossed and arms under head.Xem staered at the clouds. Her whole body shook violently. Xem roled over and pulled her close and held her warmly. Black markings appeared on her arms, body, and face. Her nails on her claws grew larger and her wolf fangs lengthened. This was something she could control. This was completely new, it had never happened before. "your cute in thoughs cloths."Xem said gently as he wen't and licked Rose's cheek. "Don't even start! You can't expect just cutting my clothes off to blow over!" She curled up tighter trying to shut everything out. "Hahaha I'm glad you feel better."Xem said with simpethy. she said nothing for 3 hours and didn't even look at xem. "I want to leave." She said sounding slightly irritated. "leave to where?i don't have a home."Xem said with confusion. "Anywhere but here." "leave to where?i don't have a home."Xem said with confusion. "Anywhere but here." "skry." the cloud ran into them. they landed in a large spashis town."now what?"Xem said with intrest. SHe squatted down and sunk her nails in to the hard cobblestone like it was butter. A nearby fountain exploded and all the gold inside flew everywhere. She took her hand out of the cobblestone and walked towards where the fountain had been. "are you hungy you need to eat."Xem said in a disarming voice. "I am not hungry." She collected the gold up and put it into a pouch. SHe tossed it to him. "This should hold you over. No stealing." She didnt necessarily like taking it from the fountain, but it was batter than taking it from people. Xem reatched into his hair and pulled a bag 25x the size of Rose's bag and throw hers into the founton."its not nice to steal wishes." Xem smiled and pulled a coin from his bag and gave it to Rose."make a wish." "Wishes are only false hopes." She ran her fingers through her hair and walked on into the woods. Xem fallowed her."nonsence its a wish that sent me flying 10217years.She was about your age what a wish."Xem picked up his pace Dice fallowing close. "I don't beleive in wishes. They don't come true." "hahahaa. R u so sure?" Dice stared at Rose wan'ting for an answer I am sure." Dice darted to Xem who was walking looking at tree branches. Rose jumped into a tree and jumped from tree to tree. "Where u going?"Xem shouted. "ANywhere i want." "hope u don't plan on being alone." "I don't see why you have to follow me everywhere like a lost puppy." "ME A LOST PUPPY.U DON'T EVEN NO YOU ARE." Xem started to follow."U NEED ME MORE THEN I NEED U. THAT'S WHAT THE PIXIES WON'T SHUTUP ABOUT." "If you think that then you can just leave me!" "IF I DO I CAN'T USE MY ARMS" "Well tell them I said for you to leave." "LIKE THEY LISTON TO RESON!"Xem jumped in to and grabed Rose's leg and brout her into the air. "I saved u memder u would have died.U might as well start a new with me."they began to fall 12story. "LET GO OF ME!" "LIKE THEY LISTON TO RESON!"Xem jumped in to and grabed Rose's leg and brout her into the air. "I saved u memder u would have died.U might as well start a new with me."they began to fall 12story. "LET GO OF ME!" "OK I WONDER IF IT WILL HERT WHEN WE HIT THAT ROCKY RIVER."Xem let go and pointed to sharp jaged rocks.they where10storys now. "Stop it you sick S-o-B!" Xem swung his arm toward Rose and they stoped mid air."Please continue.You sick... What?" Xem said blankly. "You heard me! UGH!" She crossed her arms and looked away. "NNooo. What am i?" "A sick son of a b***h!" "hay what a sec if i let go i don't have to listen to Pixies cuz we be dead!" "YOu can go die if you want but I refuse to!" "i wan't to ask u well y not li..."Xem was interuptied by by a flaping nose.He turned to see a dragon comeing.The dragon was red and twise the length of Xem. "WHy don't you do something?!" The dragon came fast. Xem grabed her leg flipt to steped on the dragon's head and wen't 20 more storys and throw Rose 10more When she began to fall back down she looked around to see where the dragon was. The dragon was after Xem.Xem reached in to his hair and pulled a scroll kissed it and throw it in to the open moth of a dragon.Rose found her self on Xem's cloud with Dice. The dragon turned gray and the lifeless dragon flu in to Xem hard."NO!"squeeked Dice. Out of pure instinct she jumped of the cloud with such great spped and ran up the dragon's back. here eyes were completely black. She pushed of the dragon's muzzle and flipped grabbing xem by the arm. SHe threw xem up onto the cloud and then kicked the dragon on top of the muzzle making it's lifeless body hurtle towards the ground. SHe stood on it's head and as she came close to the trees she jumped into one, but a wing of the dragon smaked into her and she fell to the ground unconcious. Xem land with an open stooich.Dice ordered the cloud to the ground.the cloud landed Xem next to Rose. but the blood stoped flowing. Rose had a huge gash going diagnally down her face fromher left eyebrow, across her nose , and ended right at the corner of her mouth. Dice paniced."what do i do.Wait i no."Dice grabbed Xems hand and bit his finger open. And rubbed blood on her gash healing it.Xem dident move. Rose was motionless and paler than ever. Her markings had spread even more. Dice opened his mouth and pulled out a green vile."Xem said this wix anyone.well if i don't give to Rose Xem be mad."Dice poored it into her mouth to awake her instantly. SHe jolted up right. some of the liquid ran out of her mouth and down her chin. she had a small bit left in her mouth. "Ah my head!" she looked over to see xem lying next to her motionless. "Oh god!" Small gray figurse rose to there waist."scway sway tata cytiiee."The biger one said to the others.they took needle and thred and got to work fixing him. Her eyes were wide and still pure black..."Oh my goo....."SHe fainted. she could not take the site of him being sewn up. Small gray figurse rose to there waist."scway sway tata cytiiee."The biger one said to the others.they took needle and thred and got to work