Art History (why I didn't readed the book?! gonk )
and drawing test.
On drawing test we have a A1 Sulfite paper to fold in any 3-D shape (except sphere)
Then we needed to drawn it w/ light and shadow, next drawing was just a quick scketch of that
and 3rd drawing , look at the interesting shapes made on the first and second drawing, and compose/ create a new drawing w/ that...
Tomorrow is the interview, wish me lucky @_@
it's 2,5 ppl for 1 place @_@;

note to myself: start to put a sign in my pics, even done w/ mouse! >_<
January 24
Interview was today, Too much anxiety....
Well... it's over, I shouldn't ask how I was, but I asked
I was medium o.o;;;
now just be lucky and wait for my results ^^;