I entered with my family! It was going to be a pretty big fight…I had to fight a girl first…I am not good with women…Kyo was fighting a vampire...and then R.C. had to fight a mysterious man in a black cloak…Sora had the thug from the bar... it didn’t stand a chance…and Tec was just going to watch. It was clear we all were going to win are first fights…but fighting each other may be a problem…
“Are first fight is between are top fight Yangi! And the new guy, Diaz!” yelled the announcer!
The fight with me and Yangi started…she too was a half demon…she was quite pretty, but looks don’t make up for skills. I took a punch at her but she easily dodged it…she was a fast one! Then she created a -Element Trigram-, a special move only alchemist can use…it’s supposed to amplify your element by the size of the trigram! She then shot a very powerful dark ball at me…it hit me right in the arm…numbing it. “Just give up…your arm is totally useless and soon it will melt to your body!” She told me…in other words…I lost…I couldn’t believe it! But there was something about this poison she wasn’t telling me…it was making me feel weird…and she noticed it right away. “Uh…are you ok? It’s only supposed to numb you!” she cried, I started to gag out black ooze! Then the man in the black cloak looked at me…and smiled…why was he smiling? Then I saw something in his eyes that scared me…something I knew was going to change my life…I may have lost this battle…but the next fight…is going to cost a life.
The man with the cloak then jumped in the arena and punched Yangi away! She then went to charge at him, but I ended up telling her to get back! She listened…and looked at the man with the cloak. He then looked at me…and smiled…what he said next scared me to a point the ooze coming from my mouth made me feel warm…
“Hello son,” the man in the cloak smiled, “I missed you!”

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freaky ninja