fixing him. Her eyes were wide and still pure black..."Oh my goo....."SHe fainted. she could not take the site of him being sewn up. he sat up and at the same time spit up blood. ((whoops)) ROse remained out cold. her hand twitched. Xem grabbed Dice and Xems hair spiked his teeth and fingers lengthened his eye glowed red."Why is she like that dice!" Xem said in a growl."well...uuuhhh...i...she..."Dice said in fear.Xems tightened his grip without mirsie.Dice squeeked in pain. Roses hand griped his arm. though she was passed out she could still sense what was going on.It was like she was dreaming. "don't..."she whispered faintly. Xem snaped to and droped Dice and turned to normal.Dice ran into her pocket.Xem reach over quickly and wiped the blood away shes alive. Her hand fell back to the ground. She was now in a sleeping state. Xem looked to her pocket."Dice clould u ever forgive me?"Xem said with a heavy heart."well i can hate a meal ticket." Dice said hertfully.Xem layed his head on her exposed stomic. She woke an hour later. she held her head. she had a massive headache. Her eyes were back to normal. "ih...my head." Xem made a move tward her face like he was going to kiss her but spit some thing into her mouth and said."no more hert."Rose felt insantly better. She couldn't remember wha had happened. "What h-happened?" he looked at the dragon's corpse. "I thought u could tell me." "Maybe Dice knows...wherever he is..."She hadn't noticed he was in her pocket. ((I g2g for the night...sleeps well alex *hug*)) Dice poked from out of her pocket. "What happened dice?" ((o btw....my life does revolve around gaia...when i got my twst back today...i had put my name as sesshomy )) "Well there was a Dragon! Xem throw a thing in its mouth it died and then it wen't flying into Xem and Xems stoumic opened. he fell u jumped and throw him at me and u tried to pull a Xem and jump off its head."Dice said franticly 'Oh.....Wait! How could I....nevermind." her left wolf ear twitched. "so whyed u save me?"Xem asked. Dice wen't back into Rose's poket. "I...I don't know." her left ear twitched more violently. "o'well forget it.NOW FINISH...YOU SICK..."Xem shouted with a violet smile. "Just forget it...." Both of her ears twitched now. Blood began to drizl down Xem's lips he began to sway. "Xem!" "Just forget it...." Both of her ears twitched now. Blood began to drizl down Xem's lips he began to sway. "Xem!" "I nee..."Xem passedout "DIce! What do I do?!" Hands came out of his mouth. then a well dressed gray boney Grim Pixie Steped out. "Oh my god!"[/quote "hello.im the boss. u are geting to be up seting to are home. so i'll make u a deal." "W-what is it?" "Good are host seems to enjoy u.Witch is becoming work for us. So if u keep him under control.We will not help him steal or tell him to steal." "I can try..." "No no u must agree." "NO!"Dice jumped out of her poket. "I don't know what to do! Why don't you just leave Xem be?!" "Don't listen to Pixies.Boss u no Xem is a thief on his own u don't have any say in that!"Dice said tryumffintly."so u got me."the boss said. rose looked confused. The Boss jumed to her should."Well that was an anoying attack if he die well take u over."He flow like a bullet in to Xem. She sat there without saying a word in shock. Xem cofft and came to. RoSe just sat there.Her eyes wide open. "where are we? how long was i out." "Not to long...we are still in the same place." "I'm tired of this place. Lets teach u how to steal." "I wont steal!" "Why not?" 'IT IS WRONG!" her left ear twitched again. "Why not?" 'IT IS WRONG!" her left ear twitched again. "Whats so wrong about it!" "It is just wrong!" "But whats so wrong." "It just is! I won't do it!" "Not even to SERVIVE?" "Nope. Not even to survive." "So then how do we survive with no job skills?" "We learn them." "Hay wait a sec." Xem reached into his hair and pulled an hourglass out."Time for work."the hour glass was near empty. "Work?what?" "Let's go get on the cloud." "What work?" "I'm going to be late."Xem picked up Rose and jumped on to the cloud."SUA!" "WHat work?" they arived at a crumy castle."here we r.lets go!"Xem took off into the castle. "Go where?!" she ran after him. "THE BOY!"A fat man said happly."It's Xem now Buzy.""oh got a name now!""Rose gave it to me."Buzy smiled at Rose."good she can help u.need to steal the Forlornhope mirror." "Oh No I won't! I don't steal." She crossed her arms and her ears flattened. She looked irritated. "well u said we should work.Buzy how much is the emplyer paying?""$400,000.""where we stealin from?""CASTLE SHROUD!" "I did not mean this kind of work!"she looked pissed off. "A JOB IS A JOB IS A JOB!" "YOu can go yourself. Just drop me off somewhere. I wont take any part in this." "A JOB IS A JOB IS A JOB!" "YOu can go yourself. Just drop me off somewhere. I wont take any part in this." "not even for $50,000."Xem said in his bribeing voice. "NO! YOu would have to brain wash me to get me to steal! And don't get any ideas!" "What afrade u might like being a natty G-I-R-L."Xem smiled. "NO!So don't even try it!" "Fine i wont ask u to steal.But ur still comeing with me." "I don't see why I have to...I can see it now...'Accompless found at the scene!' "her left ear twitched again. "Castle Shroud is abandoned.Well the golems are still there.See easy." Her left ear twitched more violently. "I dont want to go!You can't make me!" She put her left hand over her left ear to try and stop the twitching. "It's not like were stealing from any thing with feelings." "Stealing is still stealing. Why can't you just go without me?!" "Glad u feel that way."Xem ran over and throw Rose over his shoulder.Xem jumped on to the cloud."sua" "HEY! I DO NOT APPROVE OF THIS!" SHe hit his back with her fists! "To late where here."Xem landed them on the roof."Ok Dice ready to work?""Yeah!"Dice jumped out of Rose's pocket and ran into a hole in the roof. Her left ear twitched violently once more. "I am not going to talk to you!" She crossed her arms. "THANK THE GODS!" She punched him hard in the face. her eyes and left ear now twitching. she thought to herself 'jerk!' "I like it when your like this." One of Xem's teeth fell out but was quicky replaced with a new one. She crossed her arms again. both of her ears twitched. 