Kathryn: Kat is my closest mate because she always being there for me when i realy needed her and she is a a great person and good fun to be with.
Sophie: Me and Sophie are getting closer because each day i am learning what a fantastic perosn she is and i like hanging with her thats why she is one of my closest matyes.
Laura: Laura one of my closest mates because she makes me laugh more then anyone and is funny seriously peopel slap her because she screams. Shes wicked even through she taking credit for the old mclozza song. BIsh i added the hackett bit.
Khan: Khan my closest lad mate because hes like soo loveable and realy good to talk to and well he is just well khan.
Well thats all my close mates( exept vicky,sarah and Sammy)
Btw lozza here the new song!!!!
Old mcmorgan had a farm ehh ii ehh ii oh and o and on that farm there was a hackett ehh ii egg ii oh.
with a hackett here and a hackett thete.
Here a hackett theres a hackett everweres a hackkett.
oh old mc morgan had a farm eh i eh i oh.
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