Gaia Name: Lady Sei Shadow Character Name: Sei Race: Shape-Shifting Demoness Age: Unknown, but her appearance has decieved many into thinking she is a quiet young lady.
Height: 5"5 Weight: 125 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black with hypnotic red swirls
Primary Fighting Style: Secondary Fighting Style: Primary Element: Fire Secondary Element: Dark/Shadows
Description/Identification: Sei's long black hair flows down past her waist, but when she needs to be quick-paced she ties it up. Her blood-colored eyes can seem to see into the very depths of ones soul for they seem to always stare endlessly that you never know when she has looked away. She bares a single tattoo along her spine of tribal skeletal wings with branded marks around them. Her male-form has jet-black spiked hair and muscles that hold strong, bangs that hide the feature of his darkened red eyes, and a tribal tattoo going down his right arm and on his neck slightly, carrying across his chest and leaving off on his left shoulder.
There are three other forms she can also shift into. A crow, Fox, and dog. All of which are black to hide the tattoo, but cannot hide the brands that yet can be hidden underneath the fur. But still they all have the same cursed red eyes.
Background Information: Not much is known about Sei except she can tend to be a very ruthless murderer. For she does not spare those that don't seem to matter to leave living. Being a hired killer she is skilled and manipulative when it comes to both men and woman. She has been known to take on male form to fool a female target for she is a shape-shifting demon. She was not this way for her whole life however. When she was younger she was human... which now is a century past. They say a man broke her heart, by beating her till she was barely living, so she pled for power to avenge her broken soul and was made a demon, returning to him a month later after they beleived her dead, finding him in bed with his new fiance'. She murdered them both in the dead of night and removed their hearts from their bodies. No one knows what she did with the hearts, some say she ate them, some say she kept them. A dangerous mind she is rumored to have so it is upon high caution when one decides upon approaching her. For she knows no regret. Yet can fool anyone when she is on the hunt for a target.
Reason for Joining: Because Sorla asked Nicely and I need to have a lil fun ^.~
 The Dangerous One
Rayse Aki · Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 01:48am · 0 Comments |