'sicko' she thought. Dice returnd. "That one."Dice pointed to a roof.Xem jumped imieditly to the roof and fell thourgh. Rose just stood there looking away angry. the cloud ziped to Xem.He came out with the mirror."So Rose what are going to do with your share?" She gave him a look like 'Nothing! you know i dont use money from stolen goods!' SHe still wasnt going to talk to him. the cloud ziped to Xem.He came out with the mirror."So Rose what are going to do with your share?" She gave him a look like 'Nothing! you know i dont use money from stolen goods!' SHe still wasnt going to talk to him. "well Dice looks like someone wasen't taut the rules of the world." SHe glared at him. her right ear twitched so she scratched behind it. "Take what u wan't. Give nothing back. Live at all cost." SOmething in her snapped. Her eyes turned black and she rushed xem griping him by the throat and ramining him into a walll. he held him there panting. her panting was deep like that of a wolf. SHe growled. Xem smiled "DO IT." She squeezed his throat tigher. her claws drawing blood from his neck. The markings deepened to a red. Dice paniced ran up Rose and bit her ear. SHe dropped Xem and grabed dice yanking him off. this took of a small chunk of her ear. She looked dice in the eye growling. her claws grew sharper. she pulled her other hand hand back getting ready to strike. Xem punched her."no who the real thret is." Xem's hair spiked She swung around and kicked xem right in the face. she had dropped dice in the process. After Xem got Kicked he felt strange.His fingers langthened so did his tung.he grabbed Rose's hands in his one pinned her to the wall pressing his hips to hers and licked her face. She bit into his arm growling. She bit hard. ((i g2g cya tomarrow...bye bye. sleeps tight.)) Xem diden't let up. he grew more amorus. She bit harder. She began to tear his skin. Xem's skin turned onix Black and his eyes turned dead white. She didnt losen her bite. she tore even more. Xem swug her into the air. Purple gas came off him killing the grass and bugs turning them black.Dice ran. She turned around on her way back down. her claws aimed right for him. Xem helped push her hand throw his stoumic and un leeshed a flury of headbutts. Her whole body went limp and she was out cold. Xem pulled the arm out and healed instantly he slowly turned to normel "seems dieing has its perks."Xem smiled. Rose breathing went back to normal and her eyes turned back to nrmal. Xem pulled the arm out and healed instantly he slowly turned to normel "seems dieing has its perks."Xem smiled. Rose breathing went back to normal and her eyes turned back to nrmal. "that it?" Rose gave no response. SHe was truely knocked out. "This could become fun." Xem cut himself and fixed Rose. She was still out. her left ear twitched. He picked Rose up and kissed her. SHe was just like a rag doll, her joints had all given out. Xem took Rose to a tree and layed her on him. ((just takin a guess on this....)) She woke next morning feeling weak. to her...last night seemed like a bad dream. ((good guess)) Xem rimained the asleep. Rose slid down the tree and used it for support. "what the hell happened?" she whispered to herself. Xem moved his haed still asleep three apples and a small sack of jerky. Rose walked on into the woods trying to gather her thoughts. Xem jumped down."U NEED TO EAT OR U WILL DIE!" "I have gone longer without food." "DO I HAVE TO FORCE U." "YOu just might...cause I wont eat." "GOOD." Xem ran over his arm muscles doubled in size. She jumped up and landed in a tree. "I wont eat!" Xem still on the ground punched throw the tree."WANNA BET!" She jumped to another tree. "YOU CANT MAKE ME!" Xem busted throw that tree."IT DOESEN'T MATTER U NEED TO EAT TO KEEP STRONG!" "NO I DON'T!" She jumped into a taller thicker tree. Xem busted throw that tree."IT DOESEN'T MATTER U NEED TO EAT TO KEEP STRONG!" "NO I DON'T!" She jumped into a taller thicker tree. Xems arm returned to normel."THATS IT!" he skreached like nails on a chock boared. SHe covered her ears. they were very sensitive. Xem lept screeching at Rose. She covered her ears tighter. She dropped to he knees. "STOP IT!" Xem grabbed her and stoped."now will u eat. it's not how long u can go with out eating it when u last eat." "I wont eat." "WHAT!why not." "I dont feel like it." her mind was to preoccupied on thinking to eat. Xem pulled an juicey peach out of his hair and bit into it as juice ran down his chin. "WHat happened last naight? all I remember is having a dream..." Xem kept eating. "ANswer me Xem!" He kept eating. She stood up and looked him right in the eyes. "Tell me you jerk!" "eat 1st" "fine."she mumbled. Xem smiled happly he polled a bag out of his head."This is what your body needs."He handed her the bag. She pulled out something small and took one bite. "There I ate. now tell me." "nice try.Now all of it." "I don't want it all!" she took one other bite. "there...i refuse to eat anymore." "Then u refuse to listen so why should tell u anything!" (i have to go) "UH!" She ate the whole peice. "THERE!" "Then u refuse to listen so why should tell u anything!" (i have to go) "UH!" She ate the whole peice. "THERE!" "there's more food and drink in the bag." "I don't want anything else. I ate something so be happy. Now tell me what happened!" "In that bag is the stuff your body needs." "I don't eat much. So get used to it. I had my fill." "Get use to not hereing what happened." "How much more then?! And dont say the whole bag. Cause I cannot stomach that much!" "Just keep the drink k." "FIne. Now please tell me what happened! And where is Dice?" "Oh he's in your pocket. Isn't he?" "I don't