These are the characters from my up-and-coming comic book "Geek Love". It's about a boy named Michael Stewarts from America who has to move to Japan due to his father's promotion. When he attends a new school, he finds that there is a boy that everybody hates. His name is Seichi Azunagatani. He is the geek of the school that NOBODY and I mean NOBODY likes. One day, when Michael was in one of his popularity moments, Seichi walked in the lobby of the school. People were saying mean things about him as he walked and the bullies that had him do their homework were about to beat the snot out of him for getting smart at them.
Michael didn't like the sight of Seichi being bullied at all, so he stood up for him. After he did that, the bullies went away. Seichi walked away from the crowd, the people, and Michael, but all Michael could do is follow. He's been trying to get Seichi to at least thank him for what he've done, but Seichi wouldn't.
As soon as Michael got on Seichi's nerves, Seichi turned around romantically like which made Michael as spellbound as his aunt Athena.
At that very moment, Michael fell in love, not only with just one measly person, but with the geek of the whole school.
As Michael kept annoying Seichi, Seichi had no other choice but to accept him as a boyfriend to get him off his back. As the months went by and the weeks went slow, their love for each other grew stronger and stronger. As it grew, people were starting to respect Seichi more. Seichi finally made some friends. One named Azuko. :

and one named Maki. :

Maki has a boyfriend, Scott is crazy in love with Seichi, but with Azuko as his girlfriend, he can't get to him. Truth is, is that, Scott doesn't really love Azuko. Azuko doesn't really love Scott. Azuko is in love with Michael and would do anything just to get rid of Seichi. Maki is also in love with Seichi as Seichi is in love with him, but they just don't show it.
Seichi has a bit of a past behind him. When he was 13, his girlfriend Macy was murdered. Now, he'd do anything to find his lovers killer. If he doesn't find out who did it by the end of the year, he will kill himself. Macy looks like this. :

Will Seichi have to put up with the fact that he's an extreme emo, the fact that his lover is an idiot that his father forced him to date, the fact that he has more than one boy liking him, and that fact that his girlfriend's ghost haunts his life forever?
Haha. This is the romance, comedy, and shocking comic I've ever made besides "Hades Lost Demon and Moon Crest". Haha. Yep that's right! When Michael figured out that he was dating a geek, he automatically called their relationship "Geek Love." That's where I got the title of the book and I got it from an old song I used to like. { no matter where I go, that song is never there so I gave up looking for it..... That's why I've created this so it'd be easier for me.}

{ Just pictures I found to support the title.}
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