Estimated Total: 50,047 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 07 January 2007)
Completed and entered into Arena 1/29/07
Score: 6.5369
Sli 2.0

Estimated Total: 83,068 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 02 February 2007)
Completed 2/3/07 Entered into Arena 2/4/07
Score: 7.0686
Arena Description
Love is not lost
It is not meat nor drink
Nor a floating spar
To men that sink
And rise and sink
And rise and sink again
Yet many a man is making friends with death
Even as I speak
For lack of love alone
It well may be
That in a difficult hour
Pinned down by pain
And nagging for release
I may be driven
To sell your love for food
Or trade the memory
Of this night for piece
It well may be
I do not think I would
But I would fight you
Happily for slumber
**note: I wanted a skimpy look**
Love is not lost
It is not meat nor drink
Nor a floating spar
To men that sink
And rise and sink
And rise and sink again
Yet many a man is making friends with death
Even as I speak
For lack of love alone
It well may be
That in a difficult hour
Pinned down by pain
And nagging for release
I may be driven
To sell your love for food
Or trade the memory
Of this night for piece
It well may be
I do not think I would
But I would fight you
Happily for slumber
**note: I wanted a skimpy look**
By Miwa Usagi