know..."She felt around the sides of her pockets feeling for the furry lump of fur. "well he might have went to Buzy's.well after last night..." "W-what about last night? What happened?!" "U got upset. Very UPset." "I did? What did I do?" Xem took a few secntce to think about it..."U got stroger faster and blood thersty."Xem said with glee. "How can you be happy aboout that?!" Her voice was slightly paniced. she had also just noticed her markings had turned a deep red. "oh geting ready to go agen?" Xem took a Fighting stance. ((so you know the markings had remained the red color.)) "I think not!" (oooppps) "thats to bad. Well lets go get ower money."Xem steped on the cloud and reached his hand out for Rose. SHe took it. "sua."and in a instant they were at work.Xem ran inside"Dice r u here?Hi Buzy.""well hello uuuummmmm...Xem right?""yup" Rose followed him in. "sua."and in a instant they were at work.Xem ran inside"Dice r u here?Hi Buzy.""well hello uuuummmmm...Xem right?""yup" Rose followed him in. Dice jumped from a near by seport beem."I-i-is she better?""yes." She looked at the ground. "I...I am sorry dice...for whatever I did." Dice diden't pay no mind he just ran over and crawled in to her pocket."Here is the mirror.""Good!"Buzy handed Xem three large bags. Rose closed her eyes. "Can we go now? I need to get away from everything." "Ok and heres your share." "I don't want it...just...just keep it." "i coulden't keep your share but i'll hold it for u."Xem picked here up and hoped on the cloud."where to?" "Somewhere without people." "Ok sua."Xem landed them in a foggy graveyard. It was day but now is night."this is the graveyard of eternel night no people."Xem said in a casul voice. She walked off into the graveyard. Xem walked over to a big old tomb cover in vines he kneeled to it. She was deep in the heart of graveyard. SHe put her her middle and index finger on a certain marking on her chest. There was a bright light and her physical body was left in the graveyard. her spiritual self was brought to a vast land of dead trees. the bismal lack was so dreary and a thick mist covered the ground. Xem sat sinetly at the tomb stone She walked to a huge gothic style tomb herself. Consequently, because dice was in her pocket, his spirit was transported as well, though she haden't noticed. SHe pushed open the large doors. Dice poked his head out her pocket. Inside there was a large alter and a large coffin of concrete. The coffin was larger than a normal sized building. Next to it was a smaller concretes coffin that was a bit larger than rose. Rose walked up the larger one and put her hands on it. She pressed her lips onto a carving of a name in the wolf demon language. "Why did you have to go?" she whispered to herself. then in the language she was born with she spoke"Est leh visla fida res." she then spoke in english. "May your spirit find rest." She began to cry. she rested her head on the coffin. Dice slid his head back into the pocket. AFter about 10 minutes or so she left and closed the doors. she once again put her fingers on her chest and was abck in her physical body. she stood up and went to find xem. Xem still at the tomb looking at were letter would be if vines are now. "Must have been someone important to you. Am I right?" "yes long ago." "I know how it feels....." "yes long ago." "I know how it feels....." "good thing your not reckles as I was." "I wouldn't be so sure." She walked a few feet away through the graves. she sang " know this will not remain forever However it's beautiful Your eyes, hands and you warm smile They're my treasure It's hard to forget I wish there was a solution Don't spend your time in confusion I will turn back now and spread My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with My broken wings How far should I go drifting in the wind Higher and higher in the light My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with My broken wings How far should I go drifting in the wind Across the sky, just keep on flying Keisoku no dekinai itami to keisoku no dekinai jikan no narega subete wo umete shimaou toshitemo soredemo watashi ni wa kanjirareru sora kara ochitekuru no wa sora kara ochitekuru no wa ame de wa nakute Did I ever chain you down to my heart 'Cause I was never afraid of you ? No,I couldn't hold you any longer Love is not a toy Let go of me now The time we spend is perpetual Our future is not real I'll leap into the air My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with My broken wings How far should I go drifting in the wind Higher and higher in the light My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with My broken wings How far should I go drifting in the wind Across the sky, just keep on flying Sora kara ochitekuru no wa are wa ame de wa nakute" Xem stood his skin turned black then night his went to dead white his hair spiked a horred smell filled the his body was a coorps."DO U SEE NO WHAT RECKLES IS!" "Yes.........I do. It was my fault my father was killed. It was because I was reckless." "Well you at least diden't kill your self.It was my fault she died." Xem went to normel and looked to the tomb stone. Rose closed her eyes. "Blaming ourselves will get us nowhere." She walked out into the forest. "I never...was never strong back then with that humen body. it was my fault if i was faster i... Lets go." Rose pulled out a smaller blade. SHe pulled her hair up and cut her hair short. She then cut her wrist and but the blood on her hair. A creature formed. it wasvery small. in the wols tounge she asked it to look overall the souls so they werent disturbed. "Alright...lets go." Xem pulled rose to the cloud."ok so now where?" "How about....Halen? it is a very old style city. It contains mostly those who chose to remain in the gothic age." "sua." The city was surrounded by larges stone walls. Inside there were quaint little dwellings. The people dressed in the old gothic style. WHen they arrived rose ran a head to a home