I am afraid of life but full of promise I wonder how far I can take my education I hear an invisible person criticizing all of my actions in life I see waves of pressure flowing through and around my loved ones I want to understand the secrets adults keep hidden from me I am afraid of life but full of promise
I pretend I’m alright when I’m not I feel bitter about the knives stabbed in my back I touch the roots of wise, old trees to absorb their knowledge, but only in my dreams I worry about the end, but I’m not sure if it’s mine or the world’s I cry when I realize how much hate is in my life I’m afraid of life but full of promise
I understand the world’s fate is out of my hands I say people can control their own destiny I dream of love I’m not supposed to want I try showing people I can believe in God and not hate myself I hope the future isn’t to harsh when I meet it I am afraid of life but full of promise
Alatria · Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 01:05am · 0 Comments |