that had smoke coming out of the chimeny. She knocked on the door. "Well come on Xem." Xem wald slower then normel to Rose. A male around 17 opened the door. He had red hair and grey eyes. He was thin. The boy smiled. "Hello Rose." "Hello phill...This is xem." Phill looked to xem. "Well hello xem." Phill wrapped his arms around rose and hugged her. SHe hugged him. Xem...this is phill....he is my friend from when I was very small." "hi."Xem looked around. phill moved back. "Well come on in!" he said warmly. Rose grabbed xem's hand and pulled him in. Xem walked around looking allaround Phill spoke. "Would you like anything?" Rose sat in a comfy couch. Xem kept looking around. Phill left and came back with drinks."Here you all go." He handed one to rose and one to xem. he hadent gotten any for himself. Rose took a drihanks phill." Phill sat next to rose and put his arm around her and pulling her close. rose han't really noticed. she was oblivous to these things. Xem looked at the drink then downed it all in one shot. Phill spoke. "So Xem...What are you doin' haning arpund with my little Rose?" Rose was halfway donr with her drink. Xem looked at the drink then downed it all in one shot. Phill spoke. "So Xem...What are you doin' haning arpund with my little Rose?" Rose was halfway donr with her drink. "Why did the others try to kill her." "Oh they did now? Well she is a half breed. I heard that her father had recently died. Her father was the alpha before some other took over. They probably had enough of putting up with her. They say her as a disgrace to the pack." Rose finished her drink. The day was turning to night. Xem yawned and went for the door to go out side. Rose looked at Xem. "Where are you going?" She said as she fell asleep on phill. Phill made sure she was asleep then picked her up. "Well...you can sleep on the couch xem when you get back. I am gonna put her in bed." Rose was asleep but her eyes were slightly open. Xem just looked over then continued. He went to the graveyard he then took his true form.Xem's tured blacker then night his finguers langthend his eyes turned dead white and his hair spiked he groow fangs and wings and layed at the sam grave."I love u Kakareen." Xem sleeped at the grave. Mean while phill took Rose upstairs. He lay her on the bed. he took off her shirt, pants, and bra. Then he put a white silk button up pajama top of his on her. he buttoned it up and then kissed her on the lips. Dice came out of her pocket and went on the bed and snifft around to see if he hurt her. Phill left the room. She didn't seem to be hurt, but her markings were fadidng and she had a funny smell to her. Dice walked on to her stomic did three turns and layed down. In the morning, the sun shined brightly through the window. Rose didn't wake up though as she normally did. She remained sleeping. The sun shined right in dice's eyes. Dice was wakened but stayed put. Mean while Xem was wake at the Graveyard of eternel night stareing at the tombstone shrouded in vine's. Phill had walked into the room and sat in an arm chair. He looked at rose. He seemed sad. Dice satup and srared at him. Phill did nothing. He had a drink in his hand. He downed it then threw it against the wall. He wept. Rose didn't stir. She was still asleep. "what are u trying to pull?"Dice asked in serious voice. "I am trying nothing." He said angrily. "Why would I do anything to the one I have loved all me life?!" "love? U sounded so careless about her father's death and the fact she almost died!" "I have to act tough infront of her." "why?" "She has always known me as being tough. WHy don't you just go fnd Xem and leave." Dice smiled."Now why would we do that." "She doesn't belong with you. I know that." Dice smiled."Now why would we do that." "She doesn't belong with you. I know that." Xem arived in his human apperince and walked in."Looks like Xem's back. You know Rose gave him that name."Said Dice with Xem still down stairs. 'It doesn't matter. YOu and Xem should just leave. You know she doesn't belong with you!" Dice looked at Rose."He might she looks like her. Xem just needs." "YOu don't know anything. I am not going to let him take her way from me!" Rose woke up. She relized she wasnt in the clothes she had fallen asleep in. She was horrified. Phill had practically seen her naked. Xem unaware stood in the liveing room. Rose set dice on the bed. She was unaware of what they had benn talking about. "Phill...Why did you do that?" He wasn't exactly sure of what she was talking about. He grabbed her arm.. "I do everything because I love you." Rose looked at him. "Phill...We went over this so long ago...You know i don't feel the same way!" When she tried to pull her arm away, she couldn't. Phill had put something in her drink that had disrupted her powers. He pushed her against the wall. "I am not going to lose you to some freak!" He kikissed her and was abel to restrain her with just one hand. With his other he put his hnd up her shirt. "STOP IT!" she yelled out. but he wouldnt. he kissed her again and slid his tongue into her mouth. Xem herd the noses and got ready to investagate."Xem!" Dice yelled.Xem darted up the stairs and into the room. Rose tried to gethim off but couldnt. Phill payed no attention to xem or dice. Xem pulled a dagger out of his hair then grabbed Phill's hair and put it to his neck. With his free han phill pulled out a dagger and held it to rosee's neck. "Go on...but I am taking her with me!" Rose sobbed and was paralyzed with fear. "I can bring Rose back." "DOnt be delusional.WHy would she care about a freak liike you?! Why would she even want to look at you?!" "She dosen't need to like me she can hate me.But i need somthing and she can help me." "Oh what? Besides sex....there are prostitutes for that! Why don't you just leave! Then we can be in peace!" "My need are dark."Xem's eye glowed yellow the room turned black but Rose,Xem and Phill were as clear as day. "And what needs are those?! Huh freak?!" Rose closed her eyes tight "I'll show u where i've been for 10,217 years then u will under stand."Xem rammed his hand into Phill's side. Phill fell over. Rose just stood there unable to move. she was in a state of shock. The room went back to normel."You will see true horror for eternity."Xem smiled. ROse's mind had hit overload. she began to fall forward. Xem grabbed her and tossed her on the bed next to Dice. Rose wept. That was bout all she could do. Her friend she had known for so long had violated her. She didn't know left from right or up from down. Xem grabbed her ankle."I see good very good your still perfect."He broght her to the ground and set her down and he turned to normel. "What the hell is your problem?!" she yelled. This time was different...she seemed to have control over herself this time. she wasn't like a wild animal driven on instinct alone. "had to make shur.Can never be to safe." Dice ran out draging Rose's clothing. "Now where do we go Rose." "Had to make sure of what?!"She yelled angrily. Xem smiled."its a suprise."he said in a dark voice that could chill anyone to the bone.Dice arived with her cloths. "You have explaining to do! What is this that you NEED me for huh?! I Refuse to go anywhere with you unless I know!" "But if I tell I'll ruin the suprise" "Tell me! I don't care if it ruins it or not!" "Your cloths."Dice sat next to Rose. "It will be ok."Xem went to toutch her arm. Rose backed away. she turned around and ran into the woods. she was moving to fast to be seen my the normal eye of a human. "So thats how it is.Dice her trail." Dice streched three times longer and seemed to disappier. Rose ran zig-zaging through thhe trees. Dice looped and turned easly unfooled and leaveing a trail.Xem went throw following the trail with out fail. rose jumped into a tree and went from tree to tree. Dice was not fooled he followed. She came to a lake and dived in going deeper and deeper. Dice got to the water his fur fell out and were replaced with scales and fins.He continued. She went into a tunnel that lead to an open cavern. she surfaced and sat on a rock. Dice found the cave and turned around and shot a blue beam in to the sky.Xem looked up and got his cloud."sua."He arived over the water and doved in fast. Rose sat there and looked at the dark ceiling. Xem saw Dice and went into the cave. Rose lay on the rock now. Xem came in."Don't know what your up set about." "I don't care wether you were lying to him or not. You said you needed me for something 'dark' and I wanna know what you need me for anyhow!"[/quote] "Hehehe. I said dark as in night."[/quote] "Just be straight forward....why do you need me? Why?"[/quote] "Its a suprise."Xem went to pat Rose on the shoulder.[/quote]"I don't want it to be a suprise. just tell me." "Well the gift...can only be seen at night...so we have to go to the Graveyard of eternl night."Xem still looked upset."I realy diden't want to ruin it." "Well...um...it's ok...really." "Well how bout we go to the Graveyard." "sure...." Dice came in looking like a serpent.Xem dove into the water."where's Xem going?"Befor Rose could talk Dice followed Xem. Rose was close behind. Xem and Dice were waiting on the cloud Dice lost the scales and fins and went to normel. Rose got on. ((hehe...i have a prediction. but i wont say what until i see if i am right or not.)) "sua."When they got there Xem touched Rose on the arm stinging her."In two seconds u will be asleep for three days." "Xem?"she said quietly before falling. ((haha! I might just be right!)) Xem brought Rose to the tombstone.Dice went away."Soon Kakaireen."Xem ripped the vines off the tombstone a face of a goddess was on it. Xem put his hand on Rose and pointed the other at the grave."skay suur sece skay suur sece sk..."nothing was happening."what? No reaction even if Kakaireen was reincarnatid her soul would sti...unless...Rose is Kakaireen."Xem pulled out a vile and gave it to Rose."this will wake her." ((who couldent see it.)) Rose woke. "What is going on xem?!" it was as if she was finishing her scentence from before. ((um...my friend jay wouldn't have..he is oblivious.)) Xem picked up Rose."my wish did come true."Xem pulled a small box out of his hair. ((lol)) Rose pushed of him and stood away from him. She saw exactly where they were. It didn't take her long to figure out the whole situation. "so..." Her voice was slightly shakey and tears welled up. "I see how it is...You just wanted her back. I meant nothing...Just stay the hell away from me!" THis time she actually vansihed. She reappeared inside her father's tomb. SHe lay ontop of his coffin sobbing. Xem layed himself agenst Kakaireen's tombstone he looked at the box. meanwhile at the tomb, rose began to cahnge.a horrble distiburbing creature now lay there. It's fur was silver and stained with blood. The left half of the creature had black flames, while the other had white. It's eyes were glowing bright red. the left side had a torn up blood stained wing, and the right had a white torn bloodstained wing. Blood dripped off it's body and out of it's muzzle. It smelled horrible, like a mixture of graveyard, garbage, and decaying flesh. It's breath reeked of death. The creature reappeared in the grave yard. It began to destroy everything in it's path. The corpses were ripped from their graves. Xem sliped the small box into his hair.And went to his true form.but continued to lay there. The creature headed towards xem. When the creature reached him it snorted. The stench was awful. Blood and drool dripped from it's mouth. "Your the father of Rose arn't u." "NO..." The creature was hardly understandable. It snarled and bore it's teeth. ROse had almost no control. "Do u eat the dead?Have u come to eat me?"Xem brout one wing over himself and the other around the tombstone "I not and have no intention of." Rose was losing all control. blood tears ran down her face and muzzle. "I..." she struggled to regain control..she did not want to be like this in the first place. "Don't see...why this world should be...........trust is something.......that is a lie............others...."she shook her head. "Are so selfish." "Do u eat the dead?Have u come to eat me?"Xem brout one wing over himself and the other around the tombstone "I not and have no intention of." Rose was losing all control. blood tears ran down her face and muzzle. "I..." she struggled to regain control..she did not want to be like this in the first place. "Don't see...why this world should be...........trust is something.......that is a lie............others...."she shook her head. "Are so selfish." "Rose...U might never for give it's ok."Xem pressed his self ageinst the tombstone. "I...didn't.......show it."she paused. "but...i had.......loved you......you loved her....and wanted me...to be her........and i...am not her." she paused yet again. "I belong with my father in the other world. So just...Kill me." "I can't do that.I NEED TO BE KILLED I WAS NOT BORN A DEMON I WAS RESIERECTID AS ONE I'VE..." "Just kill me.....please....just do it." Xem stood."I...I have to go."He took the small box out and throw it into the grave yard. Rose lay down. Xem took flite Still looking in the drection of were he throw the small box untill he was out of sight. Rose closed her eyes and homed in on xem. Xem's wings flaping disappered into the night Rose went through the grave yard and picked up the small box within her huge fangs, gripping it ever so lightly. She ran into the forest. Xem landed where the grave yard met the forest on the oppiset side.he went to a near by tomb stone covered in vines and begane to dig. The small fox like creature rose had created watched him. Xem dug deeper and deeper then stoped he pulled out a large stone box and removed the lid to peer inside. The small creature growled. it was just doing it's job. Xem payed no mind to the fox like creature. he crawled into the box and layed down in it. A large white wolf peered over the side and looked at him. But the wolf was transparent. Xem layed next to a decrepid skeletion dressed in rags. The wolf's voice was deep and yet kind. "Get up boy." Xem sat up."why do bother me?" "On the contrary. YOu bothered me. YOu woke me from rest. Come with me." He turned and walked into a portal. Xem stood and began to followed. once inside the prtal it closed. there was nothing but black...except for right infront of them. in front of them is what was like a movie screen...but not exactly. Trees rushed by all around the..or the seemed to. "Do you know what ypu are looking at?" "On the contrary. YOu bothered me. YOu woke me from rest. Come with me." He turned and walked into a portal. Xem stood and began to followed. once inside the prtal it closed. there was nothing but black...except for right infront of them. in front of them is what was like a movie screen...but not exactly. Trees rushed by all around the..or the seemed to. "Do you know what ypu are looking at?" "On." "Look closely." the screen periodically went black for a few seconds. Then the trees had stopped moving. it panned around before looking at the ground. that small box was there. they now heard heavy panting.[/quo "the box?why do u show me this." "Keep watching." The vision now was facing a big boulder. it kept getting closer than farther away. red started to cover the screen and a cracking sound was heard. "Do you know where we are now?" "i don't no. i want to go back and sleep with my human body.Well whats left." The wolf shook its huge head. "I hope you are happy when she is dead...." Everything around then fadded back to the graveyard. Xem was now alone. Xem took to flight."ROSE!" There was a trail of blood where she had been. The boulder and trees around her were spatered with blood. Rose lay on the side of the path in her normal human like form. She was drowning in a puddle of her own blood. Her skull was cracked open. Xem dived down next to her. he bit his wrist open and bleed violently on to her head and pulled her from the pudle."Don't die Rose!"Xem went to listen for a heart beat. She had a faint heart beat, it was there, but so very faint. Xem turned to his human form."Hold on Rose." Xem layed her on her back. Her breath was shallow and she was becoming more pale. Xem placed one hand over Rose."Kazaka."Xem shocked please work. She gasped..but at the same time spit up blood. since she had been laying face down before she had taken in some blood. Xem in a panic picked Rose up by the akils. The rest of the blood that was in her mouth drained out. she gasped for air. Xem layed her back on her back. Her breathing was heavy. Xem wiated hopeing for Rose to get better. After a long while her breathing started to go back to normal. Xem smiled."That it Rose pull throw." She began to gain some of her color back. her left ear twitched. Xem's eye opened and serched around. Rose was only about 20 feet away. Xem stood with grate silince and mad his way to Rose."Better." Rose turned around. "So are you going to leave now? SInce i cant be her?" "I no u hate me.i used to love Kakaireen.I destroyed my own wish trying to be with u." "I don't hate you...I am just hurt. She is happy on the otherside you know. she would want you to move on...I am not telling you to...but i know spirits well." "Your her she is you your souls are one in the same!" "Well I am not sure about that...." ((I g2g to bed..c ya tomarrow alex *hug*)) "The spell i performed would have took Kakaireens soul from anywere and replace yours.but the her soul and your soul are one in the same the soul didnot respond becuse its where i wanted it in the first place." "If I was her...then I would remember everything from the past...and I don't" "wrong it her soul not her mind.if i put another soul in the body the mind would go blank." "This is just so confusing" She sat herself on the ground and closed her eyes trying to make sense of it all. "so what...why don't u hate me?" "I don't really hate anyone. Especially those I care about. I just am hurt...." "you're so alike it's unblevable." Rose looked to the tops of the trees. "So what now?" "i guess we...Well u can still be a theif." "you know my thoughts on stealing..." "how would u make a liveing?U don't look like u have skills unless your good in the sack." "Oh don't be such a pervert! I could be a mercenary." Xem's eye twitched."and that better then a theif?" "I guess not...." "Your going to be the second death of me." "I guess....theif it is then...I do have talents.....but noone would except a half breed." "Your going to be the second death of me." "I guess....theif it is then...I do have talents.....but noone would except a half breed." "Good!So lets get to Buzy and Dice."Xem grew wings in his human form."I Have to fly us." "Fine." Xem huged Rose tightly and took flight. Rose held onto him. Xem's flying was low.they were only three feet off the ground."only 2 more hours." she nodded. They arived at Xem's work place.Dice came running out."Hi Kakaireen.I'm Dice." "I am still rose..." "What?"Buzy walked."Xem i thought u loved Kakaireen.Rose u mus...""She's Kakaireen reincarnation." Rose looked at the ground. "Boss Dice meet are new employee." "....." rose bit her lip. "well then what can u do?"Buzy asked."I'm training her."Xem answered. "I can do much on my own..." "GOOD!Xem hard mission low pay take the rookie leave Dice.Your looking for a box of rings at the Magra fortrce.""Looks like we'll see some action." "Ok." Xem's wings wen't back in and he hoped on to the cloud takeing Rose with him."sua."they arrived at Magna fortrce. Rose looked around. Xem pointed down at a large mountion covered by balkinys and surouded by a small wall. She looked down that way. "now this is it. we enter one of the windows. we sneek throw to the tresurey go in and take the box...and maybe any thing else we like." Rose's eyes turned black and the markings returned alon with the spikes. this would be the only way she would have her normal strength. "now this is it. we enter one of the windows. we sneek throw to the tresurey go in and take the box...and maybe any thing else we like." Rose's eyes turned black and the markings returned alon with the spikes. this would be the only way she would have her normal strength. Xem grabbed Rose by the arm."stop you don't have to fight.sua."Xem put them near the window. "Didn't plan on fighting...I was weakerthan a human before. this puts me at normal strength. I don't think you would want me passing out." Xem pulled a small vile out of his hair."this will tripel your stregth for...2...hours." "No...I am fine like this...beleive me." Xem put it back and poked his head into the window."Clear Rose."Xem hoped in. SHe followed not saying a word. Xem looked agine down the hall he ran into the first door on the left without making a sound. Rose went to but moved so fast she couldn't be seen. Xem had one hand raised to signal stop.two men sat at a table looking at paper faceing the oppisite way.Xem creeped up and grabbed their throwts.The men scrached at Xems hand thier face's turned blue and they pastout.Xem droped them. Rose waited for him to make another move. "Rose keep a lookout."Xem started to undress one of the men. She stood outside the door and kept her eye on the hall. "Rose comein."Xem had a bronze mask and red uniform on. She cam back in. Xem shut the door and took a long and wide bandige."Take off your tanktop and bra." SHe knew this wouldn't be comfortable. She did it though it felt akward. Xem waited for Rose to remove her top. ((she already did silly.)) (O) Xem wraped her breasts tight untill they looked to be 1/3 of the size."Now put your top back on.And these on."He held a uniform and brones mask."loose the extra power." She put her hirt back on and reverted back to normal. She but on the uniform and mask. Xem reached under the table and pulled out a large hat.Xem tucked Rose's ears under the hat.he pulled a midsize box out of his hair."let find the tresurey." She nodded. Xem reached under the table and pulled out a large hat.Xem tucked Rose's ears under the hat.he pulled a midsize box out of his hair."let find the tresurey." She nodded. "ok let go."Xem opened the door and walked out and turned left."Don't forget to shut the door." Rose followed and shut the door behind her. They approched a split in the in the hall.A man was walking up to Xem."Cadets what are u ding here." She stood there calmly. "Sir we are lost Sir.Are destination is the tresurey sir!" 'Oh yes...that is smart...he is SURE NOT to know we are not real cadets.' rose thought to herself. "Cadet why don't u know were the tresurey is.""Sir we are new cadets from Volimga kingdom.""Ok Cadets go past the first left turn take the next then take another left.It will be the big door.""thank u Sir!" Rose waited for Xem to start walking. ((g2g 4 the night...c ya tomarrow)) Xem began to walk.the other officer contiued the way he was going. Rose continud as well, but at a slower pace. They got to the tresurey without a prodlem."Open the door." The door was obviously locked. She used her excellent hearing to tell when she had cracked the combo andthen pushed the door open. "There ya go." The room sparkled with gold and silver."find a small box of rings.I'll get the other things."Xem began to drop expensive looking weapons into his head. Rose found the box and sliped it into her pocket. She waited for xem to get what he wanted. Xem sliped a black wing with a handle into his head."u find it? we need to go." 'Yeah yeah...I got it." "Good."Xem walked out the door. Rose waited a minute...but then she followed. Four guards and the men who gave them the diretions."Nice try...but no one can steel from Magna."Xem had his hands level with his shoulders. Roose quickly put her hands on xem and they both vanished and reappeared in a forest. "Dang.U can teleport?" "Yeah..." She shrugged it off as if were nothing.

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